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Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 8/23/2013
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 2:18 PM
Post #1
Hi there!
If you're reading this, its probably because you're new to the site and you're stuck with some kind of issue or you're a seasoned player and just wanted to read the thread :p . I will use this thread to pinpoint a few topics that I've seen brought up over and over again to help new players with common questions.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
"Capture a Sylesti"
Accepting and Completing A Quest
Reputation Badges
Faction/Reputation Points
Expanding Your Party
AP(Advancement Points)
Unconscious Pets
Missions and Leveling Up
Breeding and Pet Aging
Stable Space
Feeding Your Pets/Food Units
Generators and Essences
Selling and Trading items
Selling Pets
Forums, Pinging and IMG/URL posting
Edited By Edibbs on 11/5/2013 at 11:36 AM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 8/23/2013
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Posts: 1,939
Posted: 10/7/2013 at 2:19 PM
Post #2
-Getting Started-
Getting started is probably the trickiest part of this whole game. :p By now, you should already have made your first pet and given it a name; if not, just follow the links that are given in the tutorial box in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. If you read through and follow the tutorial it should point you into the right direction of where you're supposed to go to start your game. The tutorial can be a bit confusing, but just follow any links and objectives that it gives you. The tutorial is fully completed after the quest "Capture a Sylesti".
-Capture a Sylesti-
Don't be fooled by this quest; you DO NOT need to buy any traps to complete this quest. This is a scripted quest designed to give you a future mate for the pet that you have just created. All you need to do to complete this quest is explore through Trollsbright Caverns. After a couple minutes, a silhouette of a Sylesti will appear in the explore window and there will be a prompt allowing you to catch it or ignore it. You are going to want to catch it. Your new pet will be added to your stables and the quest will have been completed.
However, if you are not doing the quest and just want to know how to capture Sylesties, you will need traps. You can buy snare traps in any marketplace in any town. The further you are in the storyline, the more powerful the traps that will be available to you are.
Lesser Snare Traps allow you to catch common and uncommon pets, only. These are the weakest traps and cost 1000gold per trap.
Standard Snare Traps allow you to catch common, uncommon and rare pets. These traps are a little stronger and cost 2500gold per trap.
Strong Snare Traps allow you to catch common, uncommon, rare and epic pets. These are the strongest traps available for gold, currently. These traps cost 7500gold per trap.
Masterful Snare Traps are the strongest traps and they work just like a masterball from Pokemon. These traps will allow you to catch any Sylesti and it never fails. These traps cost 500 diamonds per trap.
To catch a Sylesti, you must first encounter one that you wish to catch and make sure you have plenty of traps available because all of the traps have the ability to fail (except for the Masterful Snare Trap). You don't have to weaken the Sylesti for the trap to work, but it may (or may not) help your success rate. Once you think that you might be ready to capture the wild Sylesti, all you will have to do its select the manage button, select the trap you'd like to use, then select the Sylesti you'd like to use the trap on. Once you have selected all of the neccesary actions, you need to finish your turn. Your pets have to make a move in order for you to finish your turn, but try not to use damaging moves during this time. Use a move like block or mend, instead. Once you have successfully captured your new pets, the dialog box under the explore screen will tell you that the pet was moved to your stable. If you were unsuccessful, the dialog box will tell you that the trap failed and the battle will continue OR it will tell you that the wild Sylesti has fled.
Ultimately, capturing a Sylesti will look something like this:
When you encounter the Sylesti that you'd like to capture, you can weaken it (mind its health so you don't kill it by accident), but you don't have to. When you're ready to try to capture the wild Sylesti, choose a non-damaging move like Block or Mend.
Next, you will need to choose to view your inventory using the little messenger bag icon.
Now, you can choose which trap you'd like to use and which Sylesti that you;d like to use it on. A red target will appear on the stat display of the Sylesti that you chose to try to capture.
Lastly, you will need to click on "End Turn". Once your moves have registered, you will get one of three messages in the dialog box below the exploration screen. It will either say, "Your Trap succeeded!!! (insert Sylesti) has been added to your Stables!", "You attempted to trap (insert Sylesti), but your Trap failed!", or "You attempted to trap (insert Sylesti), but your Trap failed! (insert Sylesti) has fled!" Make sure you check this dialog box after you attempt to capture a Sylesti, so you know what happened if it did or did not get sent to your stables.
