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Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
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Posted: 11/8/2014 at 2:54 AM
Post #1
Now then, because the last description sucked, let's restart.
Mistress Araina's School for Monsters and Other Fantastical and Magical Creatures (M.A.S.M.O.F.M.C.), is a boarding school dedicated to educating and housing magical, mystical, and supernatural creatures of all types. It ranges from grade 6 to grade 16 and has a very unique set-up. What grade is not based on what age you are, but rather, your intellect. Before each school year you must come in and take a placement exam. How you score on the exam will determine where you are placed. It does not matter what age you are as long as you have at least a grade 6 intellect. You cannot graduate until you pass the final exam taken at the end of year 16. The exam will not cover only year 16, but the curriculum from all 10 years.
This school teaches "normal" classes such as Math(s), Science(s), History(s), Physical Education, et cetera, et cetera, but also has specialty classes such as Charms and Spells, Extensive Physical Education, Combat, Element Control, et cetera, et cetera. You are required to take at least 2 specialty classes and 3 "normal" classes. Including the listed specialty classes there are 14, 12 normal ones not including the subsections of Science and Math (Algebra, Biology, History of Empires). The difference between the subsections of Math and Science and Math and Science is that in, for example, Science, you cover everything, but briefly and not as in detail as if you took the subsection. The subsection class focuses on that one area. Each grade is split into four groups to make it easier to teach. The groups are: Tails, Legs, Wings, and Fins. What group you are in does not pertain to your monster form.
Pets are allowed at M.A.S.M.O.F.M.C., but they cannot be too large to house in your dorm or the stable. You may not reveal your monster form to anyone, but you may tell people if you wish to. The dorms are not co-ed and are 4 floors each. Each dorm room has two residents. You may not be a creature with no magical power to apply. Humans with an supernatural ability (mind-reading, telekinesis) are allowed.
Mistress Araina-Waternixie
Subject(s): Element Control-Water
Creature type: Powerful lamia with the ability to summon rain
Gender: Female
Age: Old, but she looks young
Appearance: Dark chocolate brown hair(looks black) going to shoulders, Dark blue eyes with flecks of forest green, pale skin, nails always painted, always wears blouse and pencil skirt with navy sandals
Personality: Often caught deep in thought, never tells secrets, very understanding (unless she has no good reason to be), loves banana bread, headmistress of The School.
Profesor Mophen-Bmrbgttyjjl
Subject(s): Transformation, Element Control-Fire, Extensive Physical Education, Combat, All classes for Wings
Creature type: Fire demon, takes form of flaming blue wolf in monster form
Gender: Male
Age: Early thirties (in human years)
Personality: Rarely smiles, tough, a monster of few words
Professor Morina(prefers to be called Miss Witch)-Snowflakesurfer
Subject(s): All Classes for Legs, Charms and Spells, Element Control- Wind, Potions And Elixirs, Hypnotism
Creature Type: Witch
Gender: Female
Age: No one really knows except Mistress Araina
Personality: Childish, easily excited, clumsy, smart, a bit scatter-brained, loves cats and candy
Subject(s): Element Control-Earth, Golem Making, All classes for Tails, Herbology
Creature Type: Chimera
Gender: Male
Age: 430 (in human years)
Personality: Serious, loves earth, very raggedy and dirty, rarely speaks much
Professor Mixevana (prefers Mixie the Nixie)-Waternixie
Subject(s): Element Control-Water, All classes for Fins, Beast Taming, Alchemy
Creature Type: Water Nixie
Gender: Female
Age: 23
(wears translucent light blue shift, eyes are cerulean)
Personality: Worry-wart, loves plants and animals, has multiple pets of land, air, and water, vegetarian, talented with magic, extremely intelligent, polite
Application Form
If you wish to enroll in the school, ping Waternixie with this application filled in:
Creature Type (picture optional):
Appearance (picture or description):
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal):
Pet(if you have one):
Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.):
Edited By Waternixie on 12/15/2014 at 8:20 PM.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
Threads: 25
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Posted: 11/9/2014 at 3:57 PM
Post #2
Extensive Physical Education
Element Control-Fire
Element Control-Water
Element Control-Wind
Element Control-Earth
Charms and Spells
Golem Making
Beast Taming
Potions and Elixirs
History of Empires
Folklore, Legends, and Myths
Physical Education
Ancient Runes
Clubs (two max.)
Swim Club
Debate Club
Charms and Spells Club
Rune Club
Aquatic Creature Club
Soaring High Club (for winged and flying creatures)
Hooves Club (for equestrian creatures)
Green Thumb Club (take a wild guess)
Schedule (same every day unless something special)
Normal Classes-if you don't take one of the classes, during that period, you have free time
Specialty Classes- same
Clubs-Swim Club, Debate Club, Green Thumb Club, Rune Club
Clubs-Aquatic Creature Club, Charms and Spells Club, Soaring High Club, Hooves Club
Free Time-1 hour
Free Time-2 hours
Curfew/Lights Out/Sleep
School Rules (the ones that haven't already been said)
No skipping class
No missing curfew
In free time you can go anywhere non-restricted within the fifteen-mile radius of the school as long as you make it back in time for your next activity
Don't miss meals
No going in restricted areas
Don't hurt each other badly
RP Rules
Keep swearing to a minimum.
