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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > [WIP]Lupora Trait Collection
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Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
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Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:32 AM Post #1
this is a work in progress so please refrain from posting till it is finished, Help apreciated

Welcome one and all none are refused sanctuary here

Im collecting Lupora's and traits, If you have anything i am missing please feel free to ping or msg!
I would prefer it if you did not post on this thread but if you do its alright.

Below will have the alphabetical lupora themed lists with traits I own and at the bottom of each section will be traits I am missing that others have or traits that do not exist on said theme. As well as my prefered Price range for buying, selling and breeding.
**new themes will be added on at the bottom, I realy cant keep re-aranging the list to put new themes in**

Directory (86 / 86)
Alluring Elven Lupora page 3
Angelic Fire Dancer Lupora page 4
Autumn Chrysanthemum Lupora page 5
Autumn Sunset Lupora page 6
Beautiful Evening Lupora page 7
Black Velvet Petunia Lupora page 8
Blazing Fireworks Lupora page 9
Blood Moon Lupora page 10
Blossoming Mountain Lupora page 11
Broken Heart Lupora page 12
Cave Crystal Lupora page 13
Chocolate Paws Lupora page 14
Cosmic Mysteries Lupora page 15
Dark Desire Lupora
Dark Pact Lupora
Daybreak Lupora
Deep Forest Lupora
Deep Sea Lupora
Dire Frost Lupora
Earthen Spirit Lupora
Elven Rose Lupora
Fallen Tree Lupora
Festive Lupora
Fierce Fox Lupora
Forest Floor Lupora
Forest Guardian Lupora
Frosted Pine Lupora
Full Moon Lupora
Geothermal Lupora
Ghastly Lupora
Golden Foil Lupora
Halloween Lupora
Harmonic Prayer Lupora
Howling Moon Lupora
Ice Pop Lupora
Ice Shards Lupora
Lucky Lupora
Majestic Koi Lupora
Melon Mix Lupora
Midsummer Evening Lupora
Moon Stalker Lupora
Mountain Guardian Lupora
Mountain Peak Lupora
Night Guardian Lupora
Night Terror Lupora
Nomadic Yeti Lupora
Orange Cake Lupora
Patriotic Lupora
Pecan Pie Lupora
Purple Peony Lupora
Red Dahlia Lupora
Royal Elven Lupora
Ruby Wood Lupora
Sakura Lupora
Savanna Hunter Lupora
Seashell Lupora
Snowmelt Lupora
Snowy Lupora
Solar Eclipse Lupora
Spellfall Lupora
Spring Dragon Lupora
Spring Tempest Lupora
Summer Rose Lupora
Summoning Circle Lupora
Sundried Spices Lupora
Sunlit Bluebird Lupora
Tenderheart Lupora
Thorny Starfish Lupora
Tiger Lily Lupora
Toy Soldier Lupora
Tree Moss Lupora
Tree Spirit Lupora
Tundra Stalker Lupora
Tyrielle's Minion Lupora
Vibrant Coleus Lupora
Volcanic Eruption Lupora
Warm Evening Lupora
Water Dancer Lupora
Waterfall Koi Lupora
Winter Dawn Lupora
Winter Tanuki Lupora
Winter's Chill Lupora
Winter's Night Lupora
Witching Hour Lupora
Wood Satyr Lupora
Zombified Lupora
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/25/2023 at 9:19 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
Posts: 2,466
Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:34 AM Post #2
Why am I making this thread?

This thread is be used to let other breeders know how many of each theme have what traits available in the gene pools.

If you have questions feel free to ask them.

I don't bite

BOLD traits = less than 3 pets have the trait
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:48 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
Posts: 2,466
Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:40 AM Post #3
Alluring Elven Lupora
selling 20K, Buying 10K-30K, breeding 1g-5K

Available traits
G1: (NN) Nothing
G2: (LL) Elven Highlights
G3: (JJ) Elven Runes
M1: (MM) Elven Armor
M2: (GG) Elven Mane
M3: (II) Elven Ears

Unavailable traits

all non Elven traits - unobtainable on this theme
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:47 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
Posts: 2,466
Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:44 AM Post #4
Angelic Fire Dancer Lupora

Available traits
Gene One: (NN) None
Gene Two: (NN) None
Gene Three: (KK) Fire Dancer's Mark
Mutation One: (OO) Fire Dancer's Garb
Mutation Two: (JJ) Fire Dancer's Mane
Mutation Three: (JJ) Fire Dancer's Horns

Unavailable traits

all non Fire Dancer's traits - unobtainable on this theme
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:48 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
Posts: 2,466
Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:52 AM Post #5
Autumn Chrysanthemum Lupora

