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Forum Index > Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services > ~The Generous Guild~
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Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 6/11/2022
Threads: 44
Posts: 778
Posted: 6/20/2022 at 10:47 PM Post #1

Welcome to ~The Generous Guild~!A place to share, sell, and make friends.

PUBLIC Services & More: Giveaway Service, Free pet testing

Announcements: Featured Pets
Unofficial Guild things: Tw1gs Mystery Boxes
Official Guild thing may happen (other than the Activities).
Coming up:
Previous: Sylesti Contest!, Worst Design Contest!

If you sign-up (at bottom), here are the
Activities(required to do at least 1, anytime*):
- Sell or auction your Sylesti and items to other members.
- Set a Sylesti up for adoption.
- Share your goods, gold, and anything else, for free or for a fee.
- Start a contest, raffle, or other games for other members.
- Start a giveaway.
- Help (any, even non-member) players by giving tips and advice. (Optional) And if they ask: leveling or testing (you can decide on a fee or not).
- Help (any, even non-member) low level players by messaging them about giving them low-price or free pets, items, services, tips, and advice.
- Help any players that come by needing or looking for mentoring or sponsoring.
- Create a guide or tutorial and share it with anyone who wants or needs it.
- Start a Wish Granting chain (anyone can participate, even non-members!); wish as much as you want, just grant at least 5 wishes!
- Start a service!
- Create your own generous or helpful Activity to do, but ping T1g3r first!
*Feel free to just chat/hang-out in the meantime.

If you sign-up (at bottom), here are the
- **You must do one of the Activities.
- **You must agree to the agreements.
- **You must be kind and respectful (no swearing, mocking, etc.).
- **Play fair (no cheating/lying ((e.x. asking for 100 gold fee for something, then changing it to 500 when they buy whatever it was))).
- Accept all friend requests from members.
- Respond if youre privately messaged.

If you break a ** rule you will be kicked out of the guild.

If you sign-up (at bottom), here are the
Agreements(similar to rules):
- I know I will not always win at contests, games, and events.
- I know I will not always get what I want.
- I will respect other players.
- If I am inactive for 3+ years, I will get kicked out of this guild.
- I agree to the rules.

If youre unsure about ANYTHING about this guild, just message/ping/PM T1g3r.

You can leave the guild whenever you want, just ping/message/PM T1g3r, first!


Members (20): Doopsy11, Ssaxolotl, Raidenei, Moonlark123, Alphawolf109, Haven09066, Hwaseong, Zolnixigirlalpha, Alyssa1903, Darkvine, RoyalUltima, Hummingbird616, Tw1g, Amastoneonal, Marionettez, Ladyinred, Luckyismyguineapig, Hershey, Fireflick, lovesnails

Ping List: Doopsy11, Raidenei, Alphawolf109, Haven09066, Hwaseong, Zolnixigirlalpha, Alyssa1903, Hummingbird616, Tw1g, Amastoneonal, Marionettez, Ladyinred, Luckyismyguineapig, Hershey, Fireflick, lovesnails

News: [S] Mostly Themed Sylesti Sales, Pick a bag, Themed purebred pick-a-Portal, Breeding Sale, Haven09066s shop/sales, Pets for breeding and sale, Pick a path, get an egg, Egg/hatchling sale, Alphas Questing Board, Havens mystery boxes, Themed Zolnixi Pick-a-box, Unrelated Sylestia Short Story Challenge, Summer-themed Sylesti Contest, Stop scrolling, people! Dont get any ideas!!!, Nixi and puff sale (Themes), No scrolling!, Zolnixi sale, Halloween contests!, Pick a box, Rising price pets!, Themed Zolnixi Sale, Guess the word!, Design contest: Spook themed!

Featured Pets*

*Ping T1g3r to add your pets (0/6)


Sign-up Form
*Required to become a member*

Ping T1g3r with your form.

Nickname (optional):
Pronouns (optional):
Get Pings (optional): Yes/No
Reason You Want To Join:
Other notes (optional):
Edited By T1g3r on 7/26/2023 at 12:21 AM.
Level 26
Joined: 6/12/2022
Threads: 2
Posts: 28
Posted: 6/20/2022 at 11:18 PM Post #2
Username: Doopsy11
Nickname: Doopsy
ID#: 157408
Reason for Joining: I wanna help people
3 Things I Like About Sylestia: The pets, the missions, trading
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 6/11/2022
Threads: 44
Posts: 778
Posted: 6/20/2022 at 11:19 PM Post #3
~ Members ~
Ping T1g3r with any updates to your information.

