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Forum Index > Other Fiction > Mica's Into to Night Shadows
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Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
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Posts: 962
Posted: 3/16/2013 at 9:48 AM Post #1
Okay this started out being just for Mica but now ti's for all my Rp Characters on this sight. Just stroll till you find a profile that says it's for the rp you are looking for. I will try and bold it.

Who is Mica? This is her Profile, below is her intro.

Starting Name: Obviously she just drop into this world so she needs to be named. Till then she has red hair so will probably be nicknamed Auburn Chick

Given Name: Mica Blackmoor

Gender: Female

Physical Description: Well I was looking up hair color and found this

which actually helps a lot. Mica’s hair is almost this color, not quite so bright and it has more brown tones in it. It is also rather disheveled and messy(you will see why in the intro I still have to write). It is the same length as the picture but the bangs need to be less round, they are shorter and frayed. Also her hair has volume but is naturally straight.


Body:Mica’s skin is a typical european color not pale but just a shade of dusty peach.

She is small about five-four and stocky, this means built she has good muscle but isn’t chucky. Think Swimmer’s muscle.Her face is a typical oval shape with no particularly notable features, in fact she is pretty much average all around her bust isn’t particularly noticeable perhaps on the lower end of a C, he legs aren’t short but aren’t long as stated she’s like five four five-five. She has a light dusting of freckles across her nose and spread on her back and she has very pretty feet.

Cloths:Good hiking books, a study pair of trousers(with belt) with a dirk (small)strapped to her leg. She has a brown leather windbreaker and a short sleeved red cotton shirt under it, fingerless brown leather gloves. A puca I believe it’s spelt necklace hangs close to her throat. A weather-proof backpack with three candy bars,a couple more knives, some thread, and a water thermos and a small first aid kid, it’s a small pale green backpack.(She has all this for a very good reason, if you don’t want her to have it, find by me, but I rather see did.)

Personality: Mica is loud, headstrong and stubborn. She’s playful and not the brightest but when it comes down to it she’s there and she will never break her promise. She is extremely loyal, and willing to listen when it really counts, supportive but impatient, determined beyond words. She's not really good at anything but can do a little of everything. She excelled in nothing(well few things) other than being really really hard to kill.

Position:Can be a successful scavenger if need be. She will attend anyone that needs help and can perform to a minor degree anything that the job requires.

Other ‘skill’

Exceptional(of professional level): Climbing, endurance running, plant identification,trapping, foul selection.

Skills(she can do a lot but not well): Cooking(I wouldn’t eat it), hand-to-hand combat,dagger combat(is actually pretty good at this),hunting,fishing,farming,sewing,baby-sitting,bartering,smithing,tailoring,cobblering rudimentary spellcasting(she finds this strangely hard and it takes A LOT more energy than the average person would need...good thing she has enger in plenty!), alchemy, archery.(there is more but I can’t think right now)

Power: She actually has two( don’t know if I can start with a power or it has to be given but I would REALLY like to start of with the second one at least) and I’m going to be greedy and like her to develop a third but that’s because her powers don’t become major until they are fully developed and by then we are all pretty awesome. Also her powers are nothing insanely powerful except for the one I would like to be given. The third one she will have to earn unless the first one is denied for being too similar to others abilities.

Mica’s first powers is the power of Finding, this means that when she focus, puts it in her ‘Mind’s Eye’ if you will, she can locate any one object no matter what no matter where. No this does not mean she get’s a golden map in her head nor does she sees a golden trail in fact she can’t even see the object in it’s current state just the state she last saw it in. Her power is kind of like an itemfinder plus GPS it’s ‘I think I should go this way.....OH NO A CLIFF!’ well guess what she has to go down that cliff. And yes it takes her on the shortest distance if that means through a volcano that means through volcano.

