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Forum Index > Artwork Gallery > Nightbane Wolf does Art-ish stuff
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Level 75
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 10:45 AM Post #1
Okay, other than have classes to go to, i've been dancing back and forth on art blocks here and there, but okay, I did draw something so yeah...

By the way, I love headshots, and here are some Sylestian headshots (I'm keeping this to Sylestia based least as much as I can:

-Elleshie's Ny'vene, Laila (my first ny'vene)
-Snocone2's Lupora, Duchess
-Faiona's Zolnixi, Belladonna
-Wonderfulb2uty's Lupora, Ripple Claw
-Sskilling's Lupora, Mardok (ah drats didn't notice i missed coloring in bits, oops)
-Vulpie's Blooming Iris Nephini, Fyre media of Zarhail's Alira.

-My first Ryori headshot...I should...color it eventually.

Some Very Random Miscellaneous stuff:

There is..actually more stuff, and by the way, I tend to doodle alot,lmao.

As well I have a somewhat varying art style and i'm still developing my style here and there.

But okay, enjoy

...and before anyone asks, if i do take commissions or requests, it...probably sylestian pet headshots, and I'd probably ask for something not too difficult since I've only rather recently did Sylestian based arts, and the genes/mutations are a bit of a pain for now, especially the detailed/hard ones, sorry

And...sometimes I am fast, sometimes I am slow, but I'm currently in my third year of college so things are pretty hectic, so i may take some time here and there, but do check here if I am open or not


Art Trades: Closed
Commissions: ehhh,simple ones I may take, so maybe? Try to ask me on weekends (I live in taiwan, hint)
Requests: My weekends or holidays possibly XD
Gifts: Why ask? i like surprising people :3

+++Commission pick the price you think the art piece you received is worth, or if you can't decide, the base price is 50k-100k or 50 diamonds.+++

Yes and Nos:

Yes, I am alright with some blood and gore, but i'd like to keep it to headshot drawings for now as I get a headache from doing bodies. I can do some small bust shots however, I won't draw anything sexual.

By the way, certain species I am not that good with yet, so I may decline (although I'd probably sketch and silly doodle around with said species after as some practice,lol)

Also, for your information, I am to an extent, quirky and picky, I don't mind really easy characters, though sometimes, I may pick one with a bit of details, as long as its not asking me to 'overdo' it.

Point is, I don't do hugely detailed characters because it would end up seemingly 'clashing' and then would end up looking royally messy, which would upset me as i would like to hand in a 'decently neat work"

maybe when I settle down with a art style and got alot of time to do further practice I may 'level up', but in meantime, being self-taught, my progress is slow as I have alot of things to learn here and there, both online and IRL in a big bustling mix.

oh yeah, before I forget, I may not directly 'accept' your commission, I have a habit of hopping straight into it, if I can, and then i'll show it to you, and if its not something you like, then we can keep it at a gift/request and not a 'paid commission'..........don't you try and sneak free art though! I only do this cause it avoids direct disappointment, and stress, cause If i keep in mind its a 'commission' then..stress occurs, so I tend to see it as a 'test run' and again, I'll run to you to check it up if it meets your ideal 'commission' standards....just...until i'm finished, please don't call it a 'commission' even though it is XD

YES, I will draw lupora and Zolnixi.

NO, I will not draw aurleons,bulbori,qitari,lunemara,lighira,puffadore and nytekrie and Morkkos (at least not till I pick up a style/way of drawing them...ny'vene used to be on this list by the way)

MAYBE, I may draw your vulnyx,Nephini,Aeridini, luffox,ny'vene,sylvorpa....basically anything that wasn't listed above. (Kinda an iffy maybe/perhaps)

...say 'potato penguin' if you read all this


-Linnea the Sylvorpa for Sskilling

-'Swimming Dragon" for Keys
Edited By NightbaneWolf on 10/19/2014 at 10:07 AM.
Level 61
The Tender
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 10:49 AM Post #2
I would pay well for a head study of my Sylvorpa, Linnea. Her design is simple and should be easy to draw compared to some of the other ones you've done. Let me know how much you'd like for it if you choose to accept the commission. Thank you!
Level 75
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 10:57 AM Post #3
i've updated the forum thread,whoops XD
Level 61
The Tender
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 11:00 AM Post #4
Is that to mean you would rather not take the commission? (confused)
Level 75
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 11:00 AM Post #5
i'm still updating thread, look back in around two minutes XD
Level 60
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 2:55 PM Post #6
Aw, yiiiisss, I was hoping you would do these eventually~ :D But I don't see any prices? ._.;;
Level 75
Spooky Shopper
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 3:57 PM Post #7
I was not aware that I owned any Lupora named Duchess, but the head shot is pretty cool. xD
Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 9:50 PM Post #8
Psst~ Night, uhhh I don't think Duchess is Vulpies...
Level 75
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 11:10 PM Post #9
Level 75
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Posted: 9/19/2014 at 11:10 PM Post #10
I haven't thought of prices just yet.
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