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Forum Index > Suggestion Box > Suggestions for Smoother Revamps
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Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/6/2013
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Posted: 6/20/2014 at 9:22 PM Post #1
#1 Consider having a feedback thread for lineart tweaks. As the idea of sharing the art with us earlier was called impractical, having a thread where people can suggest lineart tweaks such as I did with the wings on the Vul would be a preferable alternative. Posting opinions on how the lineart may be improved in a thread where there are dozens of pages of people just expressing their negative or positive reactions made things difficult. I would have loved to have just had somewhere that's talk about possible tweaks only. No opinions period.

#2 Knowing that the Draeyl is next is really helpful. Please consider continuing to let us know who is on the agenda directly next when known. I think that will help give people extra time to prepare for changes.

#3 I think a few free dyes handed out to players would be nice in the cases of colors getting switched around so much like they did on the Vul. It eases some of the shock value if we can swiftly fix up some of our pets that suddenly look odd to us.

#4 As many people feel sad they cannot save pictures of their Vul now, perhaps consider posting a photoshop or paint friendly (flat image) version of the original Vul lineart so people may color a representation of their pets? Watermark, copyright, etc if needed.

Note: Anyone is free to make more suggestions if they have any ideas. But no opinions on the revamp itself stated here please. Also Krin has already stated there will be more notice in the future, so I didn't suggest it.
Edited By Zelly on 6/20/2014 at 9:31 PM.
Level 62
Majestic Brewmistress
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Posted: 6/20/2014 at 9:36 PM Post #2
A redraw is one thing, messing up the markings entirely and replacing a desired marking with an undesired one is something else entirely. It removes choice...that's not a good thing on a breeding sim.

Changing the basecoat to a color that matches the markings themselves, which makes the marking INVISIBLE isn't the best idea. In fact, it was pretty stupid.

Auto-changing a desired marking to an undesired one after changing the basecoat in a redraw to show off the new art instead of the patterns desired by the player was idiotic beyond belief.

I haven't been here long enough to get attached to the original art, but the 'planning' and 'excution' of this shows that several areas were either not included in that planning or nobody bothered to think things through and that bothers me.

I'd like to suggest the use of COMMON SENSE, in all future projects.
Edited By Nabiki on 6/20/2014 at 9:42 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 6/20/2014 at 9:46 PM Post #3
Even though your suggestions are directed at myself and Faiona, please keep them constructive and respectful.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 6/20/2014 at 9:56 PM Post #4
I think this is coming up after stables anyway, but if not, if profiles could come next that would allow a person to keep an image of a pet from before any changes next to the new version. I think that would help ease future changes.

Actually, I don't know if this is possible, but if it could come out before the Draeyl change, people could have the images up already in advance and thus afterwards you'd be better able to recognize a pet that's significantly changed and make it easier to redye it to better reflect the original style of the pet.
Edited By Savynn on 6/20/2014 at 9:58 PM.
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 6/21/2014 at 2:00 AM Post #5
I know with the Vulnyx people were quite upset over loosing the sleek look of the original and that Fiona mentioned the possibility of a sleek cat type in the future. Now, I don't know if with the next 5 revamps (top six pets in the generator are getting revamps, yes?) that similar issues will occur, but if they do (since the Qitari and Zolnixi are well loved) it might be a good idea to open up a thread for submission/suggestions on what a new 'replacement' pet might be/look like.

I think having something more constructive for people to do then air their complaints would probably help and give them something to look forward too as well.

Additionally, it would also probably help prepare people if there was a bit more information about changes taking place aside from just indicate the next pet to change. For instance, bulkier, sleeker, majestic, what have you descriptors or even silhouette images to give people a better idea of what to expect. This would also probably help to create excitement and anticipation, working towards reducing resistance to the change. =)
Level 62
Majestic Brewmistress
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Posted: 6/21/2014 at 2:01 PM Post #6
I see it's still not fixed. The only colors on it should be the two markings in two different shades of green, over the dark basecoat. The markings were placed on the dark background to make them stand out properly: Get rid of the Lynx and put the Flame back where it belongs. The way you have it, I can't even see the lucky rune marking.

