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Forum Index > General Discussion > A Desperate Appeal On Rikki Pricing
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Level 75
Joined: 7/9/2017
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Posted: 11/5/2021 at 5:43 PM Post #1
'Ello all, this is my personal appeal to the community as a whole on the price point for Ferrikkis on the fest/etc. markets.

I am what can nicely be called a prolific rikki collector, and not so nicely called "ael's ferret hoarding problem". Each fest, I usually end up buying around 20 rikki catas, if not more. Over the course of this, I've noticed that rikki catas have a rather inexplicable price point compared to other fabled catas. Even accounting for the individual popularity of a theme, most fabled catas will settle around max 600k during fest, and usually more around 400k (200-300k if unpopular). Now, I'm well aware rikkis are a much newer species than the other fabled, coming out in early 2018. However, the Aeridini were released in 2014, and by 2017 (3 years later, approximately the same amount of time that has passed since the rikki were released), they were priced during fests the same as the other older fabled.

And yet, going on four years past their release, rikki catas remain twice as expensive as the other fabled catas. I've seen rikki catas sell for 1mil+ at the very beginning of fests, and they usually settle at 800k - this is closer to the majestic cata prices, if not the same as them. Some fests they eventually drop to 600k during the last ~2 weeks, and I have seen a few where the last week or so they reach normal fabled cata prices, but this isn't exactly the norm (again, from my personal experience buying them).
I want to clarify that this is only about the catas - wild rikkis in the lost grove and fest zones have price points that match their rarity as a species. My first thought when noticing the rikki cata price was that maybe this rarity was the reason - but then, nephs are even rarer, and neph catas sell at an average of 400k each fest.

Now, one might say it balances out: a rikki cata will cost you 800k, but it will also *get* you 800k if you sell one. No discrepancy in selling/buying price, no problem. It can also be noted that the sylestian economy is, and I say this with love, held together by tissue paper. The community collectively decides the general price range for an item or pet, and slight fluctuations occur with supply and demand. I am also not placing any blame on anyone in particular (considering how many catas I buy, I've certainly perpetuated this as a "standard" price for rikki catas). However, I am making an impassioned plea to the community to collectively lower this price. The price of any cata, item or pet on here is largely within our control, and we can all decide that maybe 500-600k is a more appropriate price for a rikki cata.

Ferrikkis are one of the most beloved species on here (second to a good old fashioned zolnixi, perhaps), and even a slightly lower price point would make them more accessible to the community - wouldn't we all be happier with some more attainable ferret-y friends?

I ask only that the community consider this in upcoming festivals, thank you all.
Edited By Aelingalathynius on 11/5/2021 at 5:44 PM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 12/27/2014
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Posted: 11/5/2021 at 5:55 PM Post #2
Would the trick or treat Rikki's fall under this as well? I would like to see the price for Rikki's go down a good chunk in general.
Level 75
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Posted: 11/5/2021 at 6:09 PM Post #3
I did mean the original post just for the rikki catas, but it could apply to any situation in which rikkis seem inordinately overpriced. I will say the ToT rikkis haven't seemed to me to be incredibly pricey - I've bought quite a few for 1mil gold (or value thereof), which is around what the WH puffs have sold for (from what I've seen at least, also asked Tigress as she buys a lot of them). My personal opinion though, and 1mil is certainly still a high price tag (I'm not sure if ToT pets are usually significantly cheaper than that) Thank you for your support/agreement!
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 11/5/2021 at 7:10 PM Post #4
I sent you back half of the fest coins you paid for the ST rikki earlier as support for the price change.
Level 75
Joined: 7/9/2017
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Posted: 11/5/2021 at 7:27 PM Post #5
<3 much appreciated but pls keep them (consider it a gift if you want lol) - I don't use them much anyway.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
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Posted: 11/6/2021 at 6:00 PM Post #6
Agreeing to this. Would love to see more support for it.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 11/6/2021 at 7:32 PM Post #7
I agree with this completely. When people hoard the catas waiting for a higher price (yes I get that gold is important to all of us), it means that people with less have zero chance to get anything. Think of how you felt as a newer player just coming into the game. Why not, instead of hoarding and waiting for a higher price to sell, give it to the first person who expressed interest for the normal fabled amount? Not to mention it is rather rude to dangle catas in front of people then refuse to sell them after getting said people riled up about possibly getting one.
Level 75
Snow Wars Mastermind
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Posted: 11/6/2021 at 7:40 PM Post #8
Absolutely. Its utterly bonkers that anyone ever agreed to pay that much and it even worse that people charged that much. I do quite hope this encourages a change, and we should stick together in not over paying for these adorable buggers
Edited By Painteventer on 11/7/2021 at 4:51 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/6/2021 at 10:10 PM Post #9
It would require sellers to decide that they are willing to sell for less than they can get. Or sellers to trade 1:1 for other fabled which just doesnt happen very often. Its kind of like trying to dictate that all maj will be 800k no matter what species or how much they are liked. Its a case of supply and demand that is impossible to control in an open market. IF there was a cata shop every fest so you didnt need to open 10+ cata pouches trying to get a rikki i could see this being able to happen but not while its still a random chance to get a rikki.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 11/6/2021 at 10:43 PM Post #10
While I am one of those few people who does trade rikki catas 1:1 for other fabled catas that I want, I will admit that, when selling for currency, I'm looking for the highest offer. And that's true of any fabled cata, or other valuable item, I'm selling. The issue with changing the price for rikki catas is twofold, the way I see it: sellers would have to have a lower threshold for minimum sale, and those wanting to buy would have to have a lower maximum they are willing to pay. And I really don't know how quickly those things will happen, just because the precedent has been set and maintained for so long.

As long as sellers believe there are enough people that will pay 800k+ for rikki catas, they'll continue to expect that much. And as long as enough people actually will pay that amount, there's no reason for sellers to expect less. Very difficult to resolve.
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