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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > Probably a stupid breeding question....
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Level 60
Joined: 3/7/2013
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Posted: 4/19/2013 at 9:57 PM Post #1
Ok so I just started playing and I have two Vulnyx that I am breeding. The male is Vixen, my starting pet, and Angel one I caught in the wild. Vixen is showing Serval Spots which based on breeding info should result in a child that ALWAYS carries Serval Spots as that is all he is can give. Yet their first child isn't carrying Serval spots at all, any idea why? As far as Angel is concerned she isn't showing or carrying anything in the first slot.

Basic breeding understanding....

Vixen will give positive for Serval spots as that is all he has
Angel would give nothing meaning result would always be Aa which means carried...

Level 60
Joined: 3/9/2013
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Posted: 4/19/2013 at 10:01 PM Post #2
Did you genetic test the kid?
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
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Posted: 4/20/2013 at 10:34 AM Post #3
Even if it says nothing, your pet will carry the gene, but carried genes
aren't showed unless the pet is Geneticly Tested, but at least you know
it's carrying the gene even if not shown~ ;3
Level 60
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Posted: 4/20/2013 at 3:11 PM Post #4
Oh ok. I get it, that makes sense. Just another thing I have to wait days for I guess. You have to wait until they're an adult before you are able to genetic test right?
Level 60
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Posted: 4/20/2013 at 3:13 PM Post #5

You can immediately test them after they hatch (Hatchling stage), you don't have to wait till they're an adult. OuO
Edited By 184 on 4/20/2013 at 3:14 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/4/2013 at 10:13 PM Post #6
Thanks for the info before guys.

Now I have another question. The same two from before Vixen and Angel. They both weren't showing any kind of wings but one was carrying demon wings while the other carried Feathered. I have had a male and female child from these two known as Tipper and Little one. They have been genetically tested and are both showing Feathered wings. When I saw this I took it to mean that if Vixen and Angel both gave the gene for their wings the child would have feathered as that is what they had. However as Tipper and Little one are now adolescent I have tested them in the breeding grounds and found that sometimes I get demon wings to show.

I am guessing this is because demon wings and feathered wings made the wing gene for them both and its possible for one or the other to be passed. Could someone explain this to me clearer so I can understand it more. I am guessing its a dominate gene kind of thing
Level 60
Joined: 1/30/2013
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Posted: 5/4/2013 at 10:29 PM Post #7
The children both show feathered wings because feathered wings are dominate to demon wings, let me explain that.

One of your Vulynx carries feathered wings (we'll make the gene for feathered wings A) and therefore can contribute an A to the children.

The other carries demon wings (which will be B). So, provided both of your breeders pass on their carried genes you will wind up with babies that are AB with demon wings being recessive to feathered wings. However, in the breeding grounds you get babies with demon wings because the offspring can each contribute a B, so though it would be rare they would have babies with demon wings.

On a side note, however, if your Vulynx offspring are siblings they cannot breed.
Level 60
The Hallowed
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Posted: 5/4/2013 at 10:32 PM Post #8
Feathered Wings are Dominant over Demon Wings. So think of it like this

No Gene is N
Feathered Wings is gene A
Demon Wings is gene B

Since feathered wings is Dominant it can either be AA or AB and it will show, but if you want Demon wings to show it HAS to be BB

However when the gene is carried it means one of the parents donated the "N" gene and the other donated either A or B depending on the parent.

As far as Little One and Tipper go they both are AB types for this gene, meaning that their children(if they weren't brother and sister that is) would have a 75% chance of showing feathered wings, and a 25% chance of showing Demon wings. There are 3 different outcomes as far as their children go and here's the chances of getting them.
25% pure Feathered wings 50% feathered wings hidden demon wings 25% demon wings.
Level 20
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Posted: 5/5/2013 at 7:03 AM Post #9

Please correct me if this is wrong, becuase I din't seem quit right.

Let me try, becuase some of these people are confusing me and I need to write this down so I dot mess up my breeding project.

Ok, so If one pet has feathered wings visible and another carries demon wings then you have 75% chance of having feathered wings carried and a 25% chance of having demon wings carried.

If the off spring pet has the carried Feathered wings(75%) and another pet has demon wings carried(25%).If they breed.there offspring has a greater chance of having visible/carried feathered wings than the demon wings.

Let me try to dumb this down,

Visible = greater chance for it to be carried/visible

Carried = It has a chance to be passed on.

Also pets can not breed to there siblings or parents and genes are not always carried.
Level 60
Joined: 1/30/2013
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Posted: 5/5/2013 at 8:50 AM Post #10
If a pet has a visible trait it will ALWAYS be passed on to the offspring. So if you have a pet that is AA (has feathered wings) and breed it to a pet that has AN (carries feathered wings) there is a 50% chance of the pet showing feathered wings and a 50% chance of the pet carrying feathered wings. If you breed an AA pet to a pet that doesn't have the trait (NN) the off spring will be AN 100% of the time.

Likewise, if you have a pet that carries a trait (AN) and breed it to a pet that doesn't have that trait at all there is a 50% chance that the offspring will carry the trait and a 50% chance that it will not.

Finally, if you breed two pets that both carry a trait (AN) they have a 25% chance of showing the trait (AA), a 50% chance of carrying the trait (AN) and a 25% chance of not having the trait (NN).

So to summarize

AA + AA = AA
AA + AN = AA (50%) or AN (50%)
AA + NN = AN (100%)
AN + AN = AA (25%) or AN (50%) or NN (25%)
AN + NN + AN (50%) or NN (50%)
NN + NN = NN (100%)

AA = pet with gene; AN = pet that carries gene; NN = pet that does not have gene
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