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Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:31 PM Post #1
Welcome Newbies

I'm pretty new myself, and there was quite a few things that confused me when I first got here ...
So I've put together this guide to hopefully ease the struggle a bit on you guys!

Please give it a read over.
Feel free to ask questions.

Have some advice of your own?
Please share!

- - -

Other Helpful Threads

Guide to Essences

Battle Team Guide

Breeding Guide

Making Gold

Another Newbie Guide
Edited By Fartasy on 12/21/2017 at 11:02 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:32 PM Post #2

Listen to Jinxie and follow the story line. A lot of things get explained as you go.

When you come to the capture quest ...
This quest is set up as a random event, just keep exploring the area and the event will eventually pop up. Jinxie will give you a free trap to use. And then 3 more free traps as a reward! The pet you capture in this event is designed to be a good breeding partner for the pet you generated at the beginning.

As you progress in the story you will eventually unlock the town barracks, here is where you can assign missions for pets to go off and do. If the pet completes the mission successfully you will get a reward and your pet will get EXP. If you know you're going to be away for a while, send your pets on missions before you go!

Battling is going to get really hard if you don't use your points. Refer to the battle team guide I have listed in the first post for more info!

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Battling On A Budget

Need to save up gold but the Town Healer just charges to much?
Don't want to wait the 30+ minutes for your pets to heal on their own?

Here's what you do!
Keep fighting till your pets get knocked out, once they're out of HP you need to remove them from the party.
Now once you've done that go to your stables!
There should be a Blue Tab that says "Revive Pets".
Click that and you'll see that it's only 100G to revive and fully heal each pet!
That's much cheaper than the 3k+ the Town Healers want to charge ya.
Then make sure to put those pets back in your party and get back to exploring!
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:33 PM Post #3

Have questions?
Please ask!

I'll put a bunch of them here ~

- - - - - - - - - -

Q: Where is my friends list?

A: Click on the "Social" tab and go to your inbox. Click contacts to see all your friends!

- - -

Q: How do I send items to people?

A: Go to your inventory, click on the item. Now below your inventory are some little icons, one should look like a letter with an arrow. Use that to send 1 item to a player. Additional you can request that they pay for the item by putting in a CoD Fee. Not all items are trade-able!

- - -

Q: I got scales from nurturing. What do I do with them?

A: Click the shops tab at the top and click on "Scales Shop". You can buy eggs and a bunch of other useful items!

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Q: I wanna unlock more stuff in my wardrobe. How do I get more AP?

A: Simply be being interactive! Exploring, quests, missions, nurturing, etc. Basically anything you do on the site will get you some AP.

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Q: What are level ups? What is proficiency?

A: Please just read the battle guide. It explains all of that. The one suggestion I can offer you is to first check what kind of attacks your pet does. To do this, go into battle and hover over the first attack of your pet, it's going to say either physical or magical damage. Jot that down, and then go read the guide! ( Battle Team Guide )

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Q: How to unlock a party slot so you can have more pets on your battle team?

A: You can unlock party slots by buying them at Esiors Haven (Sylestia Plaza)

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Q: How do you use advancement points?

A: Advancement Points (also referred to as AP) are used to buy some avatar items, mostly hair and facial designs but also a few clothing items, or to buy generator slots to save your designs. After accumulating a certain amount (you don't have to keep them after that point), you can also use them to hire Stablehands, who lessen feeding costs and maybe have other abilities, too.

- - -

Q: What do the stars on the wild pets mean?

A: The number of stars indicate how difficult the enemy is.

The colours of the stars indicate the rarity of the pet, and thus how many trait points they have.

White = uncommon = no traits
Green = common = 1 trait point (1 carry)
Blue = rare = 2 trait points (1 visible or 2 carries)
Purple = epic = 4 trait points (2 visible, 1 visible and 2 carries, or 4 carries)
Orange = legendary = 6 points (3 visible, 2 visible and 2 carries, 1 visible and 4 carries, or 6 carries)
Red = mythical = 8 points (4 visible, 3 visible and 2 carries, or 2 visible and 4 carries)

- - -

Edited By Fartasy on 12/21/2017 at 10:53 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:35 PM Post #4
Making Your Avatar - Guide

Most outfits you're going to have to unlock!
You should have been given Newbie Adventurer's Outfit from Jinxie for progressing through the story/quests.
Go to your inventory, and use the outfit to unlock it in your wardrobe!

