Forum Index > Q&A (Newbie Friendly) > stuck in batel (also resolved)
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Level 26
Joined: 6/24/2023
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Posted: 6/25/2023 at 7:48 PM
Post #1
i know this has the same title as somwone elses thread and i have the same problem on the same level.
my pets are dead im out of revive potiones and even if i somhow get another reviv potione my pets cant beet this batel and i realy want to progres is there any tips to help me or even beter a way to change my anser to the text thiny so i dont have to fite thise batel pleas.
this was resolved with the help of the lovly peaple on this game : )
Edited By Lexi65 on 6/26/2023 at 1:11 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 6/25/2023 at 8:13 PM
Post #2
I don't know what battle it is but:
- Ash doesn't have an assigned element or proficiency
- Ash has no equips at all
- Fia only has a lv0 uncommon relic as equipment
Since Fia's a fire element, you might want to make Ash a Tanking element (Earth, Water, Shadow, or Light) and put him in slot 1 to compliment her Attacker element
Fia should be given equips that focus on Intelligence and Dexterity
Ash would get Agility equips that also lean to Strength (if water or earth) or Intelligence (if shadow or light)
I grabbed some equips Fia can use off of the broker and tossed them over, can't do the same for Ash at this time since he doesn't have an element yet
Setting these things will help with the fight
Sending pets on Missions at Esior's Haven is something you could do to get gold, equips, and healing items (those drop from mission satchels that you get from Satisfactory and Exceptional completion, there's a guide to missions in the player guides foruim)
Edited By Scathreoite on 6/25/2023 at 8:15 PM.
Level 26
Joined: 6/24/2023
Threads: 9
Posts: 28
Posted: 6/25/2023 at 8:18 PM
Post #3
thankes so much :)
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