Her second power is......and I can’t find it right now but I learned about in a book my friend lent (forced on me) be called “Eat Prey Love” by Kerrelyn Sparks. I will find it when I have more time. What is does is allows her to understand any language as long as it is spoken to her for a short time. She will be able to speak it fluently in a matter of hours after being immersed in it. This power’s main use will probably be for talking with other tribes of people if we find them and to learn the ancient languages that Kim or the others may or may not know.

Does this mean she can talk to animals?: Sorta not really though, she can understand what it wants or is trying to convey but it’s not like full on conversation more like a mutual understanding. She can’t call, summon or actually speak to it just know that is doesn’t want her there or it wants ‘something’ or it wants her to leave stuff like that.

Does this mean she can talk to trees?: Once again sorta but not really, she can tell if it’s dieing or if it needs or wants ‘something’ she can’t tell what and because it’s a tree it can’t tell her.

Does this mean she can talk to rocks?: Absolutely! So for those of you who ever joking about talking to dirt, this is one of if not my favorite of her abilities, sure it’s rock and not dirt but it is pretty close. She can have long fluent conversations with rocks. No! They don’t say anything anyone ELSE can hear but apparently they are very talkative because so few people actually stop to chat. Because of this you will often find her squatted next to a river with a palm full of pebbles or riverstone.

The third ability that she does not have now but I would like her to have later is your fault because almost everyone has some form of mind ability. I would like to give her NULL a null is someone who repels all magic applied to them. What most people don’t realize that nulls aren’t repealing the spell they are absorbing it. Magic in it’s purest state is raw energy, nulls absorb that..if they absorb enough they explode, literally and take everything in the vicinity with them, the stronger the null the bigger the explosion. Theoretically if a null got strong enough it could rip the magic or in our case probably our given powers out of and individual. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don’t plan to make her this uber unless this is a really long rp and she can actually properly develop the skill. But I wanted to be honest and give you a full understanding on what she could do.

General age: 20ish,I guess I don’t want her to be an oddball to that extreme and 20ish would have been my choice anyway.

Other: She wants a chicken really badly and loves food, you give her food you’ve made a friend. She has a small pouch with silver orbs that chime when moved. They look like this (see link below) and are about the size of a super ball and she has twelve, no necklace of course.
Edited By 1172 on 3/20/2013 at 8:03 PM.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
Posts: 962
Posted: 3/16/2013 at 1:41 PM Post #2
What is this? This s Mica's intro to the Night's Shadow rp by Waterheart. If you are or are not part of this feel free to read. For those of you that aren't part of this just take note it comes from here

and is not it's own story.

Why: Why make an intro? I want you to understand my character and a bit of her backstory, also where her powers are at before you meet her.It also tell you what condition she is in.


It looked so peaceful, all those fiery hues melding into a burning carpet; small smile pulls at the girls lips, wind whips through her short auburn locks as she plummets eyes closed.

{My name, lost it, my myself, never forgotten.} She laughs, the sound crackles with release and madness, her skin tints gray.

Crack! Bang! Pop! She falls like a randoll through large branches, nails scrabbling to cling to catch failing and falling further.

{Gee I think I might be dieing that reeks.}

“Oof” Her body bounces painfully off a tree limb and in a belly flop onto the next. Her skin becomes peach again- {Not letting this one go.} - and her arms and legs wind around a thick medium brown branch.

Heavy breathing breaks the silence of the forest, her slender shoulders rise and fall with nearly exaggerated effort. Acute eyes scan the new location finding a thick canopy many feet above. She takes a moment to appreciate the sky above so simple and blue with it’s white puffy clouds then looks down, frowning. {Seriously, I just barely manage to catch a branch and it turns out I am only three feet off the ground?}

Signing the young woman barely past her teens uncurls her legs from the branch and gently placing her feet on the ground and then releasing her hold on the tree. “I appreciate you watching me.” She didn’t expect the tree to answer back and it didn’t, she couldn’t say she was thankful, too risky, it might be fae. The best she could do was smile fondly at it’s grainy bark lined with runs and try to project warmth. She didn’t even know it it caught her on purpose.