When you encounter the Sylesti that you'd like to capture, you can weaken it (mind its health so you don't kill it by accident), but you don't have to. When you're ready to try to capture the wild Sylesti, choose a non-damaging move like Block or Mend.
Next, you will need to choose to view your inventory using the Manage button. Once you click on manage, a list will pop up, you want to select the icon that looks like a net, or just press the number 5 on your keyboard.
Now, you can choose which trap you'd like to use and which Sylesti that you;d like to use it on. A red target will appear on the stat display of the Sylesti that you chose to try to capture.
Lastly, you will need to click on "End Turn".
Once your moves have registered, you will get one of three messages in the dialog box below the exploration screen. It will either say, "Your Trap succeeded!!! (Wild Sylesti) has been added to your Stables!", "You attempted to trap (Wild Sylesti), but your Trap failed!", or "You attempted to trap (Wild Sylesti), but your Trap failed! (Wild Sylesti) has fled!" Make sure you check this dialog box after you attempt to capture a Sylesti, so you know what happened if it did or did not get sent to your stables.
Edited By Edibbs on 11/10/2013 at 6:53 PM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 8/23/2013
Threads: 85
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 2:21 PM
Post #3
-Accepting and Completing A Quest-
To accept a quest, all you need to do is view the town's Quest Board. If there are quests to be done, they will be listed on the Quest Board of that town. Once you get to the Sancuary of Saerielle in Umbra forest, you will be allowed to do daily quests. These are quests that you can do every 24 hours for a reward of gold and a reputation badge.
To complete a quest, you must go to Account>Quest Log. Click on the completed quest to turn it in and exchange for your reward.
-Reputation Badges-
Reputation Badges are a form of currency that you earn from doing daily tasks and missions for their respective town. You can save up these badges and use them to buy exclusive items from the towns armory.
Esior's Haven-
Sancuary of Saerielle-
-Faction/Reputation Points-
Faction is how much the towns that you've unlocked like and trust you. You earn faction, or reputation points, by exploring the respective region that the town is in and battling foes. You can also earn faction by sending your pets on missions for the town that you're trying to become allied with. As your reputation points get higher for any given town, you will unlock items from the town's Town Hall, such as: wearable avatar items, strong potions and elixirs and equipment for your pets.
-Expanding Your Party-
After a few of your first quests, you might notice that you are starting to run into 2, or even 3, enemies at one time and you may be having some difficulty fighting them with only one pet. Well, you don't have to! You can visit the Esior's Haven Plaza, where there will be a Sylesti Hunter
The hunter, in exchange for some gold, will allow you to expand your party by one, so that you will now be able to have 2 pets on your team at once. You can also expand your mission limit here. The next time that you will be able to expand your party and missions limit will be when you get to the Sanctuary of Saerielle in Umbra Forest.
-AP (Advancement Points)-
AP, or Advancement Points, are points that you earn for doing various things throughout the site. You earn them from battling, breeding, hatching eggs, completing quests, missions and tasks and probably for a few other things too. You can use AP to unlock wearable items in your wardrobe, such as new hair styles, facial features and clothing. Account>Wardrobe
-Unconscious Pets-
So, your pet(s) just got knocked unconscious for the first time and you don't really know what to do about it. Well, there are a number of things that you can do to awaken your pet right away.
One of your options would be to give it a Revival Draught. You can get these by visiting the Esior's Haven market, they cost 500g per draught. These awaken your pet and revive a percentage of their health and mana.
Another option that you have would be to visit the Esior's Haven Plaza, where there is a town healer. The healer will ask for an amount of gold in exchange to revive your pet(s), this amount will increase over time depending on how many pets are in your party and how high their levels are. The town healer awakens your pet(s) and fully revives their health.
The final option won't wake your pets up right away, but is the most cost effective. Your option is to just leave your unconscious pet to recover on its own. If your pet is unconscious and you don't have enough gold to revive him/her on the spot, you can just leave your pet for a little while to revive on his own. It will take approximately 30-45 minutes for your pet to fully recover from becoming unconscious. (Give or take depending on the level of your pet and how much total health that it has.)
