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Forum Index > Roleplaying > .:Night Dance:.
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Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 8/14/2014 at 3:19 AM Post #1

((Gotta say, this site is in need of a seriously good Rp or this Rp thing is gonna die. Here is Sarah to the rescue. ^_^))


You had a normal life. You were once human. you used to live in a beautiful and bright world, but now that is only a blurry memory.

If you haven't guessed already, you are dead. For some people, the passing was tragic, and for others, quick and painless. Now you turn corners every day and fear for what you may find, knowing that an evil and much stronger force is just lingering near by. There are others in this world as well, and if you haven't guessed, there is a leader that most call the "Master" of this god forsaken world.

You hear stories about the lives people use to live and how it seems that the world they live in now is hell in comparison. You can tell that people have changed, that you have changed, that what was left of you is slowly been melted away. No matter what the life or lives you were living before this.

You're scared and lonely. This world frightens you. What scares you the most is that the people who live around you seem to feast off of each other like cannabis to gain power. The weak are like cattle to them, their natural prey. It is scary, because some people seem to thrive off of this unruly situation. Like they had wanted this. They are the scariest of them all, the people who have lost their minds forever. Unable to make a clear, intelligent sentence that doesn't have the words "Blood" and "Your Soul" in them. This place is a curse and for most, you feel as if everything is against you. In this world there is no room for love and ego. You're terribly alone...


The Netherworld is a dark and cold place.

The sun rises for three hours every two days and the temperature never goes pass 50 degrees.

This place seems to look and run the same way as the world you use to know, only with less people. You may be able to scavenge a few things within the ruined building, but most likely nothing to nice. In the Netherworld, buildings are crumbling and falling down around you. Everything is either scorched, frozen, or in terrible shape.

There is a thick forest surrounding the city. Monsters live in the forest, things that won't hesitate to kill anything they can find. No one knows just how far you'll have to travel to get to the end of the woods, no one has ever come back to say.

.:Main Point:.

You have to find a way to survive, either by using your special ability that only increases power if your tragedy was horrible, or have natural hunting and survival skills. People kill people here, it is how those who can not hunt survive. The people who do hunt usually do not make it back alive, the beasts that hide in the forest are much more dangerous. Of course they are all edible if you can manage to kill one.


|| Picture (Preferably Anime) ||

Full Name || Age || love Interest || P/B

||Special Ability/ies||

|| Bio and Personality (Optional) ||

Here are just a few rules you have to follow, no if ands or buts. Everything has to be four to five lines, average to amazing grammar and whatnot. If you can not achieve this than don't join. I would like this to be for the more advanced. At least two chars and they have to have at least one reply each page... Pretty simple to remember. I don't give a damn if you keep the genders even or not but how about we keep the ages around 19 - 24. I will know if you haven't read this and umm... You have six strikes... ^_^ Have fun...
Edited By Sarahbug1020 on 8/21/2014 at 3:40 AM.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
Threads: 17
Posts: 2,371
Posted: 8/14/2014 at 3:22 AM Post #2
((Making two now and two later... It is really late for me...))

Avia Night || 23 || Open (But she fancies more of the dead stuff) || SarahBug1020

||Necromancer: As a necromancer, she is capable of bringing the remains of a living creature back to life. She can therefore use these creatures as a way to travel, such as transferring her soul into them and use them momentarily for frivolous tasks. If the body she is using is harmed, she will be transferred back into her body with no injuries, though she will feel the pain of the other body being killed off. She is also able to control the creatures she brings back to life, by making them fight, defend and even giving them memories that never happened in the lives. She can make these creatures look absolutely normal, such as skin appearing and it have a pulse but they are never the same. If someone is brought back by a Necromancer they may most likely end up completely twisted and ******ed in the head. She can bring back plants, animals and humans.||

|| I am not going to go to deeply into this, just gonna talk about a few things...