Body shaky, jeans torn she wanders a few feet from her savior and gives herself a once over. “Darn those were my best pants!” The left thigh has a rather large tear in it perhaps five to six inches. Frowning at the damaged material she grudgingly forces herself to continue with her investigation. {My ribs hurt-bad...maybe bruised? My legs don’t feel so hot either... Let’s just pray they’re bruised.. I need to get moving...why?} She shakes her head trying to clear it, this is a mistake as it sends a javelin into her brain. {What was I running from?} She can’t remember but for some reason...she needed to get moving, staying in one spot was -bad for-something-it. {Darn why can’t I-remember anything!} Delicate yet calloused fingers pulls and ruffle already mussed locks in a futile attempt to relieve her frustration. “Whatever find! I’ll do it on my own!” Do what exactly she was unsure of but she was moving away from h- {My arm stings.}

Mid step the a strange compulsion draws her eyes to her arm now forming a nice scarlet crescent. The blood had not reached her nice red cotton sleeves yet. She stares. {There is something wrong about this......} The little rip glistens {This shouldn’t be happening....why? My arm?....} “Oh no seriously! What the heck life why are you treating me like this!” She looks up angrily, seriously focusing on the branches this time instead of the nice blue sky. Her eyes squint......{Yep.} A deep sigh ushers from her, hanging a good fifty feet above was a study brown leather jacket with light tan inner material, it appeared to be missing a sleeve.

Muted peridot green eyes glare at the article then at the tree holding it, her savior. “Hey! Tree....would you mind you know dropping that?” reaction....”Okay I gave you your chance. I’m going to climb you now.” And so with this, leaves crunching with her advance the redhead proceeds to mount the tree. It’s bark is smooth and branches plentifully, {This climb is the easiest ever!...maybe...not sure....I’ve climbed other trees before right....yeah definitely!} caw!

{Huh?} The auburn haired girl squints. CAW! Black feathered creatures were swiftly angling towards her destination.{ A band of crows? no- What are those-! AH} Suddenly attack sharp beaks aim for eyes but cut a small slice in her cheek. “OW!” She whacks at one {These things have teeth.} “Stop-” Another comes at her she punches the bird sending it into a downward spiral, if not for her gloves she would have some very unpleasant bitemarks. AS it stands the scratchers from their claws was bad enough. “-It!-{Hey my backpack}” She notices and grabs the small pale thing from the fork of a thick branch and uses it to bash at the birds {More surface area better weapon for now, not sure if I should really kill these things}. This goes on for a good three minutes as she inches her way on hands and knees towards her jacket. When she notices, but a yard away, a nest. It sits in perfect harmony despite the chaos around, it also had her sleeve, the missing one front jacket. She stretches out a hand and rips the tan and brown material from the twiggy mass protecting the jade green treasures. {Me or you birdies, I have to pick me everytime. I’d say I’m sorry but I’m not.} She brutally whacks another of the ‘crows’. {Dear Gor these things are big!} Three more charged her. {This ain’t worth it.} She runs down the branch she is on, coincidentally the one with her jacket, the hanging jacket as she falls and prays the branch she is cling to doesn’t break too soon. It does, She catches an adjacent branch, runs down it to the trunk and climbs the rest of the way down, still under siege. “OKAY OKAY I’m leaving! Get it LEAVING.” SHe tries to emphasize to the latest pesterer.

The crow creatures pulls back, glaring at her from THEIR tree, the girl hasten to find the see saw fall...CRAW! {There you are.} She find it and rights the stunned creature, then
quickly departing before it could come back to get her, they are the size of a small cat.Somewhere in the distance she hears a river burbling. {I will head for that,hopefully wash up and get some water, that wa a work-out.} Tucking the severed sleeve into her bag she dons her ripped jacket and surprisingly intaked backpack, she heads east as a slow jog.

AN: Did ja get all that? Hope you liked. ^_^ As always feel free to Pm a review, questions comments or concerns.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
Posts: 962
Posted: 3/20/2013 at 8:04 PM Post #3


Name Given:Michael Luz (Mi-HIGH-el)

Name Chosen: Gunner Escuro


Powers (1-2):Angelus Resurgens and Daemon Descendentem (well what the heck does that mean?)

