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Forum Index > Artwork Gallery > MitsukoKami's old artwork
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/3/2013
Threads: 52
Posts: 120
Posted: 10/19/2015 at 5:21 PM Post #1
These are all from my deviantart account plz tell me your opinon and how to improve

there are a whole lot more
Level 60
Joined: 12/31/2014
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Posted: 10/19/2015 at 9:09 PM Post #2

First of all, your art in general isn't bad. You seem to have worked on it and it doesn't look like a beginner's scribble.

The faces and eyes are fine; everyone has their own unique style for those. I'd suggest moving the nose up or shortening it in cases like the first picture, because it's a bit too close to the mouth. Also, a tip about mouths is to never just squeeze them in in the bottom of the face. The mouth is not right on top of the chin.

You anatomy is okay. It's not particularly good, and I wouldn't say it's super inaccurate, and like all beginner artists, including myself, you need to work on it.

For the third picture, the arms look a bit wonky. Not only does one look longer than the other, the one on the left (or the one on the girl's right) bends in a strange place where the elbow is definitely not located. Remember, the body only bends at joints and things like that. I'm not an anatomy expert, but I do know that.

About the legs: These aren't actually that bad. However, I'd suggest either looking for a second at your own legs or pictures for female leg shape. Another thing I'd suggest is watching speedpaints on youtube. They help tremendously when you watch them to analyze how other people draw things.

Shoulders are another thing you should observe carefully. They are not actually as rounded as you draw them.

Now on to more general tips. In the comic/manga in the second picture, all the characters do is hold their arms behind their backs. Explore different poses more! If you need to reference poses, that's completely fine. When your're still learning about anatomy, pose references are your best friend. Don't use bases though, they don't help you improve at all in my opinion. Also, I would invest in more basic art supplies.
Things like a lining pen can really take your art to the next level. Don't use a ballpoint pen, they're not meant for art. I would invest in a liner. There are a lot of different liners to chose from, and I would suggest choosing more than one thickness on the tip.I have 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.8 liners. If that's not your thing, I would go the more expensive path of buying a drawing tablet. There are some available for $80 or so. I would also suggest then either buying a good program, or downloading a decent free one like FireAlpaca.

Overall, your art isn't bad. You just need to work on it, and work on not just drawing in pencil. To be honest, just seeing pencil sketches isn't very appealing.

If I have offended you in any way with this message, I am genuinely sorry. I often look at my and my sister's art in this way, the brutally honest one, and it does help people improve. Once you're out of the mindset that all art you create is perfect with no flaws, that's the time when you can start improving. At every finished piece of art, look at it and think "did I do anything wrong? How can I improve on it? what are my weak points?".
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/3/2013
Threads: 52
Posts: 120
Posted: 10/20/2015 at 3:26 PM Post #3
no thanks for the tips most of the time nobody comments on my art the only like it which make me really sad cause how can i improve as an artist if i cant feedback or think that my art isnt good enough i mostly draw in pencil but i do ink i dont use ballpoint pens i copic multiliners 0.1 and 0.3 and medium faber castrel artist pen and big faber castrel artist pen
Level 72
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 10/21/2015 at 6:29 PM Post #4
Hope my reply isn't too long.

Initial Thoughts:
I like how you draw hair! You seem to place it on the head well too, something I personally struggle with.


1. Practice with Backgrounds and Full Body Drawings:
I think the best thing you can do is practice, efficient practice that is. I would suggest practicing by doing background with full body drawings as much as you can.

Just from looking around, I've noticed that those who draw backgrounds with full body drawings tend to improve the quickest. I personally have only started drawing backgrounds recently, but feel as if (1) They improve my drawings (2) Help me understand space and how a figure lays in a space. I also see that you've attempted backgrounds in your comic, so I think you are up for the challenge!

2. Using References
Like how when one reads a book and finds a word that they have to look up in the dictionary, sometimes when drawing it's good to lookup what one is drawing. This being the case, I suggest using references for your drawings to help understand:
- proportions
- shape
- perspective

You can use either what you see in real life or photos of real life for references. It's easiest to draw something you are familiar with. You can also mimic poses yourself to help on that front. I don't know if it is useful, but I can do an example of how I use references if you would like?

References will help immensely. It's hard to draw something from memory! As an example, I tried drawing an umbrella without references like in your last picture... and mine ended up looking like a deformed melting potato. T-T After attempting again with references, I learned the shape of the umbrella and how it should be proportionally to the body. My drawings always turn out better when I use references -- and I feel that I learn more from the drawing in the end too. Which is the most important part.

Let me know if you'd want more tips too.
Edited By Taptothebeat on 10/21/2015 at 6:31 PM.
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