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Forum Index > Q&A (Newbie Friendly) > Tracker's Hut Stuff :p
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Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 7/14/2015
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Posted: 2/17/2022 at 1:24 PM Post #1
I had a couple questions about the tracker's hut building - how much/what does it cost to upgrade it to r5?

What exactly does "Passively increases Themed Pet encounter rate by 25%" mean? I'm guessing it doesn't mean 1 in 4 of the sylesti you encounter will be themed. does it mean that instead of a 4% chance you have a 4.25% chance of encounter?

Thank :)
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 2/17/2022 at 2:56 PM Post #2
it means it increases your themed encounter rate 25%. I'm not sure where you pulled 4% from (that would be an average of like, 1 in every 25 encounters being themed), but the base theme encounter rate in LG is probably something more like 0.001 (1 in every 1000 encounters)?
this number is modified in some ways

From Krinadon as of currently now:
"Krinadon: [14:31] It's basically a dice roll from 1 to the cap (let's say it's 1000). That's the default rate. Rolls a die and if it hits 1, you get a Themed Pet encounter. For every static bonus, it reduces it multiplicatively I believe. So if you have something that grants a 10% bonus, it's now 900. If you have another thing that adds another 10% bonus, it's now 810. So on and so forth.
Krinadon: [14:32] Perfumes are applied at the end of the static reductions and work a little differently
Krinadon: [14:33] It'd make more sense for the statics to be additive, but, they're not [Tongue] Dunno why it wasn't set up that way - was 4 years or whatever ago. Idk
Krinadon: [14:35] If I were to recode it today, the statics would be additive
Krinadon: [14:36] So if you had 10% and a 20% and a 10%, you'd get a 40% reduction to the default rate
Krinadon: [14:36] Instead, it's 10% * 20% * 10% * default rate, which is less than 40%
Krinadon: [14:36] Well, it's not quite math like that
Krinadon: [14:36] But you know what I mean lol
Krinadon: [14:37] Rate * 0.10 = Rate * 0.10 = Rate * 0.20 = Rate
Krinadon: [14:38] So each succeeding bonus is applied to a small number, thus yielding a smaller bonus than if it were applied to the base default rate"

So with that new info
base theme rate (if assuming 0.001, 1/1000)
with LGE (guessing 25%) or r5 Tracker is 1/750
adding the second of those would be 1/563

"Krinadon: [14:46] Kinda, yes, but different numbers. And the Perfume is another multiplicative bonus but the bonus increases with each additional Perfume bonus stack where you go w/o finding a Themed"
(and then theme event bonus doubles whatever you have after all that I guess?)

As to the upgrading, I'm assuming you don't have r4 currently, but do have r3 and can thus see the r4 cost?
r5 of Barracks upgrades require:
2m gold
2500 spritely branches
500 mountain's hearts
300 ancient temple bricks
12 ancient grove cores
Edited By Scathreoite on 2/17/2022 at 2:58 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 7/14/2015
Threads: 187
Posts: 2,685
Posted: 2/17/2022 at 7:20 PM Post #3
Thank you x)

The 4% was an example percentage just so i could explain it better.
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