Available Traits
G1: Shadow Markings, Tribal Markings, Double Spots, Runic Swirl, Husky, Merle, Hyena, African Wild Dog, Spotted Fox, Polecat, Harlequin, Polecat, Kitsune, Yeti, Faded Leopard, Dalmatian, Leaf Veins,
G2: Tribal Markings, Runic Swirl, Harlequin, Long Fade, Tipped, Frosted Glass, Short Fade, Skunk, Frosting
G3: Shadow Markings, Spotted Fox, Kitsune, Lunar Runes, Lucky Runes, Magma
M1: Spiked Collar, Broken Shackles, Mystic Ribbon, Hellhound Armor, Flaming Hellhound Armor, Dragon Scales, Mechanical Armor, Rainbow Mechanical Armor, Spring Flowers, Battle Scars, Celestial Garb, Crystal Ice Armour,
M2: Ethereal Wings, Mechanical Wings,Rainbow Mechanical Wings, Feathered Wings, Dragon Wings
M3: Jeweled Horns, Ornamental Headpiece, Hellhound Skull, Flaming Hellhound Skull, Dragon Horns, Mechanical Helmet, Rainbow Mechanical Helmet, Crystal Ice Crown

Unavailable traits
G1: Maned Wolf, Spotted Skunk, King Cheetah, Okapi, Nomadic Yeti Aura
G2: Dalmatian, Blotched, Flecked, Elven Highlights
G3: Spotted Fox (1K+ days inactive), Kitsune (55+ days inactive), Valentines Lace, Bumblebee, Galactic Swirl, Elven Runes, Fire Dancer's Mark, Fairy Petals, Nomadic Yeti Powder
M1: Elven Armour, Fire Dancers Garb, Nomadic Yeti Fur
M2: Lucky Dust, Elven Mane, Crystal Ice Wings, Spring Blossoms, Fire Dancers Mane, Frosty Wind, Fairy Tail, Nomadic yeti Mane
M3: Elven Ears, Fire Dancer's Horns, Nomadic Yeti's horns
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:49 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
Posts: 2,466
Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:52 AM Post #6
Autumn Sunset Lupora

Available Traits
G1: Shadow Markings, Tribal Markings, Double Spots, Runic Swirl, Husky, Merle, Hyena, African Wild Dog, Spotted Fox, Polecat, Harlequin, Doberman, Kitsune, Maned Wolf, Yeti, Faded Leopard, Dalmatian, Leaf Veins, King Cheetah
G2: Tribal Markings, Runic Swirl, Harlequin, Long Fade, Dalmatian, Tipped, Frosted Glass, Short Fade, Flecked, Frosting
G3: Shadow Markings, Spotted Fox, Kitsune, Lunar Runes, Lucky Runes, Valentine Lace, Galactic Swirl, Elven Runes, Fire Dancer's Mark
M1: Spiked Collar, Broken Shackles, Mystic Ribbon, Hellhound Armor, Flaming Hellhound Armor, Dragon Scales, Mechanical Armor, Rainbow Mechanical Armor, Spring Flowers, Battle Scars, Celestial Garb, Crystal Ice Armor,
M2: Ethereal Wings, Mechanical Wings, Rainbow Mechanical Wings, Feathered Wings, Dragon Wings, Lucky Dust, Crystal Ice Wings
M3: Jeweled Horns, Ornamental Headpiece, Hellhound Skull, Flaming Hellhound Skull, Dragon Horns, Mechanical Helmet, Rainbow Mechanical Helmet, Crystal Ice Crown

Unavailable traits
G1: Spotted Skunk, Okapi, Nomadic Yeti Aura
G2: Skunk, Blotched, Elven Highlights
G3: Bumblebee, Magma, Fair Petals, Nomadic Yeti Powder
M1: Elven Armour, Fire Dancer's Garb, Nomadic Yeti Fur
M2: Elven Mane, Spring Blossoms, Fire Dancer's mane, Frosty Wind, Fairy Tail, Nomadic Yeti Mane
M3: Elven ears, Fire Dancer's Horns, Nomadic Yeti Horns
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:49 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
Posts: 2,466
Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:52 AM Post #7
Beautiful Evening Lupora

Available Traits
G1: Shadow Markings, Tribal Markings, Double Spots, Runic Swirl, Husky, Merle, Hyena, African Wild Dog, Spotted Fox, Polecat, Harlequin, Doberman, Kitsune, Maned Wolf, Yeti, Faded Leopard, Dalmatian, Leaf Veins, Spotted Skunk, King Cheetah, Okapi
G2: Tribal Markings, Runic Swirl, Harlequin, Long Fade, Dalmatian, Tipped, Frosted Glass, Short Fade, Skunk, Blotched, Flecked, Frosting
G3: Shadow Markings, Spotted Fox, Kitsune, Lunar Runes, Lucky Runes, Bumblebee, Magma, Galactic Swirl
M1: Spiked Collar, Broken Shackles, Mystic Ribbon, Hellhound Armor, Flaming Hellhound Armor, Dragon Scales, Mechanical Armor, Spring Flowers, Battle Scars, Celestial Garb, Crystal Ice Armor
M2: Ethereal Wings, Mechanical Wings, Feathered Wings, Dragon Wings, Crystal Ice Wings, Frosty Wind
M3: Jeweled Horns, Ornamental Headpiece, Hellhound Skull, Flaming Hellhound Skull, Dragon Horns,Mechanical Helmet, Rainbow Mechanical Helmet, Crystal Ice Crown

