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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Warrior Cats: A New Land
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Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 2:37 PM Post #1
The following is based on Erin Hunter's Warriors series.

Many people have heard of the five clans founded many years ago: SkyClan, who's talent is leaping great hights; ThunderClan, talented at climbing and hunting in the underbrush; ShadowClan, who are most talented at hiding in shadows; Windclan, the fastest runners; and RiverClan, the best swimmers.

But what if i told you that these were not the only clans? This is the beginning of the New Land clans. After twolegs brought their ancestors over the Great Drinkless Lake, many cats were either released or escaped. Some move continuously, while others found homes in unexpected places. However, as time passed, the cats became unsteady, and many tensions began to rise. soon, a war was fought in many areas of this new land. Coincidentally, the fights of the new land cats happened at the same time the old land cats, and in one fell swoop, they had all experienced the visitation of the ancestors from so long ago. After the fallen companions of the new land cats ceased their visit, leaders arose among the survivors.

Mole became Molestar, and founded MoleClan, the greatest diggers and fighters in tight spaces. They are the smallest, but their strength in numbers is great, and they have the strongest family bonds.

Night became Nightstar, and founded NightClan, the quietest hunters of all the clans, able to stand right behind someone and not be detected. They are also the proudest cats.

Light became Lightstar, founding LightClan, who are able to use the light of day and night for their favor, and able to see well even in the brightest or darkest areas. These cats are also the best tacticians of all the clans, and the most loyal.

Rock became Rockstar, founder of RockClan. They are able to handle even the toughest terrains. They are also the strongest and have the thickest fur of all the clans.

These four clans live in a remote mountainous valley near a solitary farm. MoleClan live in tunnels below a plain. Nightclan live in a thick pine and oak forest their camp located in a group of clustered oak branches entangled together. The ground is filled with leaves all year long. LightClan lives in a reflective terrain, and they can see the edges of their camp at all times from one spot. The camp is located in a cave with much greenery. The land surrounding has very few trees and is only slightly rocky from the mountains. RockClan lives in a rocky hill terrain with many sharp stones and hard to reach places. There is very little underbrush there. The camp is located in the center of a ditch with an entrance shaped like an upside-down funnel. apprentices must build up much strength to exit, and Warriors can carry other cats in and out the entrance with no difficulty. however, there are other, secret ways of exiting camp....

The stories of these four clans starts at the same time Rusty, soon to be Firepaw, started his journey.





1. Take turns rping.
2. Lable which clan it is you're rping to in at the top of your post. It makes it easier to write responses.
3. Remember that you can NOT read another cat's thoughts, only their outward reactions.
4. Be sure to post enough that people can respond to.
5. HAVE FUN! :3



Leader: Icestar (Apprentice Open)
Deputy: Wingflight
Medicine Cat: (Open)
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: (Open)
Nursery: (Open)
Elders: (Open)



Leader: Brittlestar
Deputy: Amberclaw
Medicine Cat: Featherstream, (Apprentice Open)
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: (Open)
Nursery: (Open)
Elders: (Open)



Leader: Skystar, Apprentice: Leappaw
Deputy: (Open)
Medicine Cat: (Open)
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: Leappaw, (Open)
Nursery: (Open)
Elders: (Open)



Leader: (Open)
Deputy: Silvermoon, Apprentice: Moonpaw
Medicine Cat: (Open)
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: Moonpaw(Open)
Nursery: Speckledkit, (Open)
Elders: (Open)


Cats Outside the Clans:

Spikekit, (Open)



To join this roleplay, Click the link below! :3
Edited By Iceflame14 on 7/5/2014 at 4:29 PM.
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
Threads: 7
Posts: 97
Posted: 7/3/2014 at 3:13 PM Post #2
Icestar sat in her den, looking at the reflections of Mirrorcave around her. She could see her clan active both inside and outside the camp. The borders were seen at the farthest parts of the cave, while the camp stood at her feet. She knew that the only spot she could see this was where she stood, at the center of the den. None chose to visit her at this time, and she chose to watch over all aspects of her clan at this spot, staring in silence. StarClan knows this was the only thing she could do.

MoleClan (Edge of the Border)
Featherstream was searching for herbs on the edge of her territory. She searched for something, anything that she could use to cause numbness. Hopefully, this new herb could help with preventing the pain in a kit's scratch. She didn't want the poor little one to be in pain anymore, especially since it was an accident that caused it to be in pain. Without realizing it, her search sent her out of the border into the lands beyond.

Leappaw grabbed the stone with his teeth and, slowly, lifted it up. He had spent the previous day strengthening his legs and paws in order to prepare himself for the Slanted Tunnel, the entrance to the camp, but now he wanted to strengthen his jaw and back. this would be more difficult, as the stone can sometimes hurt on a cat's jaws. Some, he had heard, were not meant for strength building. they usually were assigned more hunting duties than being a guard at the entrance tunnel. But they still trained daily, in order to be sure their clan was still the strongest. 'And i will be the strongest in the whole clan,' he thought to himself, filling himself up with more ambition to keep building up his strength. he held the stone in his jaw until his teeth couldn't take it anymore, then he slowly tried to place it down, but it slipped and dropped. "Fox dung!" he spat.

Speckledkit sighed. she had just fixed this part of the nursery wall yesterday. Stupid mewling kits. just because it was there, didn't mean it had been placed there to chew on! Her ears back, she hissed, but then she picked up another branch and wove it gently into the wall again. She twitched her tail. Hopefully, the kit's mother would listen to her in the future. When she was done, she sighed and backed up, admiring her work.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 3:19 PM Post #3
Silvermoon stared out past the border watching, and waiting, for something to happen. She sighed as her green eyes scanned the territory beyond, she wished she could explore more
Level 56
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 4:03 PM Post #4
(don't forget to label which clan! :3)
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 6:35 PM Post #5
Amberclaw was digging way more tunnels, a secret project, she wanted to make the tunnels to the camps of all of the other clans. But she would only use and tell her leader about them in absolute emergency and battle. She had already dug it in the Moleclan camp (her own, only other enterance.) and LightClan. She still had to do NightClan and RockClan.
Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 8:53 PM Post #6

Wingflight was sleeping in the den that morning until she felt some breeze sweeping into her nest, she woke up and got up slowly.

(It feels nice out here. It's good to get away from the evil twolegs.) She thought while walking out of the den.
Edited By Banzai on 7/3/2014 at 8:53 PM.
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 8:59 PM Post #7
(don't forget to label which clan at the top! :3)
Level 56
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 9:02 PM Post #8
Icestar noticed a cat in the corner of her eyes moving. It was her deputy, Wingflight. She flicked her ears, then stood up and stretched. She had kept a vigil all night, and now she was still unable to sleep. She decided to greet her friend as she awoke. Wanting to be respectful, however, she first trotted over to the fresh-kill pile, to pick out a hawk, then took it over to the Warriors den. Dropping it at the entrance, she sat down again, perking her ears forward. "Good morning, Wingflight. How was your rest?"
Level 75
High Warlord
Joined: 6/19/2013
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 9:08 PM Post #9

"It was good. How are you this morning?" Wingflight greeted her leader,
Level 60
Joined: 5/9/2014
Threads: 33
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Posted: 7/3/2014 at 9:12 PM Post #10

Silvermoon looked around the camp before going to the apprentices den. "Moonpaw! Wake up! Time to go training!" She said as she shook the apprentice with her paw.
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