Author: Eid0lon
Time Posted: 7/18/2022 at 7:38 PM
Username: Raidenei
Nickname: Ei
ID#: 136667
Pronouns: She/her/herself
Get Pings: Yes
Reason you want to join: I dont know it looks fun
Other notes: Im not super comfortable with friending random people, but PMs are totally fine!

Author: Ssaxolotl
Time Posted: 6/21/2022 at 8:47 AM
Username: ssaxolotl
Nickname: axle
Pronouns: she/her
Reason For Joining: helping out
3 Things You Like About Sylestia: pets, people, and quests

Author: Doopsy11
Time Posted: 6/20/2022 at 11:18 PM
Username: Doopsy11
Nickname: Doopsy
ID#: 157408
Reason for Joining: I wanna help people
3 Things I Like About Sylestia: The pets, the missions, trading

Author: Moonlark123
Time Posted: 7/19/2022 at 2:32 PM
Username: Moonlark123
Reason I want to join
Joining a guild sounds fun so why not :)

Author: Alphawolf109
Time Posted: 7/19/2022 at 6:51 PM
Username: Alphawolf11109
Nickname: Alpha
ID#: 150633
Pronouns: She/her
Get pings: Yes
Reason you want to join: I want to help people out, and also meet new ppl
Other notes: My fav species are zolnixi and puffadore

Author: Haven09066
Time Posted: 7/19/2022 at 7:51 PM
Username: Haven09066
Get Pings: Sure
Reason You Want To Join: offered to join and it looks fun

Author: Rashomon
Time Posted: 7/20/2022 at 3:17 PM
Username: hwaseong
Nickname (optional): please call me spitz or xiao :)
ID#: 141006
Pronouns (optional): hee/hee he/him
Get Pings (optional): sure
Reason You Want To Join: just thought it'd be neat.
Other notes (optional): i'm not online all that much but feel free to ping/dm if you need.

Author: Zolnixigirlalpha
Time Posted: 7/20/2022 at 5:59 PM
Username: Zolnixigirlalpha'
ID# 154755
Pronouns: SHe-her
Pings: yes
Reason I want to join: I like helping out newer players.

Author: Alyssa1903
Time Posted: 7/20/2022 at 12:36 PM
Username: Alyssa1903
Nickname: Alyssa
ID#: 94181
Pronouns: She/Her
Get Pings: Yes
Reason I Want To Join: I've never done something like this and I think it would be fun

Author: Darkvine
Time Posted: 7/21/2022 at 11:34 AM
Username: Darkvine
ID: 158091
Pronouns: she/her
Get pings: no thanks
I want to join to help new people.

User: RoyalUltima
User ID: #158080
Reason to join: I was asked, I want to help others
Edited By Royalultima on 7/21/2022

Username: Hummingbird616
Nickname (optional): Cat
ID#: 157623
Pronouns (optional): She/hers
Get Pings (optional): Yes
Reason You Want To Join: I want to be part of a community and make new friends

Username: Tw1g
Nickname (optional): Twig
ID#: 157613
Pronouns (optional): She/Her
Get Pings (optional): Sure
Reason You Want To Join: Ive never been part of a guild and I like the sound of starting off in a kind and friendly one
Other notes
Meow Meoww

Username: Amastoneonal
Pronouns (optional): She/Her
Get Pings (optional): Yes/No: Yes please
Reason You Want To Join: "A place to share, sell, and make friends." That basically also get to interact more around sylestia
Edited By Amastoneonal on 7/31/2022 at 1:30 PM.

Username: Marionettez
Nickname (optional): Mike, Mari
ID#: 133652
Pronouns (optional): He/They/It
Get Pings (optional): Yes <3
Reason You Want To Join: I saw the group games, and thought it looked like a nice place to hang out in!
Other notes (optional): Here's a link to my Profile, where some of my games and more about me is posted. My favorite species (In this order) are Sylvorpa, Lupora, Kelpari, Ryori, Puffadore, Ny'vene, Ferrikki, and Zolnixi. Any others are lower than that and cant order them

Username: Ladyinred
Nicknames: Lady or Red, or just my username. I'm not picky
User ID: 158612
Pings: Yes
Reason for joining: To help other players and to breed cool Sylesti

Nickname (optional): Luck, Lucky
ID#: 153270
Pronouns (optional): they them
Get Pings (optional): Yes
Reason You Want To Join: I'm new and want to learn more about the game also my friend is in it and she says its fun
Other notes (optional): TW1G's friend

Username: Hershey
ID#: 52711
Pronouns (optional): she/her
Get Pings (optional): Yes
Reason You Want To Join: I want to help those around me and enjoy this website with the kind people of sylestia
Other notes (optional): I have a free purebred page I have up for anyone and everyone!

