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Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 4:54 PM
Post #1
something un-expected happen, I was nurturing my little Eggies
and Hatchling... Everything was nice... then! Oh a little message?
Hm, probably an Essence I though shrugging because I didn't knew
what to do of any more of those Normal Essence... but something
felt off... I take time and look at what I "won" for nurturing to find
me gulping down my saliva...
What was it writen?
[Enhanced Bulbori Essence]
Yes a ENHANCED Essence, all writen in Purple!
Okay, okay, I do not have really any NEEDs of a Enh. Bulbori, but the
though that you could REALLY find Enhanced, that it was POSSIBLE.
That was just epic and I NEEDED to share~ <3
Maybe I'll try trading that Enhanced Bulbori for an Enhanced Qitari
later on, but for now I enjoy this little bit of sunshine that brighten my
day, making it a bit better when recent events made me think a bit
black(no suicidal though here, just bad stuff I don't wanna talk okay?)
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 5:08 PM
Post #2
Congrats! I didn't know you could get enhanced essences from nurturing. That's good to know.
For me it was seeing this girl grow up. I capture a lot of pets, but I don't have any genetic tests. So, I was randomly breeding two of my carousel qitari together. I was expecting to see just the carousel markings, then...poof wings.
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 5:11 PM
Post #3
Oh and also, I kind of posted this to tell people that they CAN
get Enhanced Essences even if they doesn't spend money in
this game at all, it might be long, but this is the proof you DON'T
have to be paying Diamonds to get some Enhanced if you don't
feel like, just go nurture tons of that kind of pet each day and
you're in!~
Okay, it'll be long, but if you're one of those that doesn't like to
pay, leave it to those who REALLY want to put money in this game (like me lol!~ XP) and get into nurturing~ 8D
Sorry if it bothers anyone in any way possible(How? Dunno lol), but
I think it's important to show the members that can't spend money
on this game where they can find what they need without having to
get tons of gold and hope someone want to sell them an Enhanced
they need~ >:^O
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 5:14 PM
Post #4
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 8:58:58am
Congrats! I didn't know you could get enhanced essences from nurturing. That's good to know.
For me it was seeing this girl grow up. I capture a lot of pets, but I don't have any genetic tests. So, I was randomly breeding two of my carousel qitari together. I was expecting to see just the carousel markings, then...poof wings.
Yeah, one of my first point in posting this was also to show people they
can get Enhanced in Nurturing, bet tons of people will like that~ <3
And wow, that is indeed that kind of moment that are really special~ <3
That's something nice that cannot happen to me anymore because I just
test every pet possible, so I doesn't really have "surprise" like this one~ "orz
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 5:16 PM
Post #5
Oh, I know I'm kinda excited to learn that you can get enhanced essences through nurturing. That was one thing that I had always wondered about. I mean, I nurtured a ton for a while, and didn't find anything other than regular ones.
But now that I know...I might go nurturing some pets.
So thank you for letting us know.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 5:17 PM
Post #6
You can also get enhanced essences from missions. So far, I've gotten an enhanced zolnixi, morrko, aurleon, and faelora essence that way.
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 5:19 PM
Post #7
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 8:58:58am
You can also get enhanced essences from missions. So far, I've gotten an enhanced zolnixi, morrko, aurleon, and faelora essence that way.
Really? That's even more awesome to hear! I only found Normal ones
up to now, but now hearing you can find Enhanced there make me even
more excited into sending more Missions!
I'm not THAT much a fan of nurturing, like I mean I DO go through MY
pets to nurture them, but it's easy because they're mine and I do want to
see them grow a bit faster~ XD
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 3/15/2013 at 5:22 PM
Post #8
Huh didn't know you can get them from missions. Well, good thing I'm always sending my pets on missions. I did know I got like...4 from lovely satchels, but those are completely different bags. Plus you can't get the lovely satchels anymore.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 3/16/2013 at 2:21 AM
Post #9
Yeah, I've only gotten them from the orange missions, though. The hardest ones.
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 3/16/2013 at 6:25 AM
Post #10
Make sense because I only find Essences in the Oranges
one too, so if Enhanced can pop from there too, I'm going
to try lots of them, in worst case I'll have tons of Essences
to sell another time~ XD
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