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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Aaron's Free Eggling Raffle
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Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
Threads: 148
Posts: 7,378
Posted: 5/23/2014 at 8:04 PM Post #1
Hello everyone and welcome to Aaron's Eggling Raffle!

The way this works is each of you get a certain amount tickets each time (I will say how many in the post with the egglings for the round) to spend as you please, whether you want to put them all toward one egg, or try for multiple eggs and put one on each, or any combination thereof, anything works. I'll keep track of who has howevermany tickets on each egg and at the end, I'll stick everything into a random number generator and the winners will be announced.

I will most likely do future rounds, so let me know if you want a ping when that happens.

1. Different amount of tickets per round, use them as you choose, however, you can not change where you want your tickets after you have posted, so choose carefully.
2. I will post the egglings for each round, then let you know when you can start posting.
3. Each round only lasts (around) 24 hours so get on it quick
4. Winner for each egg will be chosen via random number generator
5. The winners will be given a week to pick up their eggs after the winners have been announced
6. Make sure to ping me when you post your ticket choices, or I may not see them
7. Have fun and be polite

Good luck to everyone!

Note: Please do not post until I have given the go-ahead.

Also: Feel free to let me know what sort of eggs you guys would be interested in and ask questions.

(This post may change at any point, depending on additions I may need to make in the future based on how the rounds go, so make sure to check back here periodically and see what's up.)
Edited By Aaronampora on 8/15/2014 at 2:56 AM.
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
Threads: 148
Posts: 7,378
Posted: 5/23/2014 at 8:05 PM Post #2
Ping list for future rounds:

Maident, Yumi123, Atabi, Shydragoness, Fforfox, Vin, Masterofdragons, Starwide, Waternixie, Jadelion, Iscream, Zzzzz, Gingerpaw, Angelzrulez, Zevria, Mewzzer, Dauntlessscale1, Ivodince, Keanai, Evieseriously, Alexenthuen, Kyokai
Araeillia, Oburi, Blackhawkdown, Dragonborn, LunarStorm, Shefampyr, Barcode454, Nyoka, Snowheart89, FForFox
Edited By AaronAmpora on 1/1/2015 at 2:33 PM.
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
Threads: 148
Posts: 7,378
Posted: 5/23/2014 at 8:52 PM Post #3
Round #1

Everyone gets 10 tickets this round.

This round ends Tomorrow, 5/24/2014, at midnight game time.

c = carry
v = visible
n = nothing

The Egglings

#1 - Griffi
G1: v
M3: c/v
1. LunarStorm
2. LunarStorm
3. LunarStorm
4. Atabi
5. Atabi
6. Masterofdragons
7. Masterofdragons
8. Masterofdragons
9. Masterofdragons
10. Masterofdragons
11. Masterofdragons
12. Masterofdragons
13. Masterofdragons
14. Masterofdragons
15. Masterofdragons

#2 - Spooky Ryori
G1: c
G2: c/v/n
G3: c/v/n
M2: c/v/n
1. Yumi123
2. Yumi123
3. Yumi123
4. LunarStorm
5. LunarStorm
6. LunarStorm
7. LunarStorm
8. Atabi
9. Atabi
10. Atabi
11. Atabi
12. Luga
13. Luga
14. Luga
15. Luga
16. Luga
17. Roguew
18. Roguew
19. Roguew

#3 - Blood Scream Ryori
G1: c/v/n
G3: c/v
M1: c/v
M2: c/v
1. Yumi123
2. Yumi123
3. Yumi123
4. Luga
5. Luga
6. Luga
7. Luga
8. Luga
9. Creatures
10. Creatures
11. Creatures
12. Creatures
13. Creatures
14. Creatures
15. Creatures
16. Creatures
17. Creatures
18. Creatures
19. Roguew
20. Roguew
21. Roguew
22. Morphine
23. Morphine
24. Morphine
25. Morphine
26. Morphine

#4 - Ryori
G1: c/n
G2: c/v
G3: c/n
M2: c/v
1. Vin

#5 - Ryori
G2: c/v
G3: c/n
M2: c/n
1. Vin
2. Vin
3. Vin
4. Vin
5. Vin
6. Vin
7. Vin

