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Forum Index > General Discussion > Favourite pet?
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Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 3:40 PM Post #1
I'm just really curious as to what is the most/least popular Sylesti so I'd like to do a vote.

How this will work:

So basically all I want you to do is post here what your favourite sylesti is and what your least favourite is. Feel free to include why and even a picture (maybe showing your favourite gene/mutations or least favourite because maybe that adds to why they are your least/most liked)

Pretty much anything goes, I'll keep score below and not even sure if I'll end this for a while. Just want to get as many peoples opinions as possible.
2 pets per person (1 most liked, 1 least liked) though if you really are stuck between two I'll just add a point each.

Guess I'll start~

My favourite pet is the Nytekrie...just something about that plaguebringer is extremely epic in my opinion.

My least favourite pet has to bee the Draeyl. I just don't really like the way they look, specifically the females. I love my Draeyl Cicero but just can't seem to like any others
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 3:40 PM Post #2

Aurleon-- 3 votes
Bulbori-- 1 vote
Draeyl-- 2 votes
Faelora-- 1 vote
Lupora--6 votes
Nytekrie-- 2 votes
Qitari-- 1 vote
Sylvorpa-- 2 votes
Vulnyx-- 4 votes
Zolnixi-- 3 votes

Least Favourite

Aurleon-- 1 vote
Draeyl-- 5 votes
Lupora-- 1 vote
Morkko-- 6 votes
Nytekrie-- 1 vote
Qitari-- 1 vote
Sylvorpa-- 3 votes
Vulnyx-- 2 votes
Zolnixi-- 2 votes
Edited By 404 on 5/27/2013 at 6:37 PM.
Level 60
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 4:03 PM Post #3


Least Favorite

Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 4:16 PM Post #4
Favourite - Aurleon

I just really love birds <3

My favourite Aurleons of the moment:


My favourite genes are definitely Peacock Tail and Finned Crest... though I do love all of them :3

Least favourite - Morkko

This was really hard to choose between Morkko and Bulbori, I LOVE the females of both, really not all that fussed on the males.

Here are my 2 least favourite genes on a HILARIOUSLY randomised Morkko... if I came across a guy like this in the wild I would probably catch him just for entertainment value:

Edited By 871 on 5/22/2013 at 5:04 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 5:23 PM Post #5

Have to agree with you on the morkko's though I find the skull mask a bit worse than antlers

*Randomly generated for show*

While messing around with the generator I have only had one case where I actually like the antlers:

Though....take away the other genes/mutations and antlers alone just look weird to me.

Also on the topic of bulbori's....anyone else think that grey dutch looks like a messy guy in need of a shave?
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/3/2013
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 5:27 PM Post #6
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 3:33:01pm


Have to agree with you on the morkko's though I find the skull mask a bit worse than antlers

*Randomly generated for show*

While messing around with the generator I have only had one case where I actually like the antlers:

Though....take away the other genes/mutations and antlers alone just look weird to me.

Also on the topic of bulbori's....anyone else think that grey dutch looks like a messy guy in need of a shave?

That particular skull mask does look awful D: but I do like it on my female:

I do have to agree that the antlers on that guy don't look too bad! :3

AND I completely agree with the grey dutch on the bulbori hahaha. It's kinda cute in a way though XD
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 5:36 PM Post #7
It was REALLY hard for me to choose a favorite, but I've always had a soft spot for faelora so I'll go with them. The females are my preference.
As for least favorite, I'll go with draeyl, though I do like them with seaslug and agama markings.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 7:06 PM Post #8
Ohhh! There's another bird lover too!! OUO

Well... I'm torn between Nytekries and Aurleons as my favorite... X_x
Nytekries had lots of beautiful genes and mutations... especially shimmer tips. But I think I loved Aurleons more because they're one of the first breeds available for the game! My first pet is an Aurleon after all~<3

As for the least favorite... Probably Vulnyxes for now! Unless they had a makeover or something! XD
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 7:22 PM Post #9

Least Favourite:

I loooove the Nytekrie for their gene/mutation combinations. They're so fun to fiddle around with in the preview generator.

Draeyls... they're just not my thing. :/ I love dragons and lizards, but the design and markings just don't do it for me. Aurleons used to be like that until they got a fancy revamp, so maybe that'll change my mind about Draeyls if they decide to redesign them. They're not ugly, they're just definitely not for me.

(just for fun, I also love Luporas, Zolnixis, Bulboris, and the new Aurleons, but hate male Sylvorpas, female Morkkos, and female Faelora.)
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 7:37 PM Post #10
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 3:33:01pm


Least Favourite:

I loooove the Nytekrie for their gene/mutation combinations. They're so fun to fiddle around with in the preview generator.

Draeyls... they're just not my thing. :/ I love dragons and lizards, but the design and markings just don't do it for me. Aurleons used to be like that until they got a fancy revamp, so maybe that'll change my mind about Draeyls if they decide to redesign them. They're not ugly, they're just definitely not for me.

(just for fun, I also love Luporas, Zolnixis, Bulboris, and the new Aurleons, but hate male Sylvorpas, female Morkkos, and female Faelora.)

I agree with the Draeyl, I love dragons and lizards but their's just kind of meh to me...always really disliked the females more though.
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