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Lucky Draw Mini Game
Card: Unknown
Card: Unknown
Card: Unknown
Card: Unknown
Card: Unknown
Card: Unknown
How to Play: This is a simple card game where you bet on whether your score is Lower, Tied, or Higher compared to your opponent's score.
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Current Points: 0

Games Played: 0
Longest Win Streak: 0
Total Points Won: 0
Average Points Per Game: 0
Lucky Draw Prize Board
Item Name Price Daily Limit Event Limit Claim Prize
[Peerless Avatar Token] 60,000 1 (0) 1 (0)
[Fortune Event Themed Pet] 40,000 1 (0) 2 (0)
[Random Essence (Mystical)] 30,000 1 (0) 2 (0)
[Secret Map (Fortune Event)] 20,000 2 (0) 20 (0)
[Trait Disruptor (All Species - Lucky Dust)] 12,000 1 (0) 3 (0)
[Random Essence (Enhanced)] 10,000 2 (0) 5 (0)
[Fortune Event Avatar Item] 9,000 2 (0) 10 (0)
[Lucky Mutator] 6,000 1 (0) 5 (0)
[Avatar Item (Fortune - Retired)] 4,500 3 (0) 10 (0)
[Perfume of Themed Attraction (Lost Grove)] 3,000 1 (0) 5 (0)
[Piece of Lucky Pot Ticket] 1,500 6 (0) 60 (0)
Total Points Spent: 0 Current Points: 0
Longest Win Streak
1. Sakina 32
2. Jadedragon 31
3. Darkbloom 31
4. Macaroons 30
5. Bdv3865 29
6. Falkinsey 28
7. Insanesanity 27
8. Somneli 27
9. Pyewacket 26
10. Voidborn 24
Total Points Won
1. Pyewacket 64,680
2. Darkesse 24,040
3. Bdv3865 19,070
4. Voidborn 17,230
5. Darkbloom 12,350
6. Cececat 9,830
7. Edmewolf 9,220
8. Shadowized 8,190
9. Anubiz 8,130
10. Somneli 7,780
Average Points Per Game (Min 1,000)
1. Voidborn 15.0218
2. Bdv3865 14.8289
3. Pyewacket 14.5250
4. Darkesse 13.8960
5. Animallover202 0.0000
6. Darkbloom 0.0000
7. Cececat 0.0000
8. Edmewolf 0.0000
9. Anubiz 0.0000
10. Shadowized 0.0000
Leaderboards update every 5 minutes.
Grand Prize (1st): [Secret Map (Fortune Event)] x10, [Fortune Event Themed Pet] x1, [Lucky Pot Voucher] x2
Placement Prize (2nd/3rd): [Secret Map (Fortune Event)] x5, [Fortune Event Themed Pet] x1, [Lucky Pot Voucher] x1
Consolation Prize (4th-10th): [Lucky Pot Voucher] x1
Prizes awarded to those on the Leaderboard after the Fortune Event ends.
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