Power 1 Name Translation: Angel Rising

What it does: Heightens physical abilities strength/speed, the basic five sense, healing, gives flocking (can find others important to him, not like GPS more like moving along and subconsciously winds towards flock)
, and grace(makes learning weapons very very simple he can pick most up in a few minutes of holding them)

Power 2 Name Translation emon Descending

What it does: Can survive for extended periods of time on blood can also shapeshift into a hellhound and walk Dark Path in this form.(Think Helling intro folks) Also helps with healing(creation of tissue).

Not failiar with Hellsing?: Start fifteen seconds into the vid, it’s not long.

What is Dark Path?: Someplace you do not want to go and may hope to never see.

Description: He has long blond hair the color of ripe wheat that hangs in a braid and dangles to the center of his shoulderblades.

His complexion is typical european, blemishless, prefect. Gunner’s eyes are a deep honey color(first bottle on the left

His body is toned and athletic, stands about 5’9 roughly mid twenties and let’s see...oh yes he also has thirteen and half foot wing span.

Wing Pattern Inisde:

Wing Pattern Outside:

His personality: Well Gunner is... is well ornery. He’s a test-tube baby and hasn’t tasted the finer things in life, like friendship. SO he’s rather stubborn and self-minded, stand-offish and determined, short-tempted.

Age:Early-mid twenties

Other: (Advantage, disadvantages, History, Parents, etc)

Advantage: Very hard to kill, very loyal when brefirended

Disadvantage: Not a good him everyone is an enemy.

Take your time he is naturally driven to want flock but it takes him awhile to open up, he doesn’t really know what kind people are seeing as he’s been poked with needles since he was ‘born’

Gunner is a test tube baby, an attempt at what only gods can do. He’s designed to be an Artificial Angel and is very hard to control, very hard to kill, easy to anger. He being a test-tube baby has no parents or family, friends? NO not really...HIS particular scientist(at the military base where he is now, strapped to a table surrounded by white walls and glaring bright lights)...was a particular character indeed and despite the needles and repeated testing is probably the closest he has to a friend.

Zela call him short at your own risk.

Edited By 1172 on 3/21/2013 at 5:57 PM.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
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Posted: 3/20/2013 at 9:06 PM Post #4
Gunner's Intro

Thunder booming, lighting crashing, gods play in the clouds. {This is a s*ck night for flying.} Deep in dangerously dark clouds a golden shape torpedos past, rain weighs and slicks his his freezing skin, his golden hair, his nicely stolen clothes. {D*nm should have gotten something better than cargo pants at that last mall. And I need to find goggles.} A brief image of people running and screaming flicks into his mind. A cruel smile lights his face though his skin shivers.

All of a sudden a bright bolt flashes in front of him causing him to wheel, dazed.

Bright glaring lights, it was always the same, bouncing off the walls damaging his sensitive eyes. Blurry shapes began to form in the man’s vision, a fluorescent light and something dark off to the side in his peripheral vision. A sharp sting, a rapid intake of air, as a wickedly long needle presses through the tender skin between his ribs.’Sorry my sweet darling angel but you aren’t suppose to be awake quite yet~’ The voice croons as it always does and always will.
Gunner’s shakes himself from his mind, fanning his wings and pulls up from his doward death spin. His teeth grind together, it was their fault! More images flash in his mind, a little cat and a boy, a man with dark hair who carried a strange weight about him. {It is there fault!} The hours of needles, the bright lights, the cramped cells, the belts holding him down, the electric shock and ceaseless running till he drops, the tests the drugs . {It was all their fault!} He saw the pair chuckle happily at another job well done. “All your faaaaaault!!!!!” He screams himself hoarse in the pouring darkness. {I’m going to find you, I’m going to find you and tear you limb from limb.} Another dark smile curved his lips as he jets further into the night, trusting his instincts to bring him to his target, they always had before.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
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Posted: 4/26/2013 at 11:15 PM Post #5

Amber I hope this is what you wanted.

