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Username: Varyntha
Title: Maze Runner
User ID: 23643
User Level: 72
Joined: 9/3/2014 at 10:21:13pm
Last Online: 22 Days ago
Account Age: 3,545 Days
Profile Views: 4,876
About Me
If I owe you something or you are holding something for me, please get in contact with me so we can get that taken care of or touch base.
If you would like to request a breeding with Bloody Bones at a lower price or for some kind of trade, feel free to let me know! ^_^ Don't worry if your Neph returns with a little nibble on her neck... Though he likes to romance his partner, he never passes on his vampirism unless they want him to. ;3

07/14/2017/F - If you have found broken links or images around that I have posted or messaged, it is because I had to delete everything out of my Photobucket and there's no way I can go and take down all the broken things. I have no other way of hosting images yet so I won't be able to post ones outside from Sylestia.

I may have some random Sylestis for sale in my Stables. ^_^
Since I have over 4000 Sylestis now ^D^ , it will probably be easier to do an Advanced Search and search for Sylestis of mine for sale. ^_^ But if you do browse my Stables, you may find some Sylestis that are not set up for sale that I may be willing to sell/trade/breed. ^_~

Themeds I may be looking for... But probably not overanxiously. XD I know Themeds are rare and expensive and I don't want to take them away from people that love them dearly... See my Stables or you can do an Advanced Search to see if I have any Themeds you may want to buy/trade/breed. ^_^ They won't all be available, but I find it difficult to waste Themed by not even trying to get them for people that are not as lucky as others...:

Easter Egg Bunny Luffoxes with Traits I don't have yet.
Maybe any Coal Embers showing at least black and orange... >_> XD
Burning Embers Zolnixi - I found that I really like Pearl Armor on these and wouldn't mind having a male and a female.
Chocolate Cream Pie Nephini - maybe
Sacred Scarab Lunemara D_D
Night Sky Lunemara - possibly one or more of each of these... D_D
Red Curse Ryori - >_< I love these so much but can probably never afford what they're worth.
Ghostly Hallows Lighira - I may be willing to purchase any purple tagged of these that are for sale but it will take me a while to save up for the ones that are left. (Yes it was I that purchased all the cheaper ones. ^D^; ) If you have one you want to sell, feel free to Message me and maybe we can work something out. ^_^
Some not random notes XD
*Fiolei gets a free offspring from Lost Soul Fairy Bulbori Project for their help. Fine with either gender with slight preference to female.
*Spelf and Bitsybites5 have helped with Sakura Sylvorpa Projects and may get offspring if they want them.
*FleurFaolan gets at least 1 fertile Varyntha's Ghostly Hallows Lighira offspring in exchange for breedings with their GHL male, maybe 2 if more than 4 breedings are necessary.
*GoldGryphon gets a fertile Varyntha's Ghostly Hallows Lighira offspring if they want one for their help in the Project.
*Draki has an open-ended reservation for something in exchange for the Puffadore Essence. ^_^ Perhaps a Sylesti or project help?
*LDDarkWolf gets 2 Butterfly Fairy Kelpari: 1 4v + 1 w/ at least carries. (2 Lighira Frost Essences 1/9/2017)
*Thunderess provided Fairy's Fert.
*DON'T make Kalores Sylesties! Kalores prefers to make their own Kalores Sylesties! Be good!! :[
Random notes I didn't want to lose and don't really have anywhere else to put...
*My wild caught Sylesti #1826384 (a female Luffux) appears to be carrying the Gene Red Panda... >_> Didn't even know... XD
*Maleficent has Mystic Water carried.
*The Cotton Candy Twins - Smoky and Icy, respectively.
*Vulpie Counter: ---
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 17,909-30 (99.83%)
Mission Record: 15,421-38 (99.75%)
Gold Earned: 99,057,725
Scales Earned: 251,337
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 5
Bosses Defeated: 131
Elites Defeated: 194
Superiors Defeated: 2,147
Mythical Items Found: 4
Legendary Items Found: 1,101
Epic Items Found: 1,811
Rare Items Found: 1,723