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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Train Your Dragon (HTTYD fan RP)
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Level 74
The Artistic
Joined: 1/29/2015
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Posted: 1/13/2016 at 5:13 PM Post #1
Hello dragon and Viking fans!
Me and Dyris are always quoting How To Train Your Dragon 1 and 2 in the gen chat, and came up with the idea of doing a roleplay about it.
These are starter notes, they will be edited
This is set before Hiccup befriends Toothless. You are either a dragon or Viking surviving in your territory. You can fight, befriend, or take over your fellow dragons/Vikings.
You can be a Viking or a dragon. You can be a:
Outcast or Berserker
Dragon (a few examples-) Night fury(2 per island) Typhoomerang, Nadder, Night terror, whispering death etc.
Your character must be original to you. For example, you may have a night fury, but it cannot be named "Toothless."
You will either need a short description, image, or sketch of what your character/OC looks like
Berk, Outcast Island, Changewing Island, Breakneck Bog, Dragon Island, Itchy Armpit, Meathead Island
Each island must have a minimum of 2 dragons to start.
Each island is limited to 2 night furies. First come first serve
Berk and Outcast Island are limited to Vikings, until RP writers begin taming dragons
Each Island is a "clan" territory. It will need a chief/alpha
Level 74
The Artistic
Joined: 1/29/2015
Threads: 132
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Posted: 1/13/2016 at 5:13 PM Post #2
1. Be kind and appropriate
2. Be PG
3. Respect others, don't kill without getting permission
4. Don't spam
5. 2 night fury per island
6. One chief per Viking tribe7. One alpha per dragon clan
8. No finding new islands unless it is one from the book or movie I forgot. Please ping me then so I can add it to the list
9. You may use both dragon breeds from the books and the movies
10. Please use black text and minimum caps
11. No text talk
12. No breaking the rules
13. Don't touch the tentacles, only the tops.
14. Only chiefs/heirs may tame a night fury
15. Max 2 tamed dragons per Viking
16: To tame your dragon you have to gain their trust and touch the nose. Unless it's a monstrous nightmare, then, if you have seen the series, you have to dominate it. Grab it by the horns, I think.
17. Private message a person if you plan on attempting to train their dragon. Two people must be able to work together for this, though.
18. If you read the rules, include "Something about tentacles, got it!" somewhere in your post.

Berk tribe:
Heir - Desty(female) :Carrotbae
Baker - Alexia Archer(female) :JustTopaz
Messenger - Aster(female) :JustTopaz

Outcast tribe:
Heir - Outcast Lad'var(male) : Azhtann
Healer - Outcast Foxtail(female) :Watercolors

Changewing Island:
Alpha - Monstrous Nightmare Windfang(male) :Addereye

Breakneck Bog
Loner- Day Joy Toothful(Undecided) :Azhtann

Scout- Flightmare Nebula(female) :Dyris
Warrior- Thorir Haakonson(male) :Dyris

Dragon Island:
Loner- Nightfury Echo(female) :JustTopaz

Itchy Armpit
Alpha- Nightfury Sheerfang(male) :Watercolors

Meathead Island
Hunter- Moldruffle Silvrus(male) :Dyris
Mystic- Meathead Maya Lindstrm(female) :Dyris
Edited By Bleubird on 4/14/2016 at 6:37 PM.
Level 74
The Artistic
Joined: 1/29/2015
Threads: 132
Posts: 2,481
Posted: 1/13/2016 at 5:13 PM Post #3
Dragon Bio:
Age: (as in the movie, human years please)
Appearance: (image, sketch, or description please)
Rank: (alpha, scout, beta, hunter, warrior, healer)
Backstory: (optional)
Shot Limit: (max is 10)
Edited By Watercolors on 1/13/2016 at 5:26 PM.
Level 74
The Artistic
Joined: 1/29/2015
Threads: 132
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Posted: 1/13/2016 at 5:13 PM Post #4
Viking Bio:
Rank: (Chief, heir, warrior, healer, mystic, etc.)
Tribe: (Berserker-Berk, Outcast)
Appearance: (image, sketch, or description please)
Edited By Watercolors on 1/13/2016 at 5:32 PM.
Level 74
The Artistic
Joined: 1/29/2015
Threads: 132
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Posted: 1/13/2016 at 5:14 PM Post #5
Dragon Bio:
Name: Sheerfang
Age: (as in the movie, human years please) 22
Gender: Male
Species: Night Fury
Appearance: (image, sketch, or description please)

His armored scales atop his head serve as extra protection.
Island/Clan: Itchy Armpit
Rank: (alpha, scout, beta, hunter, warrior, healer) Alpha
Personality: Fierce, protective, thoughtful, strong-minded, clever, short-fused, caring.
Backstory: (optional) Sheerfang was lost as an egg, but eventually rolled into a warm pool of water. This was warmer than he had been exposed to for a long time, so it thawed the egg and he hatched with watery eyes and slick speed. His loose muscles allow great aerial achievements.
Shot Limit: (max is 10) 7
Edited By Watercolors on 1/13/2016 at 5:40 PM.
Level 68
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 8/31/2013
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Posted: 1/13/2016 at 5:18 PM Post #6
Viking Bio:
Name: Maya Lindstrm
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Rank: (Chief, heir, warrior, healer, mystic, etc.) Mystic
Personality: Easy going, sarcastic. Stubborn abs dedicated to a task when desired.
Backstory: Her parents were killed in a dragon raid. She was taken in by a village else and had begun training under her foster parent. She also has an intense dislike of all dragons.
Tribe: (Berserker-Berk, Outcast) Meathead
Appearance: (image, sketch, or description please)