-a cave not so far from camp-


Broken nails clawed feebly into short auburn locks with restless energy,


Eye contracted to black pinpoints teeth clacking together painfully,


Her breathing comes in short shallow rasps,


Body curled against the dark damp cave floor.


Pupils dilate as everything stop-

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” A scream that sounds like jagged glass jabbed under fingernails cuts through the afternoon. Ripping fresh from her throat the sound echos repeated in the concave walls. Her body still convulses, dried tracks lay imprinted on her cheek. Mica sobs for several moments....{Failed, failed. I killed them all I was not strong enough to fight it. They are dead all dead all gone gone forever am alone truly finally alone, no one is coming to save me no exists but me I killed them all.} Her mind spirals.


-and restarts

“Oww!” The redhead lifts a hand to rub her temple the temporary shock distracting her from the swirling abyss of her mind.

<Not dead.>

She blinks slowly pulling herself into a sitting position. Memories hit her. She turn wrapping her arms about her abdomen and vomits violently. The dead and dieing flashed before her some strangers some friends. Shaking her head did little to dislodge the thoughts and indeed only succeeded in intensifying her head ach.


It was a small cave with a big voice...yet only one voice...and it was weakening, heavy and slowing.

{Get up, get going, they aren’t dead yet. ‘Oh but you might change that~ You never know what I have planned for you~’}

She vomits again feeling violated on a whole new level of intimacy. {Forget about physical, this guy has gotten inside of my head, seen my deepest desires,greatests fears, saw my spirit, held it twisted it with his awful poisonous fingers, tainted that which is myself, infected the sanctuary of my coverned soul-jewel, knows me inside and out,under my skin inside my mind.}

The poor paper pale body dry heaves till it hurt, just barely managing to stop herself. {This feeling....this sensation of pollution...will I never be clean?} A small cruel laugh. {It’s as if a swarm of tiny mites has simultaneously taken over my body and now crawl in my veins biting chewing, their tiny black slicked bodies bulging as they crawl under my skin and into my veins pushing themselves out of my eyes up out of my mouth.} Mica coughs harshly then wipes an arm over her mouth. {Like a give d*nm} Fake though it was bravado if better than a pathetic huddled mess. Staggering to her feet, resting a hand on the smooth wall Mica decides to take a brief look at the surrounding. {You never know until you try and if you never try you’ll never know. I have to show Kim this place, maybe we can track that sick b*stard.}
Wet gray stone, it was smooth though not perfect, and marbled from blue , teal to green to mustard all with overcast hues of dark or light gray, beautiful.

“Hello?” She tested her voice, it burned, dry rough and barely above a rasp, like sandpaper to a sidewalk.


Even the stone was silent now. {Wait? What?} She knocked on the wall. “Yo? You okay?”

The great marble walls said nothing.

“HEY!” She gives the cave a firm kick....nothing. “You okay?” Her voice lightens with concern as she rubs the wall with a gentle hand then turns and leaves a hearty jog, the dried tracks on her face are renewed with salty water. It’s too late, the magic back there was bad. {Dead.}
Edited By 1172 on 4/26/2013 at 11:15 PM.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
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Posted: 5/10/2013 at 9:50 PM Post #6
Angels Earthbounds and More

Okay so the things we, the hunters will be fighting for lack of better name I am going to call Rippers because well that’s kind of what they do. They are incomplete earthbound angels kind of like a larva stage. Rippers are descents of the original angels, like the otherworldly kind. They do not look like larva tough they are rather ugly little buggers.

