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Forum Index > Artwork Gallery > DeiWildcat's Art Gallery
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Level 45
Joined: 7/16/2015
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 5:08 AM Post #1
Stream Status: OFFLINE
Watch me draw here


Ok, so I officially decided to make a thread for people to view my art, and talk to others who enjoy art just as much as I do. I'll try my best to update this periodically as much as I can. The fall semester is approaching, so I'll become fairly busy once that happens. Thankfully I only have 13hr hours, with one of the courses only being in the first part of the semester. Alright, with that out of the way, let's start with a bio.


My username on most sites is DeiWildcat, but most people, including some of my really close real life friends, call me Dei. The name became so attached to me that I decided it would be my sona's name, her full name being Mocha "Dei" Latte.

This was the first, and current finalized design that I came up for Dei. I really love earthy colors.

I've always loved to draw. When I was little I was always making crude doodles and drawing. I also used to trace the images in coloring books, and color in the traced images so I wouldn't have to use up the image in the book. My younger self apparently never heard of a copy machine, hahaha. I didn't realize that I actually wanted to become an artist until I meet two of my best friends in my life (I won't give their names out of privacy), and got really into Kingdom Hearts, which in turn got me into anime. This all happened in about middle school.

Pokemon is also a huge influence of mine. Really old art.

Unfortunately, that was the time when I was betrayed by a very close friend. They hurt me so much that I never was quite the same. I was always in general really shy and quiet. I didn't have many friends, and anytime I made one they moved away. Anyway, the situation with my friend made me more paranoid and anxious then I already was. I had always cried on random occasions before, but after what happened it became more frequent. One day, my parents found out I was skipping school and found a drawing with a paragraph of my feelings written on it. One doctor visit later, and I was diagnosed with anxiety (mostly social) and depression. I won't go into too much more detail, but from 2008-2012 I was really depressed. I still have occasional occurrences of both (mostly anxiety) from time to time.

Reigen is a character I drew when I was feeling depressed.

Currently, I'm very happy and I have my family, friends, my boyfriend (never thought I'd have one of those), and, of coarse, my art to thank for being their and supporting me, letting me vent my feelings out in some sort of way.

A cute little heartless I drew for Valentine's day.

In college, my major is art with a concentration in printmaking.

First project I did this last semester.


Sorry for the long, bio. I tend to ramble ^^ Now, to get to what you came here for. ART!

Featured Art

I'll update this section with different rotations of my art that I currently favor, and that feelbest represents my abilities at the time.


I'm also going to reserve some post for commission features. One post for Sylestia specific commissions, and another for regular commissions. I'll make a thread later in the Art Trades section of the form later, which will contain all the info about them there. All the post in this thread will contain are the finished commissions along with the link to the other thread, and if I'm open for them or not.

So, that's it for now. Thanks for any of those who put up with my wall of text and images, as well as for those who read any of it at all ^^
Edited By Deiwildcat on 8/6/2015 at 2:02 AM.
Level 45
Joined: 7/16/2015
Threads: 1
Posts: 75
Posted: 7/24/2015 at 5:09 AM Post #2
Level 45
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 5:09 AM Post #3
Level 45
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 5:09 AM Post #4
Ok, now you can post ^^
Level 60
Joined: 6/3/2015
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 9:34 AM Post #5
First of, are you a god ? 'Dei' god right ? The god of coffee ? XD

More seriously, I like your art. You can definitively see the influences here (a lot of cartoons as I can see ^^) but I'm glad to see some plain old real life studies too, because it's the basis of everything I believe.

Looking forward to see some other works ^^ And being in an art college must help so much, I wish I'd done that ^^
Level 45
Joined: 7/16/2015
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 1:03 PM Post #6
God of Coffee AND Tea to be exact XD lol (I'm some coffee as we speak)

But no, I'm not a god. There are still so many people, especially in my classes and online, that are just so great, can't even fathom it sometimes. It can be great to be around that if you have the right mind set.

Also, the college I go to is just a standard university. My art at the time was no way decent enough to get into an art specific university.Maybe now it is. I've thought of going to one as a graduate, but I haven't decided yet.

Yes, I'm very influenced by cartoons, or really, animations in general. I don't think I'll ever grow out of, especially with shows like Steven Universe being made. I mean, how can I NOT watch that!?

And I definitely agree with you in that real life studies, whether it's from a photo or model, really helps. Unfortunately, since I didn't have any art classes before and went straight into developing a style, it was a lot harder in the beginning drawing something realistically. That's why I encourage anyone who wants to take art seriously to draw from real life as much as possible and learn the basics. I wish I would have known that a lot earlier lol

One last thing. I'll be streaming in about 2hrs or so, if you'd like come by and hangout :D
Level 60
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 2:02 PM Post #7
Oh god I sounderstand that ! I started drawing from manga/anime style, and it's so much like a sticky style I can't get rid of now.... It's infortunate, so I try to warn other artists, it's hard to grow out of a style ^^ I hope I did though ^^

EDIT : and sure, why not, send me the link =) (in one hour or so, right ?)
Edited By Avaelle on 7/24/2015 at 2:03 PM.
Level 45
Joined: 7/16/2015
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 3:08 PM Post #8
I'm doing a semi-realistic drawing right now, and I was sooo much trouble at first, because I wanted to flop back to my cartoony style that I'm so used to, because it makes more sense to me. After I got the initial sketch done, I think it came out pretty good anatomically, and I pretty happy with it so far. That's what I'm going to be working on in the stream later.

Speaking of which, it'll probably another hour to and 1hr 30mins later. I have to do somethings before I leave later tonight. I have to pack and what not, and want to get that out of the way so I can concentrate on my drawing. I'll ping you once it starts and the top of the first post will have the link and say that I'm online.

On another side note. I'll being using a different site other than Picarto for right now, because I have everything set up for that site currently. Again, I'll have the link and you can sign in as a guest without there being any problem (which I really like about the site). I have a subscription to that site for a month so I want to make sure I use that before it runs out.

Anyway, my rambling self will hopefully see you later on the stream, if you can make it ^^
Level 60
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 3:10 PM Post #9
sure, I'll be there =) looks like fun ^^
Level 60
Joined: 6/25/2015
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Posted: 7/24/2015 at 3:50 PM Post #10
Nice drawings there! Especially with the heartless (do you play/read Kingdom Hearts?) Anyways....I really suck at drawing until my mind feels like it wants to actually draw (It's usually when I have a major case of boredom) and I can never draw the same thing twice really.....Anyways, nice work!!!
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