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Forum Index > Q&A (Newbie Friendly) > Tips for Newbies
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Level 75
Nature Walker
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 12/17/2012 at 2:05 PM Post #1
Hi there! Here are some tips to make your game play in Sylestia an easier and better experience!

Some fellow players have created a Forum thread to help new players become accustomed to Sylestia. If you are interested in seeking help, please Visit this Thread.

Traps and Genetic Scanners
To use a pet trap or genetic scanner in battle simply click the 'View Inventory' button in the explore window. This should bring up your inventory along with showing the pets or enemies that you're currently engaged in battle with. Simply click on either a trap or the genetic scanner and then click on the pet or enemy that you would like to trap or scan.

Make sure to equip your pet with the gear that you find through exploring and completing quests! You can go to your inventory and switch between 'Equipment' and 'Inventory' by clicking on the button. To equip gear, just click on the item to select it and then click on the appropriate slot underneath the image of your pet.

Elixirs and Draughts
To use an Elixir or Draught during battle, you must click on the Potion Bottle to open the Party Manager. Then, in the 'Use an Item' window, select the item that you wish to use and then click on the pet image in the 'Use an Item' window. Your pet should now have a potion bottle icon by its name. You can close the 'Use an Item' window and continue your turn as usual. You will use the item at the beginning of the turn (when it's calculated).

Sylesti Plaza and Town Barracks
You can use the Sylesti Plaza in Esior's Haven to expand your Party Limit, expand your Mission Limit, or Heal your pets to full Health. You can also visit the Town Barracks in Esior's Haven and send your pets on Missions to earn Experience, Gold, Faction, and Items as rewards. Please note that you cannot use these features until after you finish exploring the Esior's Fields zone.

Quests are a very important aspect of exploring. Not only can you receive Gold, Faction, and Items by completing Quests, but some Quests are required to advance the story line. Although Jinxie frequently reminds you to get your Quests before traveling to a new Zone, she cannot accept them for you.

Trading with Other Players
There are multiple ways of trading with other players. You can use the Trade Broker, Currency Exchange, or just simply Mail Items to other users.

You should always check the Trade Broker for useful items that you can buy - as well as selling items that might be worth more than the vendor prices.

The Currency Exchange is used for selling Gold for Diamonds or Diamonds for Gold.

And lastly, you can Mail items to other players by selecting an item from your Inventory and clicking the Envelope Icon to the right of the Sorting Icons.

Increases your Collection of Pets
In Sylestia, you can obtain pets by capturing them with traps, breeding a male and female, using a generator to create a new pet, or by purchasing pets from other players. You may also stumble upon abandoned pets while exploring the wild.

In order to capture a pet, you must first have a Snare Trap. Every Town will sell at least one version of a Snare Trap. You can also buy the Masterful Snare Trap from the Diamond Shop. Now, during battles, you can access your inventory and use those traps to capture a wild pet. Please note, traps can fail and a failure can even make the Sylesti run away. The higher quality a trap is, the better chance (and ability to capture higher rarities) you have of succeeding.

You can also breed a male and female adults of the same species. In order to access the Breeding Grounds, simply visit the Generator and click on "Breeding Grounds". Here, you can test breed your pets to see what their offspring might look like. When you've settled on a pair, breed them to receive an Eggling. All Egglings and Hatchlings are stored in your Stable's Hatchery until they grow up to become Adolescents. At that point, you can move them into your Stables.

You can also visit Dr. Felix's Generators. If you have an Essence of a Sylesti, you can generate a Sylesti of that same species and breed. This allows you to customize a brand new pet. There are two types of Essences: Enhanced and Regular. Enhanced Essences unlock more Genotypes and have a higher chance of turning out the same colors that you choose.

You can find Essences by purchasing them in the Diamond Shop, finding them from defeated Sylestis, nurturing Egglings and Hatchlings, from Treasure Boxes and Mission Satchels, as well as rewards from Mini Games. Just simply go to the correct Generator to create your new companion!

Lastly, you can purchase pets from other players. You can set a price for your pets by clicking the "Manage Pet" button on your pet's Profile Page. When purchasing a pet from another player, visit the pet's Profile Page that you wish to purchase and click "View Prices" to purchase it.

You can also use our Search page to search for only pets that are for sale and of the qualities you are looking for.

Pet Aging and Maturity
Maturity is measured in hours and comes in four categories: Eggling, Hatchling, Adolescent, and Adult.

It takes roughly 72 hours (3 Days) for a newborn Eggling to become a Hatchling.
It then takes roughly an additional 144 hours (6 Days) for a Hatchling to become an Adolescent.
It then takes an additional 18 Days for an Adolescent to become an Adult.

