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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Warrior Cats: A New Land
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Level 56
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Posted: 7/1/2014 at 12:17 AM Post #1
The following is based on Erin Hunter's Warriors series.

Many people have heard of the five clans founded many years ago: SkyClan, who's talent is leaping great hights; ThunderClan, talented at climbing and hunting in the underbrush; ShadowClan, who are most talented at hiding in shadows; Windclan, the fastest runners; and RiverClan, the best swimmers.

But what if i told you that these were not the only clans? This is the beginning of the New Land clans. After twolegs brought their ancestors over the Great Drinkless Lake, many cats were either released or escaped. Some move continuously, while others found homes in unexpected places. However, as time passed, the cats became unsteady, and many tensions began to rise. soon, a war was fought in many areas of this new land. Coincidentally, the fights of the new land cats happened at the same time the old land cats, and in one fell swoop, they had all experienced the visitation of the ancestors from so long ago. After the fallen companions of the new land cats ceased their visit, leaders arose among the survivors.

Mole became Molestar, and founded MoleClan, the greatest diggers and fighters in tight spaces. They are the smallest, but their strength in numbers is great, and they have the strongest family bonds.

Night became Nightstar, and founded NightClan, the quietest hunters of all the clans, able to stand right behind someone and not be detected. They are also the proudest cats.

Light became Lightstar, founding LightClan, who are able to use the light of day and night for their favor, and able to see well even in the brightest or darkest areas. These cats are also the best tacticians of all the clans, and the most loyal.

Rock became Rockstar, founder of RockClan. They are able to handle even the toughest terrains. They are also the strongest and have the thickest fur of all the clans.

These four clans live in a remote mountainous valley near a solitary farm. MoleClan live in tunnels below a plain. Nightclan live in a thick pine and oak forest their camp located in a group of clustered oak branches entangled together. The ground is filled with leaves all year long. LightClan lives in a reflective terrain, and they can see the edges of their camp at all times from one spot. The camp is located in a cave with much greenery. The land surrounding has very few trees and is only slightly rocky from the mountains. RockClan lives in a rocky hill terrain with many sharp stones and hard to reach places. There is very little underbrush there. The camp is located in the center of a ditch with an entrance shaped like an upside-down funnel. apprentices must build up much strength to exit, and Warriors can carry other cats in and out the entrance with no difficulty. however, there are other, secret ways of exiting camp....

The stories of these four clans starts at the same time Rusty, soon to be Firepaw, started his journey.





1. Take turns rping.
2. Lable which clan it is you're rping to in at the top of your post. It makes it easier to write responses.
3. Remember that you can NOT read another cat's thoughts, only their outward reactions.
4. Be sure to post enough that people can respond to.
5. HAVE FUN! :3



Leader: Icestar (Apprentice Open)
Deputy: Wingflight
Medicine Cat: Mintsnow
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: (Open)
Nursery: (Open)
Elders: (Open)



Leader: Brittlestar
Deputy: Amberclaw
Medicine Cat: Featherstream, (Apprentice Open)
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: (Open)
Nursery: (Open)
Elders: (Open)



Leader: Skystar, Apprentice: Leappaw
Deputy: (Open)
Medicine Cat: (Open)
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: Leappaw, (Open)
Nursery: (Open)
Elders: (Open)



Leader: (Open)
Deputy: Silvermoon, Apprentice: Moonpaw
Medicine Cat: (Open)
Warriors: (Open)
Apprentices: Moonpaw(Open)
Nursery: Speckledkit, (Open)
Elders: (Open)


Cats Outside the Clans:

Spikekit, (Open)



Picture: (You can customize your cat/kitten by clicking -->Here.)

Age: (in moons)
Edited By Iceflame14 on 7/5/2014 at 4:30 PM.
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
Threads: 7
Posts: 97
Posted: 7/1/2014 at 12:19 AM Post #2

Name: Icestar
Age: 50 moons
Clan: LightClan
Rank: Leader
Personality: She is a kind leader and loves her clan like they were her kits. She has a strong, sturdy personality, and she would defend her clan to the death nine times over. She always knows how to position the reflective stones to serve as an advantage, and almost always seems to know when guests will arrive. She takes great pride in having the Moontree outside her clan's land, and respects anyone willing to travel there.
History: She was very active and excited as a kitten, but once, her playfulnss nearly killed her sister. Ever since, although her playfulness comes out occasionally, she has been more serious and steady in her work around the clan.
Other: The mark in her ear is a reminder of what happened so long ago.


Name: Featherstream
Age: 30 moons
Clan: MoleClan
Rank:Medicine Cat
Personality: She is a very gentle cat, and always kind to everyone, even cats of other clans. Her eyes are wise with the shine of the ancestors. She will heal any cat that has been hurt, even if they're from another clan. She is especially skilled at finding herbs. She even experiments with new ones at times, usually on herself.
History: She was ironically squeamish as a kit, but when a close friend of hers was nearly killed by a fox, she helped the medicine cat save her friend. Since then, she learned she had a passion for helping others, healing them in any way possible. It is rumored that she was once a kittypet, but no one seems to care about that anymore.
Other: She is almost always wearing some new herb around her ear.