Though she is a Necromancer, she is not completely defenseless. In her past life she had took many classes for archery. Though she is not perfect with every shot, she can hit the target 75% of the time. This does leave her defenseless in hand to hand combat because in her past life she refused to get into any conflicts. She was a well behave citizen and fighting scared her. She hasn't been in this world long and memories will come back to her at random moments. Usually it is something she sees or something someone says that will bring them back. This is why she secludes her self from other people, trying hard to not get stuck in a conversation.||

Nikki Von Nihil || 25 || Open (Tehehehe) || SarahBug102

||Third Eye: Nikki has a strange ability that has mostly to do with that little eye on his hand. His abilities are more of a mental power. He can cause people to see hallucinations and if he is feeling more playful, there worst nightmare. He usually does this to make people see him as someone else so he can get into places, become friends with people, or be a spy and learn valuable information that no one should know. When he uses his eye, he is able to personify a person and literally steal there personality and whatever memories are floating on the surface. Though his power may seem weak, it can literally alter the way someone thinks and send them into a spiral of confusion that can end with them killing themselves. ||

|| Again, I am not going to go into extreme detail because I wanna leave thing vague for the Rp but here is just a little stuff so I can keep an idea of my character in my head.

His powers are deeply entwined with his past life, so everything that happened in his past has to do with his powers. He is extremely gullible to the opposite sex and loves changing into females. He is pretty much defenseless, not a very good fighter, so her usually stays more towards the background. ||
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
Threads: 17
Posts: 2,371
Posted: 8/14/2014 at 3:23 AM Post #3
((This Rp is strongly based off of this song... I suggest you listen to it... ^_^ And yes Soltra, the English version... *cough* Get over it! *cough*))
Level 60
Joined: 6/7/2013
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Posted: 8/14/2014 at 3:55 AM Post #4
* flips over a table *
Erm...sorry about that...starved off roleplayingness ( rps on CS is horrible D: To many one liners! )

|| ||

Hannah Web || 20 || Open || None other then the person making the form...Coradrawa :3

||Making sparks of fire ( though she usually sets things of fire accidentally||

|| Skittish around anything, actually died at birth, is extremely shy ||

|| ( ignore the ears and tail ) ||

Grey Poco Starlight Luna ( Luna is his last name XD ) || 24 || Open || Coradrawa!

||Turning into a grey cat||

|| Get's easily embarrassed and is nervous of people, before he died he was a farm boy. He was killed one day when a murderer kidnapped him and tortured him. When Grey finally died the clothes he wears hides the scars and wounds he had suffered but nothing can hide his mental scars which cause him to have horrible nightmares, panic attacks and aggressiveness ||

Poor Grey T-T I kinda broke my Oc before he came to Netherland ( and I thought the Nether was on fire >_> * not thinking minecraft...leave me alone! * )
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
Threads: 17
Posts: 2,371
Posted: 8/14/2014 at 8:23 PM Post #5
(Erm... Cora? Did you read the rules???)
Level 60
Joined: 11/19/2013
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Posted: 8/15/2014 at 8:18 AM Post #6
((Darn it! English! Ah well. I'll get my form up once I finish my CS ones :P Yes Cora, there are SOME good cs rps... SOME... though yeah, mostly one-liners))
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
Threads: 17
Posts: 2,371
Posted: 8/18/2014 at 2:27 AM Post #7
((xD I gotta finish my other characters... I keep putting it off...))
Level 66
Joined: 8/31/2013
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Posted: 8/20/2014 at 10:56 PM Post #8
(*sighs and facepalms* Grah... I wanna join, but I'm way behind you guys now... And since <- that was completely random, I have something else to say. do you have any tips on how I can improve??? I want to RP with you again, I really do, but I'm younger than you and I haven't RPed in months. *.*)
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
Threads: 17
Posts: 2,371
Posted: 8/21/2014 at 3:35 AM Post #9
You can just write by yourself, when I get bored I either read or just write a short story... Also, there is sites all over the interweb that you can just go to to Rp. I have a few sites if you wanna join them. ^_^

Still gotta finish my characters. >.>
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
Threads: 17
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Posted: 8/21/2014 at 3:39 AM Post #10
Also Cora! I miss Rping with you and Soltra too... You know what. I just wanna restart on this site. This will be my first Rp I am joining on here, dropping everything else. Lets get this baby rolling. ^_^
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