Unavailable traits
G1: Nomadic Yeti Aura
G2: Elven Highlights
G3:Valentines Lace, Elven Runes, Fire Dancer's Mark, Fairy Petals, Nomadic yeti Powder
M1: Rainbow Mechanical Armor, Elven Armour, Fire Dancer's Carb, Nomadic Yeti Fur
M2: Rainbow Mechanical Wings, Lucky Dust, Elven Mane, Spring Blossoms, Fire Dancers Mane, Fairy Tail, Nomadic Yeti Mane
M3: Elven Ears, Fire Dancer's Horns, Nomadic yeti Horns
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:49 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
Posts: 2,466
Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:53 AM Post #8
Black Velvet Petunia Lupora

Available Traits
G1: Shadow Markings, Tribal Markings, Double Spots, Runic Swirl, Husky, Merle, Hyena, African Wild Dog, Spotted Fox, Polecat, Harlequin, Doberman, Kitsune, Maned Wolf, Yeti, Faded Leopard, Dalmatian, Leaf Veins
G2: Tribal Markings, Runic Swirl, Harlequin, Long Fade, Dalmatian, Tipped, Frosted Glass, Short Fade, Flecked, Frosting
G3: Shadow Markings, Spotted Fox, Kitsune, Lunar Runes, Lucky Runes, Magma, Galactic Swirl, Elven Runes, Fire Dancer's Mark
M1: Spiked Collar, Broken Shackles, Mystic Ribbon, Hellhound Armor, Flaming Hellhound Armor, Dragon Scales, Mechanical Armor, Rainbow Mechanical Armor, Spring Flowers, Battle Scars, Celestial Garb, Crystal Ice Armor, Elven Armor, Nomadic Yeti Fur
M2: Ethereal Wings, Mechanical Wings, Rainbow Mechanical Wings, Feathered Wings, Dragon Wings, Crystal Ice Wings, Spring Blossoms, Frosty Wind
M3: Jeweled Horns, Ornamental Headpiece, Hellhound Skull, Flaming Hellhound Skull, Dragon Horns, Mechanical Helmet, Rainbow Mechanical Helmet, Crystal Ice Crown

Unavailable traits
G1: Spotted Skunk, King Cheetah, Okapi, Nomadic Yeti Aura
G2: Skunk, Blotched, {Flecked(maybe)}, Elven Highlights
G3: Valentines Lace, bumblebee, Galactic Swirl, Fairy Petals, Nomadic Yeti Powder
M1: Fire Dancer's Garb
M2: Lucky Dust, Elven Mane, Fire Dancer's Mane, Fairy Tail, Nomadic Yeti Mane
M3: Elven Ears, Fire Dancer's Horns, Nomadic Yeti's Horns
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:50 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
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Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:53 AM Post #9
Blazing Fireworks Lupora

Available Traits
G1: shadow markings, tribal markings, Double Spots, Runic Swirl, Husky, Merle, Hyena, African Wild Dog, Spotted Fox, Polecat, Harlequin, Doberman, Kitsune, Maned Wolf, Yeti, Faded Leopard, Dalmatian, Leaf Veins, Spotted Skunk, King Cheetah, Okapi, Nomadic Yeti Aura
G2: Tribal Markings, Runic Swirl, Harlequin, Long Fade, Dalmatian, Tipped, Frosted Glass, Short Fade, Skunk, Blotched, Flecked, Frosting
G3: Shadow Markings, Spotted Fox, Kitsune, Lunar Runes, Lucky Runes, Valentine Lace, Bumblebee, Magma, Galactic Swirl, Fairy Petals, Nomadic Yeti Powder
M1: Spiked Collar, Broken Shackles, Mystic Ribbon, Hellhound Armor, Flaming Hellhound Armor, Dragon Scales, Rainbow Mechanical Armor, Spring Flowers, Battle Scars, Celestial Garb, Crystal Ice Armor, Nomadic Yeti Fur
M2: Ethereal Wings, Mechanical Wings, Rainbow Mechanical Wings, Feathered Wings, Dragon Wings, Crystal Ice Wings, Fire Dancer's Mane, Frosty Wind, Fairy Tail
M3: Jeweled Horns, Ornamental Headpiece, Hellhound Skull, Flaming Hellhound Skull, Dragon Horns, Mechanical Helmet, Rainbow Mechanical Helmet, Crystal Ice Crown,

Unavailable traits
G2: Elven Highlights
M1:Elven Armour, Fire Dancer's Garb
M2: Lucky Dust, Elven Mane, Spring Blossoms, Nomadic Yeti Mane
M3:Elven Ears, Fire Dancer's Horns, Nomadic Yeti Horns
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:50 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/5/2021
Threads: 121
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Posted: 6/17/2022 at 9:53 AM Post #10
Blood Moon Lupora

Available Traits

Unavailable traits
Edited By IzukuTheLupLord on 1/31/2023 at 2:51 AM.
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