#6 - Lighira
G2: c/n
G3: v
M2: c/n
M3: c/v
1. Maident
2. Maident
3. Maident
4. Maident
5. Maident
6. Wonderfulb2uty
7. Wonderfulb2uty

#7 - Lighira
G1: c/v
G3: c/v/n
M1: c/v/n
M2: c/v/n
1. Kalores
2. Kalores
3. Kalores
4. Atabi
5. Atabi
6. Wonderfulb2uty
7. Wonderfulb2uty
8. Wonderfulb2uty

#8 - Lighira
G1: c
G3: v
M3: c/n
1. Kalores
2. Kalores
3. Kalores
4. Kalores
5. Atabi
6. Atabi
7. Shydragoness
8. Shydragoness
9. Shydragoness
10. Shydragoness
11. Shydragoness
12. Morphine
13. Morphine
14. Morphine
15. Morphine
16. Morphine

#9 - Lighira
G1: c/n
G2: c/n
G3: v
M2: c/v/n
M3: c/n
1. Kalores
2. Kalores
3. Kalores
4. Wonderfulb2uty
5. Wonderfulb2uty
6. Wonderfulb2uty
7. Wonderfulb2uty
8. Wonderfulb2uty
9. Shydragoness
10. Shydragoness
11. Shydragoness
12. Shydragoness
13. Shydragoness

#10 - Ny'vene
G1: c/n
G2: c/v
G3: c/n
M1: c/v
M2: c/v
M3: c/v
1. LunarStorm
2. LunarStorm
3. LunarStorm
4. Fforfox
5. Fforfox
6. Fforfox
7. Fforfox
8. Fforfox
9. Fforfox
10. Fforfox

#11 - Ny'vene
G1: c/v
G2: v
M1: v
M2: v/c
M3: v
1. Vin

#12 - Ny'vene
G1: c
G2: c/v
G3: c/n
M1: v
M2: v
M3: c/v
1. Maident
2. Maident
3. Maident
4. Maident
5. Maident

#13 - Ny'vene
G2: c/v
G3: c/n
M1: v
M2: c/v
M3: c/v
1. Fforfox
2. Fforfox
3. Fforfox
4. Vin

#14 - Chocolate Candy Bulbori
G2: v
G3: c
1. Yumi123
2. Yumi123
3. Yumi123
4. Yumi123
5. Roguew
6. Roguew
7. Roguew

#15 - Chocolate Candy Bulbori
G1: c
G2: c
G3: c
1. Roguew

#16 - Nytekrie
G1: c/v/n
G2: c/n
G3: v
M1: c/v
M3: c/n

#17 - Nytekrie
G1: v
G3: c/v
M1: v
M3: c/v/n
Edited By Aaronampora on 5/24/2014 at 11:54 PM.
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
Threads: 148
Posts: 7,378
Posted: 5/23/2014 at 8:53 PM Post #4
Round 1 is open! Start posting!
Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 4/16/2014
Threads: 6
Posts: 516
Posted: 5/23/2014 at 9:22 PM Post #5
Five on #6, five on #12
I'd also like to be on the future ping list :)
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/19/2012
Threads: 26
Posts: 967
Posted: 5/23/2014 at 9:33 PM Post #6
3 on #2, 3 on #3, and 4 on #14, please!
Add me to the ping list, too!

How long would we have to pick up the eggs if we win? I log in often but every other weekend is my weekend with my fiance so I won't be on until late Sunday night.
Edited By Yumi123 on 5/23/2014 at 9:35 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 8/11/2013
Threads: 110
Posts: 3,530
Posted: 5/24/2014 at 12:52 AM Post #7
Could I please put 3 tickets on #7 and #9, and 4 tickets on #8. Thank you~
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
Threads: 148
Posts: 7,378
Posted: 5/24/2014 at 12:52 AM Post #8
You've been added, as have your tickets. :)
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
Threads: 148
Posts: 7,378
Posted: 5/24/2014 at 12:55 AM Post #9
I added you and your tickets, and that's perfectly fine, I usually give people about a week to pick up their pets. So no worries! :)
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
Threads: 148
Posts: 7,378
Posted: 5/24/2014 at 12:58 AM Post #10
Your tickets have been added~ :)
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