I'm sorry I kept forgetting to say thank you for calling my characters awesome! I'm not sure if you read about it but some guys laughed at some of my Super-heroes I made for my fan-fiction. Your commit- though probably unintentionally- built up my confidence a little bit. Thank you for that, too. :D
Edited By Bmrbgttyjjl on 10/12/2014 at 11:52 PM.
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 12:02 AM
Post #133
I did see that. Those people are what we call...Well actually, what you should call them is inappropriate for sylestia, so I won't mention it. I'm sure your TT characters were really cool. I was a big fan of the show, if not the comics since I've never really gotten into comics. So I'm a bit curious, I must admit.
Anyway, you have a pretty good grasp on creating a three dimensional character. I felt like I could really imagine them as I was reading about them. I'm excited to rp again, especially with people as competent as you and everyone else. :)
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 3:22 AM
Post #134
I got bored and I needed to procrastinate from studying, so proudly presenting the character list. (sorry if anything is wrong here!)
Headmaster- Mythos the Dragon (Kitsumetails)
Animal Class
Teacher: Duskrade the Cerberus (Marmar26)
Eniko the Golden Hind (Lolidragon)
Penelope the Moon Rabbit (Desiree)
Astrid the Kitsune (Jadelion)
Yukino the Kitsune (Snocone2)
Jubal the Faun (Entropy)
Lesh the Siberian Tiger Dragon (Coradrawa)
Ember the Jaberwocky (Jadelion)
Lily the White Stag (Desiree)
Asher the Sea Lion (Desiree)
Kala the Kitsune/Cerberus (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Kalpana the Kitsune/Cerberus (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Kali the Kitsune/Cerberus (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Bird Class
Teacher:Master Alexander the Phoenix (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Azura the Simurgh (Desiree)
Keegin the Griffin (Lolidragon)
Orion the Chinese Dragon (Jadelion)
Josh the Peryton (Desiree)
Jen the Dragon (Yinwolf0406)
Chusi the Feathered Serpent (Entropy)
Oceanna the Ti-Lang (Yinwolf0406)
Ilandere the Dragon (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Sam the Corrupted Bird of Paradise (Coradrawa)
Tulip the Wy'vern (Coradrawa)
Humanoid Class
Teacher: Stheno the Gorgon (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Tadi the Sylph (Lolidragon)
Severus the Naga (Kitsumetails)
Kenda the Naiad (Entropy)
Zamara the Naga (Donmino)
Saquia the Satyr (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Phinesa the Satyr (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Flora the Fairy (Desiree)
Kage the Fire Demon (Coradrawa)
Emerald the Fairy (Desiree)
Taylor the Vampire (Desiree)
Equine Class
Teacher: Celeste the Pegasus (Yinwolf0406)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Jason [/url]the Kelpie (Kitsumetails)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Ashton[/url] the Pegasus (Marmar26)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Bella[/url] the Alicorn (Desiree)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Serene[/url] the Hippocampus (Yinwolf0406)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Kyoko[/url] the Unicorn (Snocone2)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Lorelei[/url] the Ethiopian Pegasus (Desiree)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Eiji[/url] the Kirin (Entropy)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]A'eda'n[/url] the Horned Winged Hippocampus (Bmrbgttyjjl)
[TEMPLINKREPLACE]A'ine[/url] the Horned Hippocampus (Bmrbgttyjjl)
Umm I don't know if MyrtleCedar's character was ever accepted so I didn't add her >.>
Edited By Lolidragon on 10/15/2014 at 2:17 AM.
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 3:24 AM
Post #135
Also, if anyone knows how to link things to posts please let me know and I'll link all of the character names to the post they are written about on :)
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 8:40 AM
Post #136
Thanks Lolidragon! :)
I've got my links, so here. I spaced it and put their names in boldprint so it wouldn't get confusing. :)
The heck...? Seven characters....
Bella the Unicorn and Azura the Simurgh: http://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=17638&page=1&post#7
Penelope the Moon Rabbit: http://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=17638&page=1&post#10
Josh the Peyton: http://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=17638&page=7&post#64
Lorelei the Ethiopian Pegasus: http://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=17638&page=9&post#89
Flora the Fairy: http://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=17638&page=11&posy#108
Emerald the Fairy: http://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=17638&page=13#128
Edit: Here's Taylor, my newest one (Just below this post): http://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=17638&page=14&post#137
Edited By Desiree on 10/13/2014 at 9:35 AM.
