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Tournament of Themed
Welcome to the Tournament of Themed! Here, Sylestia's best and brightest Themed Pets will duke it out for the title of being the best. What does it mean to be the best, you ask? Well, that is up for you to decide! After the initial seeding, the tournament will enter the Selection Phase. During the Selection Phase, players will fill out their own individual brackets based on how they think the tournament will go. Players must complete their bracket and pick winners for every matchup in order to qualify.

Once the Selection Phase ends, the tournament will begin. At this point, players will no longer be able to choose winners nor fill out a bracket. So don't wait too long! Once the tournament begins, the Matchup Phase will go live on a round by round basis. In total, there will be six total rounds of play. You can view the start times for each round in the bracket below.

During the Matchup Phase, players will be able to vote on each matchup and pick the Themed Pet that they personally feel is the best. Once a round ends, the Themed Pet of each matchup that won the most votes will move onto the next round. To add some drama to the Matchup Phase, players can use Vote Boosts to give extra help to their choices! Vote Boosts can be found by participating in various Fortune Event features.

There is an additional twist during the Matchup Phase! While during the Selection Phase players will view each Themed Pet as their official showcase, during the Matchup Phase, each Themed Pet will load with random Traits and as a random Gender. If a Themed Pet is a Restricted Themed Pet, it will load with 2-4 Visible Traits of its set. Otherwise, it will load with 4-6 Visible non-Restricted Traits. The higher a Themed Pet's Seed, the higher chance it has of having more Traits. This random shuffling will happen every round, even if the Themed Pet moves onto the next round!

At the end of the final round, a champion will be crowned! Players will receive points for having picked correct matchup winners, with more points being awarded for correct picks in deeper rounds. There will be a leaderboard for players who score the most points where they can win various prizes. Players who fill out a bracket and players who vote each round will also receive various participation prizes. Don't miss out!
Game Status: Selection Phase
Bracket Status: Incomplete (0/63 Picked) - Click to Pick Next Matchup
Viridian Meadows Umbra Forest Astryl's Vale Lost Grove Final Four
Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16 Elite 8 Final 4
1 Point 2 Points 4 Points 8 Points 16 Points
Begins 3/24 Begins 3/26 Begins 3/28 Begins 3/30 Begins 4/2
Leaderboard (1-10)
Points From Correct Picks
Player Name Points (Max) Champion Pick
1. ()
2. ()
3. ()
4. ()
5. ()
6. ()
7. ()
8. ()
9. ()
10. ()
Leaderboard (1-10)
Points From Correct Votes
Player Name Points (Max) Champion Pick
1. ()
2. ()
3. ()
4. ()
5. ()
6. ()
7. ()
8. ()
9. ()
10. ()
Grand Prize (1st): [Secret Map (Fortune Event)] x10, [Fortune Event Themed Pet] x2, [Lucky Pot Voucher] x2
Placement Prize (2nd-3rd): [Secret Map (Fortune Event)] x5, [Fortune Event Themed Pet] x1, [Lucky Pot Voucher] x1
Consolation Prize (4th-10th): [Secret Map (Fortune Event)] x1, [Lucky Pot Voucher] x1
Prizes awarded to those on the Leaderboard after the Tournament of Themed ends.
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