Username: Fireflick
Nickname (optional): Fire, Flick, Flicker, Flicky, Firey, etc. Whatever works for you; I don't really have a default!
ID#: 161620
Pronouns (optional): She/Her
Get Pings (optional): Yes
Reason You Want To Join: To get to know people, and become part of the community!

Nickname (optional): sey or seyoung
Pronouns (optional): she/her
Get Pings (optional): Yes
Reason You Want To Join: I want to be in a guild that has the same goal as I do, I'm a lover and a caretaker then a lone wolf
Other notes (optional): I'm currently doing a breeding project for a present as a birthday gift to one of my friends, around 24,002 eggs, if anyone in the guild wants to I can nature your eggies! And you can if you want to nature some of mine
Also if they send me a pm I'll definitely accept them since I'll know they are apart of the guild<3
Edited By T1g3r on 7/26/2023 at 12:20 AM.
Level 19
Joined: 5/21/2022
Threads: 10
Posts: 96
Posted: 6/21/2022 at 8:47 AM Post #4
Username: ssaxolotl
Nickname: axle
Pronouns: she/her
Reason For Joining: helping out
3 Things You Like About Sylestia: pets, people, and quests
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 6/11/2022
Threads: 44
Posts: 778
Posted: 6/21/2022 at 8:51 AM Post #5
Youve been accepted! Welcome!
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 6/11/2022
Threads: 44
Posts: 778
Posted: 7/11/2022 at 2:29 PM Post #6

Sylesti Contest!

Welcome to the Generous Guilds first contest! It is open to everyone (especially newer players), not just members of the guild.
The Contest:
- Go to the Generator and create ONE Sylesti design of any species, any traits, and male and female must be the same if youre entering both genders.
- Enter the design with the form at the bottom.
- Please ping me with your design.
- I will be judging based on colors, genes, and mutations, and what looks good together.
- Current end date for submissions is August 25th, 2022, anytime (I may change to a later date).
1st: 2 surprise 2-6vis egg/Sylesti, possible Themed of top 3 favorite species.
2nd: 1 surprise 1-6vis egg/Sylesti, possible Themed of top 5 favorite species.
3rd: 1 surprise 0-4vis egg/Sylesti, possible Themed of top 10 favorite species.
4th+: 1k gold (CoD me)

Ask me any questions.

Design name:
Pings?: yes/no
Put design here


Current Contestants: Doopsy11, Lordofcats, Raidenei, Pirana, Moonlark123, Alphawolf109, Haven09066, Zolnixigirlalpha, RolyalUltima, Amastoneonal, Marionettez, XxAniraxX, NovaTheSylveon, Tw1g, Eclipsedmoon
Edited By T1g3r on 9/10/2022 at 4:51 PM.
Level 26
Joined: 6/12/2022
Threads: 2
Posts: 28
Posted: 7/11/2022 at 2:43 PM Post #7
Username: Doopsy11
ID#: 157408
Design name: Regal Blue Zolnixi
Pings?: yes
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/18/2019
Threads: 54
Posts: 4,601
Posted: 7/18/2022 at 7:38 PM Post #8
Username: Raidenei
Nickname: Ei
ID#: 136667
Pronouns: She/her/herself
Get Pings: Yes
Reason you want to join: I dont know it looks fun
Other notes: Im not super comfortable with friending random people, but PMs are totally fine!
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 6/11/2022
Threads: 44
Posts: 778
Posted: 7/18/2022 at 7:45 PM Post #9
Youre accepted! Welcome to the guild.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/18/2019
Threads: 54
Posts: 4,601
Posted: 7/18/2022 at 7:48 PM Post #10
Username: Raidenei
ID#: 136667
Design Name: Summer Flowers Lupora
Pings: Yes
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