No super graphic stuff
PM me if you want to quit.
As many characters as you can handle
No "only one" monsters ex: landon, cerberus, just monsters that there are only one of
Three posts per day
No God-modding
Within the fifteen-mile radius of the actual school (school grounds) there is a forest, multiple lakes, rivers, and lagoons, a meadow, part of a desert, and all of this is surrounded by a circle of HUGE mountains, which is where you can find some snow. At the school there is a pool, a large library, a gymnasium, a training gym, an art room, a music room, non co-ed dorms, a greenhouse, the clubhouses, the teachers dorms in separate parapets, and the main classrooms.
Yell at me through a PM about how horribly I'm setting this up if you want to, just make sure you tell me what's wrong. I've never started or participated in one before.
Personality: She don't like stay in the same place to much so she know all the school very well. If it rain or snow she looks at the sky until the sun returns.
Folklore, Legends, and Myths
Ancient Runes
Charms and Spells
Club: Soaring High Club
Edited By Cian on 11/22/2014 at 10:01 AM.
Level 0
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Posted: 11/21/2014 at 6:07 PM
Post #4
Name: Amelia(Nickname is Amy)
Gender: Female
Year: (13)
Age: 14
Creature Type: Dragon
Personality: Quiet to most people, but talks to her friends(doesn't have many, though). She loves to read, and really wants to get a great education. She doesn't like social media much, but she will text. When she's reading, it's like she's in another world, not noticing anything, and stopping her is like waking someone from a deep sleep.
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal): Algebra; History of Empires; Folklore, Legends, and Myths; Ancient Runes; Herbology; Element Control-Earth; Potions and Elixirs.
Pet: Grey Cat
Weapon: None
Club(optional): Debate Club; Charms and Spells Club(If I can only be in one, It'd be Charms and Spells Club).
I'll also be Professor Morina!
Edited By Snowflakesurfer on 11/26/2014 at 5:27 PM.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
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Posted: 11/21/2014 at 6:29 PM
Post #5
I"M GOING INTO OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MANY PEOPLE AND SUBMISSIONS! YAYYYYYYYYY! At least, so many compared to how this has been out for a few weeks and these are the first ones posted.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
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Posted: 11/21/2014 at 6:37 PM
Post #6
The year section means which year you are in. For example:
Year: 12 (she is in 12th grade at this school)
Other Stuff
You also need a description or picture of her appearance. A picture/description of her creature form would be helpful as well, not neccasary, but an example of what could happen.
You: I transform into my creature form, a dragon.
Me: I run outside and see a dragon. Color: unknown. Size: unknown. Fancy stuff on it: unknown.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 11/21/2014 at 11:38 PM
Post #7
Name: Aeronwen
Gender: Female
Year: Oooo. So many years um let's go with 11th
Creature Type: Naiad
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Likes to keep to her self, Seems booky, Doesn't open up easily and because of that doesn't have any friends, She talks to herself a lot without eve thinking, Has a low self esteem because of how different she is from other Naiads which made her the target of pranksters. (I'll make it a better once I RPG with her a bit.)
Classes: (Couldn't decide >.< Plus it kind of fits in with my character to have a ton of classes)
Folklore, Legends, and Myths
Science (Physics if that's allowed)
Ancient Runes
Charms and Spells
Potions and Elixirs
Pet: A pure white fox
His name's Iroh (Yes I love Avatar!)
Weapon: Magic and her Dao Sword (It's basically a sword that can be split into two).
Charms and Spells Club
Rune Club
Other: Didn't know where to put this but she was born special while all the other magic gifted naiad children were able to control water she could control dark mater (Hence why she's interested in physics)
Edited By Bmrbgttyjjl on 11/23/2014 at 8:44 AM.
Level 0
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Posted: 11/22/2014 at 8:30 AM
Post #8
Hey, I was wondering if I could be a teacher too. I don't want to give up my original character, so I would like to know if I could have a second character, please. If you could let me know I would very much appreciate it!
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Strong, sarcastic, protective, hot-tempered, strong, doesn't prefer to be around others
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal):
Folklore, Legends, and Myths
Ancient Runes
Element Control-Earth
Pet(if you have one): Doesn't prefer animals
Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.): A scythe.
Club(optional): None
Erm, I hope I signed up right... This sounds super fun!
Level 61
Fancy Pants
Joined: 3/28/2014
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Posted: 11/22/2014 at 11:40 AM
Post #10
Name: Evelyn
Gender: female
Year: 8
Age: 13
Creature Type (picture optional): (Just the size of a really large wolf
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: clever, cunning, can be a smart alex, nosy, cheerful most of the time
Classes(at least 2 specialty and 3 normal): Biology, Ancient Runes, Folklore, Legends, and Myths, Beast Taming, Potions and Elixirs, Herbology
Pet(if you have one):
Weapon(if taking Combat, P.E., or Extensive P.E.):
Club(optional): Rune Club
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