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Level 23
Joined: 7/23/2022
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Posted: 6/29/2023 at 1:48 PM
Post #1
Does anyone know what calculations are used to determine how much a pet's health is increase from leveling?
I know the other stats match the level but clearly something else is factored in with health. My two Qitari are the same level, but one has +50 to health from level and the other has +52. Can anyone explain why?
I know it's not from STR because the +50 has higher STR. Could be from AGI since the 52 has one higher AGI. Not sure how to test that.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 6/29/2023 at 3:17 PM
Post #2
HP has a different level bonus curve from the other stats (in that is IS a curve, rather than just a straight line that matches the level of the pet exactly), which is based off of what their base HP is. The higher the base HP (and + stat if applicable), the better the level bonus curve. The pet with the 52 lv bonus has a higher base hp than the one with the 50 bonus (290 base hp vs 231 base hp in this case)
for lv75 scaling example,
a random regular wild pet with wild-tier base stats with 100 base hp who has 1,220 lv bonus
vs a max stat, whose 2000 base hp means his lv bonus curve gives him 3,327
(I couldn't tell you the actual maths though)
Edited By Scathreoite on 6/29/2023 at 3:18 PM.
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