Description: Their skin is the looks the consistency of raw fish( but remove the red hue, it’s a pale so much so white that it is nearly translucent you can see there blue black veins and they look like they belong in the deepest darkest caves of the world. Now take a coffee mug and put a finger across the middle there eyes are roughly that large and rim to rim obsidian black. The gums are black and teeth like well they are sharp(more than this but have gaps(quite like this so somthing like these in a human mouth( smooth though no jagged edges)

Rippers are hairless yet have a rather humanoid physic...a starved severely emaciated human physic. About the same size as the average man except for their rather large wings which are thin but long, wing spans reaching fourteen feet in the most extreme cases, the long slender feathers are also very nearly translucent(they have this sort of feel but made of feathers the color scheme is pretty montcalm from large bald head to jagged nailed toes they are black on the inside but white on the outside. There ribcage is clearly defined and there libs are thin and bony they have large hands probably eight to nine inches from spread thumbtip to pinky tips. Speaking of fingers they have five inch to a foot nails...more like claws at this point. Razor sharp and extremely hard, they are used to spear and stab or grabs shreds of prey. The nails are either typical translucent nail color or black. They bleed black or blue-black.

Okay so they are ugly, who cares right? Well as mentioned before I am calling them Rippers for a reason...remember how I said they were incomplete angels well yeah they don’t like that. See there is a small problem with Rippers that diminishes as they get older...they eat people...a lot of people when they first hatch(in swarms of 30-50) the new flock will descend on the nearest dimmed light source and devours anything they see moving in or around it. See they kind of have a moth to a flame problem. They need energy but can’t take bright light until they get to a certain level of development so a small town is usually the first target, true somthing like an elk herd has more energy...but elk herds live in the woods...its dark in the woods and the little lanterns that farmer put out look so warm and inviting.

SO these things kill everything man, woman, and child, chicken, dog, old, young, it moves its dead. They have no understanding of the fleshy screaming things other than they taste good and the loads they make are pleasing, devouring one is blissful and the feeling should be relished.

Development: It’s not all that bad. Rippers are at their worst when they first hatch, they kill without reason and slaughter people in droves as we no doubt will return the favor. There are seven different levels of Ripper.

Level 1 The Rave Stage: Raving, insane, starving, deadly these are level ones are hatchlings. They are incapable of anything other understanding the need to eat..and eat and eat. They are also the easiest to kill in this state because they aren’t exactly well coordinated and they are unused to resistance of such a caliber as a hunter. They cannot take bright light it will not kill them but is a strong deterrent. Rippers are stronger than the average human.

Why do Rippers eat? They eat because if they can gain enough energy they become
earthbound angels, this is the goal of every Ripper, not out of conscious knowledge but out of instinctual drive, becoming EA(earthbound angel) is their final evolution and the end of their need.

Level 2 The Sun Stage: Still in their central colonie at this level, Rippers begin to gain a tolerance for daylight, though still preferring darkness they have stop ravaging things and being to learn the arts of hunting.They are now becoming an unfun fight though still too weak to stand much of a chance.

Level 3 The Blood Stage:]Rippers now have a full mastery of hunting and can tolerate the light of large cities. In groups (3-19).

Level 4 The Mirror Stage: Rippers can now take on the appearance of humans, though they are always a bit off...thin or desolate a haunt or a man that had not eaten in weeks yet dines with his demons every night, there eyes are still dark but beginning to lighten. These are the first Rippers that CAN talk. It will probably not be the best conversation but a few may try. At this stage they are also losing insanity, they beginning to learn about the people around them and food is not longer simply food, this can be good or bad. Just because one can talk to you does mean it will more than likely it you bother it it will hiss at you and if you persist any Ripper worth it’s salt will try to kill you ,I mean you are still food.These are normally alone or in pairs no more than three and that would be considered a large group of fours.

Level 5 The Scary Stage: By this stage their powers are as near to peaking as a mobile Ripper can get. They are once again in swarms. (15-20) Why? because by now they have build a full tolerance to light and will try and consume it. They need a lot of them but if they can get to that size of a swarm they can shut down power plants. They are intelligent fully capable of disguise and speech. This is their most lethal phase.

