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Players 1,838 321
Sylestia Pet Data
Category Total Yesterday
Pets 8,452,754 483
Generated 679,794 3
Captured 1,217,698 48
Bred 6,555,161 432
Statistics updated daily at midnight
Welcome to Sylestia, a Free to Play Virtual Pet Browser Game
Sylestia offers a wide range of your favorite Virtual Pet Game features!
Create fully customizable Pets from over 20 different Species.
Capture, Generate, or Breed as many Pets as you like.
Create fully customizable Avatars from thousands of collectible items.
Explore the vast regions of Sylestia through an open world RPG system!
Summer Festival Thru 9/15
August 10th, 2024 at 12:00 PM
The Summer Festival of 2024 is now available! It is available now through Sunday, September 15th!

Available this year are over 200 *NEW* Avatar Items and over 40 *NEW* Themed Pets! Click the link to the Festival Overview thread below to see the full details.

List of Festival Features:
Explore the tranquil Esior's Cove zone where you can find troves of treasure, battle fashionable Named, and hunt for exclusive Themed Pets.

Sylesti Sculpting allows you to collect, customize, and sculpt your very own exclusive Themed Pets.

Collect Fishing Poles and Shovels and head over to Beach Treasure Seeking to fish up or dig up all sorts of treasure!

Collect Sylestiopoly Game Pieces and combine each set to earn exclusive prizes!

Compete against your fellow players in 132 different Leaderboard Contests spread throughout the Festival's duration.

Complete your Festival Task Log to earn all sorts of valuable rewards.

Participate in various fun and festive Forum Games!

Lastly, we have also released new Pet Traits, including a new Restricted Trait Set, to go along with the Summer Festival fun. Be sure to check them out!
Summer Festival Overview
Exclusive Diamond Shop Items and Sales
Examples of Sylestia Pets
Puffadore (Female) Ny'vene (Male) Aeridini (Female) Griffi (Male) Zolnixi (Female)
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