Age: 14 moons
Clan: RockClan
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: He is always taking every opportunity to strengthen himself. He uses the training rocks in the Mossy Hollow in the camp, where the apprentices are trained in Rock Clan. He even asked to try out some training before the age of 6 moons, but when he was told no, he sneaked over there at night on occasion. He is always striving to better himself in any way.
History: N/A


Name: Speckledkit
Age: 3 moons
Clan: NightClan
Rank: Kit
Personality: She is very serious. She never really befriended any of her litter mates, imagining all the possibilities of the world. The others always believe she has her head in the clouds, when in reality, she is always thinking up new ways to help the clan. This means studying the surroundings, any weaknesses in the Nest Tree the clan's camp is in, and any type of hazard for the other kits. She has once hoped to become clan leader one day, but it was a fleeting thought, and she has never thought it since.
History: What can i say? Not much to do in the nursery.
Other: N/A
Edited By Iceflame14 on 7/2/2014 at 10:56 PM.
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
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Posts: 97
Posted: 7/1/2014 at 10:46 PM Post #3
Level 60
Joined: 5/9/2014
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Posted: 7/1/2014 at 11:40 PM Post #4
Might join this,

Where do you find your pictures?
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
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Posted: 7/1/2014 at 11:52 PM Post #5
Woot! i was hoping you would. :3 The link is where it says "click --> here" above. :3 If you know of any other warrior fans, please spread the word about it! i don't know many people on this site, so... :/
Level 60
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Posted: 7/2/2014 at 12:22 AM Post #6
Yeah no problem! I know a lot of people I just don't know if they roleplay XD

Okay thanks, do I just copy imgurl like normal when I create it?

And to make more friends try the general chat
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
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Posted: 7/2/2014 at 1:18 AM Post #7
actually, i did a screen shot and edited it with photobcket. if you have trouble, let me know. :3 and thanks for the advice; i have done so before, and have been both helped and ignored, depending on what i was talking about. it will take time, though, i know, so until then, i really don't know many people. :3
Level 29
Joined: 11/27/2013
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Posted: 7/2/2014 at 2:35 AM Post #8
:D A warrior cat rp! Man this brings back memories, lol. I actually haven't read a full WC book in years, but I'm sure I can remember most (and what I don't I can just look up xD)

Mind if I join? I'll be able to post my characters tomorrow if that is alright. Also has anyone claimed the leader for Moleclan yet? :3
Level 56
Joined: 6/24/2014
Threads: 7
Posts: 97
Posted: 7/2/2014 at 9:05 AM Post #9
Go for it! I can help with anything you need to remember, and not yet. :3 feel free to post! :3 xD

Also, we're clans in a new land, so we're making our own stories. :)
Edited By Iceflame14 on 7/2/2014 at 9:09 AM.
Level 29
Joined: 11/27/2013
Threads: 18
Posts: 225
Posted: 7/2/2014 at 6:10 PM Post #10
Awesome! xD I'll start most of them now and finish them later if I don't do it now.


Name: Brittlestar
Age: 42 M.
Clan: MoleClan
Rank: Leader
Personality: Brittlestar is a gentle cat, but stern. She doesn't take any horse play unless it comes from kits. Even with other clans, she doesn't like to mess around. Although, as hard as it may seems, she does have a sense of humor. She can make jokes when she thinks it's alright and even have a laugh with the kits and elders.
History: Brittlestar grew up as a sheltered kit. Her mother didn't really want her to become a warrior as she did, she would insist that she was born to be a medicine cat. She was never really allowed to play fight with her siblings, which were a pack of three brothers. She was kept in the nursing den while her mother tried to teach her the ways of herbs herself. If you couldn't tell, Brittlestar's mother was not the most stable cat in the clan. When Brittlekit become Brittlepaw, her mother had passed away from poison berries. There was a small vigil, but Brittlepaw didn't necessarily seems to care. That night, she spent the night in the apprentice's den while her three brothers stayed up through out the night.
As moons went by, Brittlepaw quick quickly got the hang of fighting in the small tunnels. She leaned to dig small hide outs and hunt mice and rabbits in the meadow. Pretty soon, she become a warrior. She was then given the name Brittletail, seeing as she was born without a tail. Now nothing much happened in this time period. Not until she was appointed clan deputy. It came to her as a suprise. She was not trying to impress anyone, nor was she the most liked cat in the clan. In fact, there were quite a few cats that didn't like her, due to her demanding nature and get-it-done-right attitude.
A few moons after she was given the new rank, she was out leading a patrol out in the meadow. It was alright at first, but after a while Brittletail noticed how quite it was. Soon after, the patrol was attack by a group of wild cats, four to be exact. Luckily it was an easy fight. The clan members won in just a few minute and there were no fatal injuries. Though, Brittletail did end up loosing site in her right eye along with the top of her right ear.

Name: Stoneback
Age: 29 M.
Gender: Male
Clan: NightClan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Just as his clan implies, Stoneback is a proud cat. He doesn't mind fighting in a battle or loosing if he knows the fight was fair. Stoneback has a strange kit-like personality for the most part. He is a playful character and knows how to make most cats laugh.
History: X
Edited By Lostsoull on 7/3/2014 at 12:40 AM.
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