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Forum Index > General Discussion > Themed, rare, epic wild sylesti.
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Level 61
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 12/9/2023
Threads: 5
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Posted: 1/2/2024 at 6:19 PM Post #1
Just wondering, how do you know if a wild sylesti is a themed, rare or epic??
What does it mean if a wild sylesti has two green stars while others have 2 silver?
Does it mean that it has more health??

Level 61
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 12/9/2023
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Posted: 1/2/2024 at 6:21 PM Post #2
I was in the howling pass then I got a message saying that I completed the task ' Encounter 1 wild themed sylesti' but I have NO IDEA that I had!?

I wanted to catch it so I really need to know.

Level 64
Nature Walker
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Posted: 1/2/2024 at 6:39 PM Post #3
This guide might help explain things to you. But at the very least, in The Howling Pass whenever you encounter a themed pet, the encounter log will state 'You have encountered a Rare Enemy! What do you wish to do?'
And in the battle, the pet will have the theme name listed in its info next to its level.
Level 75
Vanquisher of Undead
Joined: 12/18/2016
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Posted: 1/2/2024 at 6:45 PM Post #4
When you encounter a themed pet in a battle, in your battle log, it'll say in purple text "You have encountered a Rare Enemy"

And when you are in a battle, the themed pet will always be rare(Blue stars) or higher and will be the name of a theme(Like Cozy Quilt Aurleon) rather than just Wild Sylesti.

If you encounter a nest(An egg in a nest, it's a spawn point), in the fest zone, it is guaranteed to be themed, and all you have to do is adopt it to have the themed you found.
Here's a map for the Winter Fest Zone that shows all the nest spawn points:

Stars on a pet and their Colors:

The color of the stars on a pet represents the rarity of the pet you're encountering and how many trait points it has.

One thing to note is how trait points work, a carried trait is worth 1 trait point while a visible trait is worth 2 trait points.

Common/Grey Stars: No trait points.

Uncommon/Green Stars: 1 trait point. Can be only 1 carried trait.

Rare/Blue Stars: 2 trait points. Can be either 2 carried traits, or 1 visible.

Epic/Purple Stars: 4 trait points. Can be 2 visible, 4 carried, or 1 visible and 2 carried.

Legendary/Orange/Yellow Stars: 6 trait points. Can be 3 visible, 2 visible and 2 carried, 1 visible and 4 carried, or 6 carried.

Mythical/Red Stars: 8 trait points. Can be 4 visible, 3 visible and 2 carried, or 2 visible and 4 carried.

Outside of the Lost Grove, the only way to trap a Legendary or Mythical Pet in battle is with a Masterful Snare Trap, which can be purchased from the Diamond Shop, from other users on the Trade Broker, or earned through the Seasonal Festival(Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) task of catching 50 themed pets.
Masterful Snare Traps immediately catch the pet it's used on.

Any traps from the areas outside of the Lost Grove(Excluding Masterful Snare Traps, they always work) can fail when attempting to use them to catch a pet. This may lead to multiple traps used or a pet running away from the battle to avoid being caught. I remember reading that the lower you make a pet's health, the higher your chance you have of catching it.
If you ever try to catch a pet, but it doesn't end up in your stables, that means you either defeated the pet, or it ran away.

Common pets can be caught with any type of trap.

Uncommon pets need a Lesser Snare Trap at least to catch it. Standard and Strong Snare Traps can be used for them as well.

Rare pets need a Standard Snare Trap at least to catch it. Strong Snare Traps can be used on them as well.

Epic pets need a Strong Snare trap to catch them.

You can use a Masterful Snare Trap on any rarity outside of Legendary and Mythical, but they're rarely worth using on anything below that rarity unless it's a valuable themed pet.
Edited By Draculina on 1/2/2024 at 6:57 PM.
Level 61
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 12/9/2023
Threads: 5
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Posted: 1/3/2024 at 2:09 AM Post #5
Thank you ALOT.

I need to copy and paste it to my notes immediately. Now, I'm going to check your link.
Level 61
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 12/9/2023
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Posted: 1/3/2024 at 2:38 AM Post #6

Sorry to disturb you again.
I went to check the nesting sites that the link you gave me shown, but their were only chests?
Was I too late?
Level 61
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 12/9/2023
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Posted: 1/3/2024 at 2:47 AM Post #7
I swear I haven't taken from it before
Level 75
Vanquisher of Undead
Joined: 12/18/2016
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Posted: 1/3/2024 at 3:13 AM Post #8
Nests and Chests spawn in the places that show the nests interchangeably, so sometimes there'll be chests, other times there'll be nests. The sites with nests are just the places where a nest can spawn, there won't always be a nest there though.

Also, this page shows the themes you can encounter in the fest zone. To see all the wild pets available, click the header Howling Pass Wild:

Also, when replying someone to on the forums, hit the blue @ on the bottom right of their post, or type their username in the Ping Users box when you're typing your reply. If you don't ping someone, they won't get a notification you replied, and unless they check through the forums, they likely won't know you replied.
Edited By Draculina on 1/3/2024 at 3:15 AM.
Level 61
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 12/9/2023
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Posted: 1/3/2024 at 7:19 AM Post #9
Oh thanks!!
I was wondering what that meant. Thanks again(for what I feel like the hundredth time lol)
I need to learn more QUICKLY.
Level 61
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 12/9/2023
Threads: 5
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Posted: 1/3/2024 at 7:29 AM Post #10
Plz ignore the other message, I forgot to Ping it.

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