Dragon Bio:
Name: Silvrus
Age: (as in the movie, human years please) 20
Gender: Male
Species: Moldruffle
Appearance: (image, sketch, or description please)
Island/Clan: Meathead
Rank: (alpha, scout, beta, hunter, warrior, healer) hunter
Personality: Playful, loves playing pranks and getting into mock arguments.
Backstory: (optional) Unknown
Shot Limit: (max is 10) 6
Edited By Dyris on 1/13/2016 at 7:12 PM.
Level 74
The Artistic
Joined: 1/29/2015
Threads: 132
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Posted: 1/13/2016 at 5:47 PM Post #7
you may post
Level 60
Cutely Creative
Joined: 12/1/2015
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Posted: 1/13/2016 at 7:39 PM Post #8
Name: Windfang
Age: 12 yrs.
Gender: Male
Species: Montrous Nightmare
Island/Clan: Changewing Island
Rank: Alpha
Personality: Fierce, loyal, protective.
Backstory: None
Shot Limit: 8
Edited By Addereye on 1/13/2016 at 7:39 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 9/20/2014
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Posted: 1/14/2016 at 6:16 AM Post #9
Name: Swaertsgheporujw Twrtwr Npwiuypbqwevqwvg, or Toothful for short.
Age: (as in the movie, human years please) 7
Gender: Undecided
Species: Day Joy
Appearance: The Day Joy has a fine layer of blue fur coating the scales, and patches of teeth, yes, teeth, all over its body. They range from human shaped teeth to shark shaped teeth. The front "hands" are shaped like the tooth of a human, while the back feet are like shark teeth. It is, all in all, a looking dragon. (haha!) It boasts of majestic horns and snake-like fangs tipped with venom on its face. The only place a Day Joy does not grow teeth is on the spleen. The spleen is perfectly devoid of teeth. The blue of the fur helps it to blend in with the sky while flying, and the fur keeps it warm while soaring at high altitudes. The patches of teeth make it seem like it has cloud-like patterns, which also help with the camouflage of this singular dragon. It also makes the dragon inedible by larger predatory dragons. I mean, who wants to eat a mouthful of teeth? No two Day Joys look the same, except for identical twins, and occasionally doppelgangers. Even then the similarities will only be close, not exact. The scales are said to be made out of the same material that teeth are, making it a difficult dragon to injure with sharp objects. A hard bristled toothbrush, however, will often bring one to its knees. They are not the largest of dragons, probably along the same size (often smaller) than their cousins, the Night Fury. Being a creature of the day, the Day Joy is rarely if ever seen flying at night. As a matter of course, they are known to be terribly nightblind and find it nearly impossible to manage night flight. Another interesting fact about them is that when it rains and a Day Joy gets caught out in the rain, it turns into a Sugar Plum Fairy.

Island/Clan: Breakneck Bog
Rank: None, nobody knows it is there.
Personality: Like most Day Joys, Toothful is somewhat shy but compelled to play tricks on its fellow dragons. It is a curious dragon, often getting into trouble with this trait, but also uncommonly intelligent and has yet to truly get burned by its actions.
Backstory: Nobody really knows where Toothful came from. It would appear that the creator of Falcor the Luck Dragon tried to breed with a genetic mash of various animals, and got Toothful. It has never known another dragon like itself, or its parents. In fact, it does not really even know when it gained consciousness of its dilemma with knowing where it came from and who loved it more, mommy or daddy. Perhaps it is because of this that it is so shy and reclusive. Yearning for the company of other dragons, yet fearing being the social outcast.
Shot Limit: (max is 10) 6

Also, I totally touched the tentacles.
Edited By Azhtann on 1/14/2016 at 8:01 AM.
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 6/27/2014
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Posted: 1/14/2016 at 6:29 AM Post #10
Dragon Bio:
Name: Echo
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Night fury
Appearance: more later but more or less toothless with royal purple eyes.

Island/Clan: dragon island
Rank: (alpha, scout, beta, hunter, warrior, healer) loner
Personality: She can be somewhat of a troublemaker but is also very kind and proactive to those she cares about. Despite her gentel nature she doesn't mind a bit of rough and tumble. She is territorial and will drive off any dragon or human that come into her territory. Tho she's all for helping the weak or injured.

If you can beat her you will earn her respect. (Hint hint.)

Backstory: Not much is known about her. Not by the other dragons and not my her. She crash landed on dragon island. A few years ago with no memories. (Yep playing the amnesia card.) Her wing was damaged when she fell but she's better now and one of the fasted flyers on the island.
Shot Limit: 7 (normal amount is 6 says the wiki)

Something about tentacles, got it. Also i will make a viking too. Just later
(I'm gonna keep on editing her character for a while.)
Edited By JustTopaz on 1/14/2016 at 11:42 PM.
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