Edited By Edibbs on 10/16/2013 at 11:46 PM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 8/23/2013
Threads: 85
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 2:21 PM
Post #4
-Missions and Leveling Up-
Missions are kind of like side quests specifically for your pets. The only thing that you have to do to complete a mission is send a pet on one. Missions are a great way to earn gold, especially over night or during the day when you can't be online. To be most successful in missions, you should create a missions team. A missions team is a group of 5 pets that you own that you can dedicate to specific stats. So, you would have one pet that is completely dedicated to health, one to strength, one to intelligence, one to dexterity, and one to agility. As these pets level up, spend all of their level up points and proficiency points in the stat that they are dedicated to.
Each time that you level up your pet earns 4 level up points that are 100% in your power on how you want to spend them. To spend level up points, go to your pet's profile page and click on the button that says "Spend Level Ups". --Every fifth level that your pet gains, it also earns 1 proficiency point. Proficiency points grant your pet the most power, the more you spend on your pet, the more powerful it will be in battle. To spend proficiency points, go to your pet's profile page and click the button that says "Proficiencies", which is right underneath the "Spend Level Ups" button.
I've seen quite a few questions about gear and battling issues that involve gear. As you gain levels and spend your pets' level up and proficiency points, you are going to need to update their gear, as well. To update gear, all you need to do is go to your inventory and select "equipment"; if you have equipment in your inventory, it will be displayed here. If you don't have any extra or spare equipment to give to your pets, you can buy equipment in the trade broker. When upgrading gear, make sure that you match the equipment with your pet's level and fighting type (physical or magical), also remember that higher-quality equipment will give you the most stat boosts. Here are some of the ways to tell the difference between equipment types, levels and quality:
All of these descriptions give health boosts and can be physical and/or magical type equipment, so make sure you pay attention to the type of the equipment that you're using so you match it up with your pet's type too. (Magical/Physical)
-Breeding and Pet Aging-
Breeding can be one of the most interesting things about this game. You can create so many new pets with genes and colors that you haven't had in your stables before. Breeding can also be a little frustrating if you don't completely know what's going on. :p To breed two pets together; they must both be adults of the same species and opposite gender, they can have the same traits and colors or completely different traits and colors, go to Account>Generator>Breeding Grounds. Here, you can select the two pets that you'd like to breed together and preview possible offspring they can produce. If you are happy with the pair, click "Breed Pair" and the two will produce a new eggling that will automatically be sent to your hatchery. You can also breed with other people's pets. To do this, the other person's pet must be set up for public breeding. If the option is available, click on "view prices", a pop-up window will appear prompting you to pick an eligible mate to breed with. Once you select your pet, click "Breed". If successful, you will be redirected to your hatchery where your new eggling will automatically be added. The only way this will fail is if you try to breed with a recovering female.
Normal species females take 3 days to recover from breeding, Fabled species females take 7 days to recover from a breeding. You can check to see if a female is recovering from, both, their profile page and the stables page.
-While viewing from the stables page, a female will have a small eggling symbol in their box to indicate they are recovering from a breeding; you can hover over the eggling image to see how much longer they will be recovering.
-While viewing from their pet profile page, you can scroll down towards the bottom of the page and, inside of their "Genetics" information box, there will be red and green text telling you who they were bred to and when they will be done recovering.
For more on breeding, Click Here!
When you breed your eggling, you'll probably be anxious to see the baby inside, right? Well, the aging process is a bit tricky. As soon as your new eggling is born, it begins to age. It takes approximately 3 days for your eggling to hatch, 5 days after its hatched to become an adolescent, and about 18 days after becoming an adolescent to become and adult. That's a total of 26 days! However! This aging process can be sped up by a few days. If you nurture your egglings and hatchlings they will grow up faster. Nurturing can speed up the aging process by up to 3 days or more, depending on how many nurtures your babies get. You can also use Magical Pies to help age your pets faster. Magical Pies will speed up the aging process by 6 days (and that's on top of the nurturing your pets have received)! Magical Pies can be found in the trade broker, being sold by other players, or in the diamond shop for 100 diamonds.
-Stable Space-
I see this issue a lot, and its pretty sad about how many people unknowingly lose their pets. Stable space, stable space, stable space! You have got to make sure that you always have some stable space... If you have pets in your hatchery and your stables are jam-packed to the walls with no room to spare, your hatchery pets will be auto-released when they become adults. Its ok to keep adolescents in your hatchery while you work on making room, but be careful! If you have no room once they reach adulthood, they are gone and there is no way of getting them back. Here are some tips to keep your stables from becoming over-run:
-Try not to breed too quickly. I know its fun to breed your pets and seeing all the babies that come from them but, if you're running low on stable space, you might want to give your breeding a little rest while you earn the gold to expand.