Level 6 The Chrysalis Stage: After eating enough energy Rippers will find a nice warm space with leasing sunlight, like a cave in the tropics or some kid’s attic. They are always long for this very very very rarly in paris. They will settle down and develope a film like covering over them. In about six days that will have hardened into a eight foot solid orb like shell and being too thin form the inside out melting into liquid till the shell is only three feet thick while this occurs web like wet treads will spread over the area. The chrysalis will glow a faint bioluminescent cyan. The chrysalis grows to between eight feet by eight feet to as large as ten by ten. The Ripper will remain like this from eight to fourteen days though in one rare case one was observed for two months.This is the stare of most condensed energy, though they are also the most defenseless like this.If awaken and forced moble in Crysalis run. You will die. You get one shot that’s it then run like all hell.I don’t see why you would kill one in this phase though.

Level 7 The Ascension Stage, Also know as the Angel Stage: At the end of this period of time the Ripper awakens as an Earthbound Angel brakes out of it’s shell and finds a place to rest and sun bath for a few days. Earthbounds don’t eat people can now draw enough energy from the sun to survive.They are extremely powerful and intelligent. Earthbound angels and manipulate the energy around they and should not be disturbed, they are no longer a threat to the world. Earthbounds look pretty much human usually in lighter colors, blond light eyes like blue(most common) or green but some have darker colors (dark dark brown eyes) red or dark brown hair. That is pretty much your color options. There wings are some form of white usual nad they are thicker in plumage, like a normal angel's wings however this plumage is only created or visible when the angel disires it as that they are make from the energy within the creature. Angels are being of pure engery. They cast a certain aura of light and are generally seen a beautiful. Only 0.00000002 percent of Rippers get to this stage at all.

Reproduction and Breeding: Is it possible? If so with what? Rippers can only breed with other rippers there cycles generally last for two months in the beginning of July and early November. When disturbed they are vicious though spacy so you may have a few seconds shot at one. They lay clutches numbering 30-50. Earthbound's can breed with humans but not Rippers. A child may only be produced if the Earthbound is the sire. Meaning female earthbounds cannot bear children. they are not true angels which are creatures of creation. Even though they are angels they are still incompletely from their ancestors they lack the ability to create and thoughts cannot harbor a living life form inside of them.

Okay I am only now noticing my post got cut off please go down two posts for how to kill these creatures as there was more data added.
Edited By 1172 on 5/21/2013 at 5:54 PM.
Level 69
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/5/2013
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Posted: 5/12/2013 at 9:27 AM Post #7
I am fine with all this

But your links do not work.

When you post a link you should place it inbetween an URL.

Your'' post a reply'' page has a button with URL on it. You click it and get this:[url.] [/url.] (Minus the . I added a dot because the url part would become invisible otherwise.)

Then you place the link inbetween the 2 urls like this:[url.] [/url.] (again minus the dots in the urls)

Then you will get an link that will redirect people to what you want to show them.

I suggest you change the links in your post so that it is easyer and faster for people to see. And they don't have to look for the link either.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 5/21/2013 at 5:52 PM Post #8
Angels Earthbounds and More Part 2

Okay great so we have psychos killer things that get pretty how do I kill it. Do not try can kill and Earthbounds please(see being nice)... you would need to nail it’s wings to the floor chop it into pieces and burn it alive then melt the ash in acid and pour the acid into a basic solution creating a H2O substitute...I advise using it on plants. ^_^....Rippers on the other hand are simple to kill. Shoot’em down decapitated and burn, I once again advise using this ash for plants you don’t need to melt this unless it is a level five or higher I would take precautions and melt level fours ash too.Shoot the throat out first they scream loud, it a weapon and it will make your ears bleed.

Adjustment: Okay I was wrong. In reanalyzing earth bound angels I have discovered. Angels, earthbound or not are beings of energy. It is more logical is that when they reach ascension stage you no longer need to go through such a long process to dispose of them. That when you simple beat them to a state when they have no more energy they will probably brake into petals of energy and dissolve into he sky or heaven or whatever simply because their life-force has run out. Much simpler than running them in acid ect. ^_^
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