Profile Views and Nurture Clicks can speed up the growth of Egglings and Hatchlings. Egglings and Hatchlings cannot take part in exploring of any kind and must stay in your Hatchery until they are an Adolescent.

When an Eggling reaches 72 Incubation (The Green Bar on their Profile Page), it will be Ready to Hatch. You can either choose to Help It Hatch, Let it Hatch, or use a Philter. All three choices will permanently increase its stats. Which stats and how much depend on your choice. Also, if you wait too long, the Eggling will just hatch on its own and you will miss this opportunity.

As far as Breeding, only Adult pets can breed. However, once a pet is an Adolescent, they are fully capable of exploring.

Stuck Exploring?
Are you stuck exploring and don't know how to progress to the next Zone? Try the following:

1. Return to the Zone you came from and make sure you completed everything that was required.
2. Return to Esior's Haven and see if anyone wishes to speak with you.
3. Check the Quest Board to see if there are any quests you missed.
4. Visit the World Map and see what Jinxie says to do next.

If you are still stuck, then please make a reply or contact us and we will be happy to help.

If you can think of anymore tips, feel free to reply here and I'll add them to the list! :)
Edited By Krinadon on 3/30/2020 at 8:09 PM.
Level 5
Joined: 12/23/2012
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Posted: 12/24/2012 at 12:02 AM Post #2

I am new and stumbling around a bit.
I can see profile views gives experience, how often can you view the pet to give it +1? How often does it reset?
Is there benefit to having others view your pet?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 12/24/2012 at 10:13 AM Post #3
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/30/2025 at 11:38:34pm


I am new and stumbling around a bit.
I can see profile views gives experience, how often can you view the pet to give it +1? How often does it reset?
Is there benefit to having others view your pet?


View counters reset once per 24 hours per person. There is also a cap to how much experience a pet can earn from views per day.

The only benefit to having others view your pets is that they will also earn 1% experience per view.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/31/2012 at 3:46 PM Post #4
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/30/2025 at 11:38:34pm
Pet Aging and Maturity
Maturity is measured in hours and comes in four categories: Eggling, Hatchling, Adolescent, and Adult.

It takes roughly 72 hours (3 Days) for a newborn Eggling to become a Hatchling.
It takes roughly 144 hours (6 Days) for a Hatchling to become an Adolescent.
It takes 18 Days for an Adolescent to become an Adult.

So to become an Adolescent, would that be 6 days total, or 6 day plus the previous ~3 days?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 12/31/2012 at 4:07 PM Post #5
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/30/2025 at 11:38:34pm

Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/30/2025 at 11:38:34pm
Pet Aging and Maturity
Maturity is measured in hours and comes in four categories: Eggling, Hatchling, Adolescent, and Adult.

It takes roughly 72 hours (3 Days) for a newborn Eggling to become a Hatchling.
It takes roughly 144 hours (6 Days) for a Hatchling to become an Adolescent.
It takes 18 Days for an Adolescent to become an Adult.

So to become an Adolescent, would that be 6 days total, or 6 day plus the previous ~3 days?


Starting at a brand new Eggling...

(In Days)
3 + 6 + 18 = 27 Days total for an Adult.

So it would take 9 days (3 + 6) for a brand new Eggling to become an Adolescent.

I hope that helps.
Level 69
Adept Gladiator
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Posted: 1/4/2013 at 5:02 AM Post #6
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/30/2025 at 11:38:34pm

Starting at a brand new Eggling...

(In Days)
3 + 6 + 18 = 27 Days total for an Adult.

So it would take 9 days (3 + 6) for a brand new Eggling to become an Adolescent.

I hope that helps.

I find it entertaining that it will take longer to get an adult from an egg, than the sight has been opened, from beta. And getting an adult from a generated Sylesti will take longer than the sight has been up as well. X)
Level 23
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Posted: 1/9/2013 at 4:53 PM Post #7
Hello! Im new here and was wondering how you can go on journeys..
Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 1/9/2013 at 7:48 PM Post #8
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/30/2025 at 11:38:34pm

Hello! Im new here and was wondering how you can go on journeys..

Hi there, if you follow the tutorial and then continue following Jinxie she should lead you on your journey.
Level 72
Joined: 1/7/2013
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Posted: 1/9/2013 at 11:40 PM Post #9
Hello :3 Newbie here. Was wondering where you can purchase genetic test kits like the one you get during the tutorial.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 1/9/2013 at 11:46 PM Post #10
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/30/2025 at 11:38:34pm

Hello :3 Newbie here. Was wondering where you can purchase genetic test kits like the one you get during the tutorial.


They will be available in the 3rd region's town when we release that region.

You can buy an unlimited charge Test Kit from the Diamond Shop at this time though.
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