-Send pets on missions. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn up enough gold to expand your stables; you could probably earn all the gold that you need to expand in just 1 or 2 days from doing this.
-Sell some pets. This is a great way to make double profit. Not only do you get more space in your stables, you also earn some gold that you can save up for a stable expansion later on.
-Release Pets you absolutely do not need. If you have pets in your hatchery or stables that you really don't need and you're having trouble selling them, you would probably be best just releasing the pet. It sounds a bit mean, but if you had to choose between a pet that you absolutely love and one that you're a bit iffy about, it might be your best option to just release the iffy one. :p Only release pets that you're 100% sure about it, though; once a pet is released there is no way of getting it back.
Edited By Edibbs on 10/22/2013 at 3:36 PM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 8/23/2013
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 2:22 PM
Post #5
-Feeding Your Pets/Food Units-
This one seems simple, right? Well, I've seen some questions on food units that I'd like to cover, though.
To feed your pets, all you have to do is go to your stables and click the "Restock Food" button. It will, then, prompt you to select what type of food you'd like to fill your stables with and how much of it; it will also tell you how much gold you will need to restock your stables with food.
Types of Feed:
Regular Feed(1 Hunger Unit)- This feed costs 25g per unit and feeds each of your pets for one day (It will feed them for a longer amount of time if your stables aren't full)
Premium Feed(2 Hunger Units)- This feed costs 75g per unit and feeds your pets for two days (It will feed them for a longer amount of time if your stables aren't full)
Exceptional Feed(3 Hunger Units)- This feed costs 150g per unit and feeds your pets for three days (It will feed them for a longer amount of time if your stables aren't full)
If you keep your pets fed and full, they will all eat one unit of food everyday. If your pet was hungry when you bought or caught it, he will eat more food in a day to try and get full; if a pet does this, you have a likelihood of other pets not getting fed that day. To check if a pet is hungry, you can go to their pet page and scroll down to the genetics information box; there will be a hunger bar. If the hunger bar has any white in it, that means that your pet is hungry and may eat more than one unit of food that day. If the hungry bar is fully yellow, your pet is not hungry and will only eat one food unit that day.
-Generators and Essences-
To fully use a generator, you must have an essence. Each generator allows you to create a new pet from the essence(s) that you have. Mythical Generator only works for a Mythical Essence, Enhaced Generator only works for an Enhanced Essence and the Regular Generator only works for a Regular Essence.
Mythical Essences and Enhanced Essences both allow you to create a pet with 4 genotype points, which allows you to give your pet 2 visible traits, four carried traits OR 1 visible and 2 carried traits.
Mythical Essences are extremely accurate with colors with a 99%-100% accuracy; with, virtually, no color swing.
Enhanced Essences are mostly accurate with colors, with about a 90-99% accuracy; with a very minimal color swing.
Regular Essences allow you to create a pet with 2 genotype points (which allows you to give your pet 1 visible trait OR 2 carried traits). Regular essences are fairly accurate with colors; they can have a huge color swing with anywhere from a 45% - 95% accuracy.
There is also a Preview Generator, you do not need an essence to get the full use of this generator. This is where you can design a pet that you may want to attempt to create in the future; this generator does not allow you to create a new pet, however.
There will also be a Breeding Generator implemented at some point in the future; this generator will allow you to see breeding results between two pets that you may or may not own. Basically, it will allow you to generate two parent pets and allow you to see the offspring that they could produce.
-Selling and Trading Items-
To sell items to other users, you can set them up in the Trade Broker by clicking on the item then clicking the "Broker Item" button in your inventory (Explore>Inventory /// Account>Inventory, depending on which part of the site you're using). You can also sell to individual users. To do this, you must click the item then click on the small envelope symbol with the green arrow over it, looks like this: . A small pop-up window will appear asking you who you want to send the item to; here you will put the recipient's username and, if you want to place a CoD (Cash on Delivery), here is where you will put the amount of gold you are charging for the item. (If you are trading for another item or gifting an item, you will use the same method, but leave the CoD blank).
