a special place
chapter 1
Eleanor was sitting in her desk, studying for a long exam on the next day.
"The stars are shining in the sky...hmm guess it's time to sleep. I need rest for my exam tomorrow!"
She layed down on her bed to sleep for the next day.
"Hmmm? Where am I? Isn't this the old playground that i used to play in while in Kindergarten?" She looked around, confused about how she got here. After 1 hour? of looking, she started to go insane. She started to think, "Is this real?" She decided to explore a little more.
"It has been 3 hours of exploring and it just seems like this place is endless! Which is strange, because I do not remember this place being this big...am I stuck here?!" However when she turned around, a door magically appeared behind her! "WHAT OH NO OH MY!!! Wait, a door? HOW DID IT GET HERE?!" She reached for the doorknob and headed inside...
"Oh hello there."
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Who said that?!"
"My name is not important at the time. But I do have some of your friends with me. Wanna play with us?"
Eleanor continued walking in the mysterious room.
"Hey Eleanor! It's me, Zoe! Liya is here too!"
"ZOE? SO THE MYSTERIOUS VOICE WAS NOT LYING?!" Eleanor rushed towards Zoe and Liya, excited to see them. "Friends, how did you get here? I fell asleep, and all of a sudden I am here!" "We do not know how we got here either...all I know is that I was lead here by a voice...", replied Liya. "Wait, but that happened to me too!" "And me!", said Eleanor and Zoe. "Let us go down this path. It could lead us to an exit.", said Liya.
They walked down the path. They started to notice some unsettling things while walking. There was a ball pit, but the balls were flat, for some reason. There was a trampoline, but the net was ripped. It didn't looked like something heavy bounced on it. It looked like it had been torn apart.
"Liya, this is quite weird....", said Zoe.
"Oh don't worry, Zoe, it will be fine!", said Liya.
"Yes, it will!", said Eleanor.
After walking a long time, they had arrived at an elevator-like contraption. Liya hopped on the machine, and started to remember something. "WAIT, GUYS, I REMEMBER PASSING THROUGH HERE TO GET TO THE PLACE WHERE THE DOOR APPEARED-"
"LIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!", shouted Zoe and Eleanor.
"HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!!!!", screamed Liya as she was being flown away by a mysterious figure.
She was flown to a place high up in the playground?, which seems to be really tall. Zoe and Eleanor started to think of a plan to find Liya. "NONONONONOOOOOOO!!! We NEED to find Liya!!", said Eleanor. "LET'S DO THIS!!", said Zoe.
They tried to ride the contraption up to the top, but it gradually started shrinking. "Zoe, let me hop on you!", said Eleanor. "WHAT?! WHY?!", replied Zoe. "THE ELEVATOR IS SHRINKIIIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!", shouted Eleanor. "OH MY WHAT I DIDN'T-" Eleanor hopped on Zoe before she could finish her sentence, and due to this Zoe was able to carry Eleanor so that no one would fall.
They had arrived at the top of the building. "Hmm, is this a playground?", asked Zoe. "YES, YES IT IS! IT IS MY OLD PLAYGROUND!!!", replied Eleanor, excitedly. They countinued looking for Liya, when all of a sudden....
The creature that had taken Liya away, or at least seems to be, appears right in front of their eyes! "Hello there, children! *bark*", said the creature."WHAT ARE YOU?!", said the friends. "I am Elena, and I am terribly sorry for not introducing myself to you earlier. Yes, I am the one who took Liya, lead you all in here, and put that door there. But you know why? It's so we can play! Just the three of us, together.", said the creature, Elena.
"Zoe? Eleanor? Ready?"
"Ready? For wha-"
"HEY, YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH!!!!", said Eleanor. |