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The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 9:30 AM
Post #137
deleted post
Edited By Desiree on 10/18/2014 at 9:24 PM.
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 12:27 PM
Post #138
I think Chusi would be in the bird class, since she has wings. :) But other than that at first glance your list looks solid.
And now seeing that list, I think I'll definitely have to make my last planned character since humoind and bird class seems to have quite a few more students than animal and equine.
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 1:43 PM
Post #139
Name: Eiji
Sex: Male
Gender: Agender
Species: Kirin (Qilin, but Kirin specifically in Japan)
Student or Staff: Student (Could be equine or animal really, whichever one needs a student more.)
Preferred weapon: Is an incredibly peaceful and diplomatic person, abhors violence. However if someone he considers pure and good is threatened he will defend them, but only with his own body or a staff of some kind. Even then, he tries to intimidate them instead of striking them.
History: Grew up an only child, very doted on by his parents as he was the only child they had ever produced. They spent about equal time in human and Kirin form. Roaming the forests and occasionally appearing to humans and other creatures who were pure to offer them assistance in Kirin form, and studying skills needed to assist the world at large in their secluded shrine in human form. His parents decided that to try and learn how to interact with beings his own age, on his own, and to offer him the chance to make his own way in life he should attend Mythos high. He agreed eagerly, and is looking forward to meeting and helping his peers.
Age: 17
Personality: As a Kirin it is his very nature to oppose anything he considers wicked or violent. His heart is also incredibly soft and compassionate. This has made him somewhat susceptible to manipulation as he always tries to look for the good in everyone. That said, his powers of perception and true intent only grow with time, and anyone he judges to be trying to use him or others he will brush off coldly. Is quite studious and serious, but can be awed be things of a simple nature. Can be prone to fits of passion if he is especially inspired by the cause.
Human form (N/A for Humaniod class): Without the cardinal. He's pretty thin and a bit on the short side as well.
Monster form:First Reference~Second Ref Kind of a mix between these two. Colouring like the first. Body mostly like the first, but with the thicker under scales like the second. Ears and horns like the second, but head like the first (including whiskers.) Leg hair like the second. (Also yes, all the green areas are supposed to be scales. With the addition of the thicker under scales, those would be a lighter green.)
Other: Gets a bit queasy at the sight of blood. He used to faint at it, but his ultimate ambition is to be a doctor so he can do more to help others, and has thus exposed himself to it enough that he's become somewhat desensitized to it. Unlike his parents and indeed most Kirins, he does not have much skill with magic. He sometimes feels like he is a complete failure in this respect, since it makes giving assistance in his Kirin form much harder. This led to his ambition to be a medical doctor, with a second less spoken of one to be a psychologist as well so he can help heal someone's mental scars as well. Keeps this to himself since he thinks his parents would not approve, as such people may not be as pure as those they are supposed to help. Is a vegetarian, cannot stand the idea of eating the flesh of another being. Is unsure of his sexuality as he has never had any deep connection with someone close to him in age, did get "the talk" from his parents but only in the strictly physical sense. Wants very much to understand that part of himself, almost as much as he wants to be the best he can for others and the world. Somewhat easily embarrassed as he is not used to a variety of subjects. Is simultaneously panicked by large crowds and by being alone, since he spent almost all of his time with one of his parents, a family member, or someone they were helping. Tends to a much greyer view on morality than most of his species. Although he believes those who are pure should be defended, he also thinks those who are "grey" can be helped back into purity. Another thing he has never shared with his parents, who view the world largely in black and white.
Level 61
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 10/13/2014 at 2:48 PM
Post #140
Name: Ember
Gender: female
Species: jabberwocky
Student or Staff: student
Preferred weapon: her sword in human form
History: her parents sent her to the school so she could learn to control her magic. When she was younger, she couldn't control it well.
Age: 16
Personality: scaredy-cat, very shy, brave at times, stubborn when she cares
Human form (N/A for Humaniod class):
Monster form:
other: fruit salad
Edited By Jadelion on 12/16/2014 at 1:39 PM.
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