I'm still waiting for it to be repaired. As for my remarks...that was constructive. To be frank, you made some thoughtless and ill considered changes. Most people don't mind a redraw on the rest of the sims I've seen. What they mind is when both the colors and patterns they like are changed also. That part is just not a good idea. Which is why they don't do it.

Constructive criticism is telling someone that they messed up, how they messed up and what they can do to fix it. It includes telling them how to avoid the problem in the future. That isn't disrespectful. It is not disrespectful to let someone know that a decision was made which was a really, really bad idea. I will not tell you little white lies just to make you feel better, if you're waiting for that to happen you may as well give up now. White lies are still lies and liars aren't to be trusted.

A mature response to constructive criticism would normally involve an apology instead of the reaction that I just got from you. As I mentioned in your messages, I'm 51, a grandmother and very grumpy with you at this point.
Edited By Nabiki on 6/21/2014 at 2:16 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 6/21/2014 at 3:07 PM Post #7
support on all points Zelly, I would especially appreciate the dyes.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/21/2014 at 3:30 PM Post #8
At 56 years old or should I say 56 years of experience/ knowledge I have learned that not everything will go your way. When it don't you accept it and move on. Do I like the change in the vulnyx, not really. Some I can handle but most, no. I was collecting them (around 30-35) to start a breeding project but decide to just keep the ones I like(10). I know to wait and see how they evolve and give myself time to adjust to them. Krinadon and his wife have been fair and understanding from the get go. But as managers of this site they are not going to change something that was and is a ton of hard work and dedication for the few people complaining about and not liking the changes. For Nabiki I say this, You are only 14 days old and it only affected your 2 vulnyxs. You have other types of animals in your stable, so go with them. You can't get rid of your starter but a lot of people have used other types for their main team.
Level 60
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Posted: 6/22/2014 at 2:21 AM Post #9
Constructive criticism is telling someone that they messed up, how they messed up and what they can do to fix it. It includes telling them how to avoid the problem in the future. That isn't disrespectful. It is not disrespectful to let someone know that a decision was made which was a really, really bad idea. I will not tell you little white lies just to make you feel better, if you're waiting for that to happen you may as well give up now. White lies are still lies and liars aren't to be trusted.

Last I heard, 'constructive criticism' didn't include words like 'stupid' and 'idiotic'. There's a huge difference between having a temper tantrum, which is what your post amounted to, and saying something constructive.

They say 60 is the new 30. With your post, I'm sad to say, seems like 50-something is the new 10. >_<

A mature response to constructive criticism would normally involve an apology instead of the reaction that I just got from you.

Really? So, why don't you? It would be the mature thing to do, instead of the reaction Krin got. As far as I'm concerned, he has nothing to apologize for.

Just throwing some constructive criticism your way. :)

And Zelly, you have good points. :) I support.
Edited By Shadow on 6/22/2014 at 3:32 AM.
Level 70
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Posted: 6/22/2014 at 3:37 AM Post #10
Support on Zelly's points.

If anything, I'm amazed such threads AREN'T locked for commenting. I am extremely amazed at how Krinadon and Faiona handle this kind of mixed reception.

I honestly have seen all sorts of THINGS IN LIFE take changes, and calling them for better or worse is totally opinionated.

I have always looked at Sylestia (AND EVERYTHING IN LIFE OMG) as something where changes that are not in my hands should not be manhandled by me, but instead worked around. These are all admins' choices, and if you just don't like it, I'll spare you the most obvious thing people say.

I don't really like fussing with the changes that go on with Sylestia. I just want to get used to them. If I really dislike a pet, just...don't stress yourself by looking at it. If I dislike a battle, I don't plunge myself to do it. If I dislike players, I don't pick fights with them.

Anyways, back on topic.

Sharing with the community more progress, albeit unnecessary, is probably a good buffer for people to at least brace themselves for what's to come. Maybe at least announcements for this sort of thing, both in the forums and the front page of the site.
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