You can also advertise that you are selling an item or even hold auctions for items of high value in this forum>
-Selling Pets-
To sell a pet, all you have to do is go to their pet profile page, click "Manage Pet" and fill in how much you want to sell them for in the portion labeled "Sale Price" or, if you're setting them up for public breeding, fill in the breeding fee portion instead. You can sell a pet to an individual user by the same method but you will also fill the "Sell to User ID" portion by putting in the user ID number of the user you're wishing to sell your pet to. Pets cannot be marked as "free", so if you're looking to give away a pet, just mark the sale price as 1.
You can also advertise that you are selling a pet or even hold auctions for pets of high value in this forum>
Edited By Edibbs on 10/25/2013 at 2:29 PM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 8/23/2013
Threads: 85
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 2:23 PM
Post #6
-Forums, Pinging and IMG/URL posting-
The forums are the main social media of Sylestia. You can find all sorts of topics here and meet all sorts of people! You can advertise your pets and items that are for sale, play forum games, role play, add input on any ideas you may have for the site and a lot more. The forums are a fun place to hang out for an easy day or just to check every once in a while. All site news and information can be found on the forums, as well. If you use the forums, make sure that you read any rules that may be posted about the particular forum that you choose to use.
Pinging: Pinging is a way to get somebody's attention on a forum thread. The way you ping someone is, simply, by placing their username in the area that says "Ping Users". This area is found right above the text box where you will be putting your post content.
IMG/URL Posting:
In the new forum system, it might be a little bit different on how to post images and/or links. Here are the different codes you will need to know and use for the forums (remove any spaces before trying to use these):
Image code- [ img ] IMAGE URL GOES HERE [/img]
URL code- [ url ]URL LINK ADDRESS GOES HERE [ /url]
If you're still having trouble, you can just use these buttons, which are found in the upper right-hand portion of every forum reply box:
Edited By Edibbs on 11/5/2013 at 11:35 AM.
Level 48
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 9:39 PM
Post #7
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 2/27/2025 at 7:47:37pm
The final option, which is not yet available but will be implemented soon, is to just leave your unconscious pet to recover. If your pet is unconscious and you don't have enough gold to revive him/her, you can just leave your pet to revive on his own. It will take approximately 30 minutes for your pet to become conscious again and about another 15-30 minutes for him to fully recover from his injuries. This option will be added to the game in the near future.
Actually, I think this might be in effect. Both of my pets were unconscious and after a few minutes, they had a small percentage of hp showing. This only took like 3 minutes, though, so I'm really not sure what went down. I know that I didn't do anything.
EDIT: Confirmed, they got knocked out again (rough day, I know), and they are again regenerating their health.
Oh yes, and this is a very helpful thread, thanks!
Edited By 9715 on 10/7/2013 at 9:45 PM.
Level 70
The Hallowed
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 9:44 PM
Post #8
It's sort of in effect right now, but not quite. Originally it was planned that after a certain amount of time pets would revive on their own, but that ended up being a coding mess. As a temporary solution, the Admins have made it to where unconscious pets will now regenerate hp slowly over time just like a conscious pet would.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 8/23/2013
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 10:18 PM
Post #9
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 2/27/2025 at 7:47:37pm
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 2/27/2025 at 7:47:37pm
The final option, which is not yet available but will be implemented soon, is to just leave your unconscious pet to recover. If your pet is unconscious and you don't have enough gold to revive him/her, you can just leave your pet to revive on his own. It will take approximately 30 minutes for your pet to become conscious again and about another 15-30 minutes for him to fully recover from his injuries. This option will be added to the game in the near future.
Actually, I think this might be in effect. Both of my pets were unconscious and after a few minutes, they had a small percentage of hp showing. This only took like 3 minutes, though, so I'm really not sure what went down. I know that I didn't do anything.
EDIT: Confirmed, they got knocked out again (rough day, I know), and they are again regenerating their health.
Oh yes, and this is a very helpful thread, thanks!
Thank you, its good to know that they are doing that; even if its just a temporary fix. And thank you for the feedback.
Level 53
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Posted: 10/7/2013 at 10:54 PM
Post #10
cries all the gold i wasted on those healers playing so much jamboree
as soon as i have money it's fixed
....No, but seriously I'm really glad it was fixed xD No more newbies stuck with the gold digger healers! -kicks Kayani the Herbalist in the shin-
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