Forum Index > General Discussion > Curious Discussion- Sylestia Prices
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Level 60
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Posted: 3/1/2013 at 8:40 AM
Post #1
I'm curious, because this is still a new game and I want to see which way this is going to go...
The prices of Sylestias, when you put them up for sale.... Some of them are so much lower than the cost of the nets (not to mention some people are throwing down 5+ nets to catch something).... so, I'm not really following the understanding here . It would seem to me that I wouldn't want to come out thousands of gold behind- or am I missing something?
Level 60
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Posted: 3/1/2013 at 8:59 AM
Post #2
I was wondering that too for a while until I read a post a few days back.
Sylestia is still a pretty new site and the user's are still going through the 'settling' stage, I guess you could call it. No one really knows what price would be good for what and I guess the prices are so low because no one wants to think that they're overpricing. I'm sure that, over time, the prices might adjust themselves to what everyone would think is an appropriate price.
Though I also think that the low prices are good with helping the newcomers get a higher level pet to set on missions to accumulate enough gold to buy the items/pets that they want. (I know it's helped me TONS!)
Level 60
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Posted: 3/1/2013 at 9:51 AM
Post #3
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 5:14:51am
Sylestia is still a pretty new site and the user's are still going through the 'settling' stage, I guess you could call it. No one really knows what price would be good for what.
I think so too, in time, prices will settle on it's own.
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 5:14:51am
I'm curious, because this is still a new game and I want to see which way this is going to go...
The prices of Sylestias, when you put them up for sale.... Some of them are so much lower than the cost of the nets (not to mention some people are throwing down 5+ nets to catch something).... so, I'm not really following the understanding here . It would seem to me that I wouldn't want to come out thousands of gold behind- or am I missing something?
As for pricing, usually, it's the mixture of colors and genetics. You should frequent the 'Pet Auctions' section of the forums, to get the idea what kind of pet are usually sold at high price.
Also, you can check which species has the highest demand, as for now is the Luporas. They can be sold for more than 10k, I think new species are always hot for sale (but still keep in mind the colors and genetics).
Level 60
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Posted: 3/1/2013 at 10:29 AM
Post #4
This has been on my mind quite a bit. At this point, I'm just clueless as to what the going rates for DV, TV, and Quad customs are. Right now I'm just winging it. lol I figure the site is pretty new, and almost nobody is super rich yet, so...
Level 70
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Posted: 3/1/2013 at 11:47 AM
Post #5
Honestly, pets that are being sold in the pet auctions are negotiated to be under 10k most of the time, which is good for newbies and sellers. Newbies like pets that they can't catch because at first, it takes quite awhile to get enough gold for traps and sometimes it takes more than 3 to catch one pet. Sellers need to clear out their stables (why people fill them up at the speed of light is beyond me lol).
The pets that need to be cleared out, usually with no shown traits or funny colors, are 1g-300g and to the owner, disposable and release fodder.
The pets that are desirable because of a trait may be priced by the seller (who either spent 2k-10k catching the thing in hopes of selling it, or just breeding babies like nobody's business) can be 3k-5k. IMO, the colors at this rate are questionable. If the pet isn't bought, then the trait is probably not a preferred one, or the colors aren't the best, and are reduced to 1g-300g or release fodder.
People will price pets of higher quality or popularity (ie luporas with questionable colors/traits) northward of 5k. I've seen some people price luporas for 15k because of a trait, and frankly you have to go out of your way to search for those.
If you see offers of selling on the pet auctions, they are more likely to be cheaper.
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