Account - Wardrobe - Scroll all the way down ...

- - - - - - - - - -

Select your base, click the tabs to change different options! If you have an option unlocked It will have a white BG instead of the dull blue one.

Like This!

- - - - -

Just more options for your base, only a few start out unlocked.

Basic clothing, only a few start out unlocked.

This is where that outfit that jinxie gave you will go! Click on the "Outfits" tab and find the highlighted outfit. Jinxie is in the way of this one, to close her tab just click on the blue section, it will minimize it. Click the highlighted outfit to put it on!

Additionally ...
See the magnifying glass on the outfits? Click it to preview the item on your avatar.

Now go play with your sliders, make sure to hit "Preview Changes" and if you like what you see hit "Save Loaded Outfit".
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:37 PM Post #5
Nurture Guide

Step 1
Go to your Hatchery.
You can get there by clicking the Account tab at the top, then click Hatchery!

- - -

Step 2
Click on Help Nurture Sylesties!

- - -

Step 3
Give this page a read over. By successfully interacting with the egglings/hatchling you can earn scales!

Now, put in your search info!
By interacting with other people's pets, you will appear in the section "Users who nurtured my pets today". So anyone who is using that search option can find and interact back with you!

- - -

Step 4
Hit Search! Look at all the eggs ~ Click one!

- - -

Step 5
Clicking an egg will bring up this window. See at the top there where it says "This Eggling Is Dull"? That's your clue to what you need to do to have a successful interaction! So sense it's dull ... let's polish it!

- - -

Step 6
You had a successful interaction! See how the egg says nurtured in red below it? Any egg/hatching you've already interacted with will get that, even if you failed to nurture it properly.

Successful nurtures get you a reward, yay! But if you don't get the clue right you wont get a reward for the interaction.

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This egg is cool = Warm It
This egg is warm = Cool it
This egg is restless = Turn it
This egg is dull = polish it


This hatchling is weak - Work Out
This hatchling is derpy - Read to it
This hatchling is hungry - Offer it food
This hatchling i restless - Play with it
This hatchling is slow - Race it
Edited By Fartasy on 4/16/2016 at 10:00 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:38 PM Post #6
Essence And The Generator

(Work In Progress)

- - -

Types of Essence

Mythical Essence - 4 Genotype Points And Extremely Accurate Colors.

Enhanced Essence - 4 Genotype Points Ad Mostly Accurate Colors.

Regular Essence - 2 Genotype Points And Fairly Accurate Colors.

- - -

How Do I Get Essence?

You can buy them from the Diamond Shop, you can sometimes with them in Jinxie's Jamboree Minigame, and very rarely you can find them while exploring or while nurturing.
You can even buy them from the trade broker! They're very pricey though.

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More Essence Info

Essence do not stack!
The most genotypes you can generate a pet with is 4. Visible traits take up 2 points while carried traits take up 1. To learn more about using the carried traits and breeding, check out the breeding guide in the first post!
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:40 PM Post #7
Using The Advanced Search

Using the advanced search is a great way to find cheap pets for sale.

- - -

The site has 2 different layouts at the moment depending what page you're on.
Remember it's still in beta!
Things are being worked out.

Step 1
Find the search bar!

- - -

Step 2
Click on search!
You don't need to enter anything, just click it.
It's going to bring you to this page ...

- - -

Step 3
We want to search pets, so click on the "Search Pets" option.
Now you're going to see all of this!

- - -

Step 4
Let's fill it out!
Just put in the basics ~

Now Hit Search!
Look at all those nice cheap pets ~
I always select the adult option so I know they can breed soon.

See a pet you like?
Click on the image of it to go to the profile page.
If you want to purchase it, click the "Prices" option.

And that's all there is to it!
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:43 PM Post #8
The New Explore System

Alright, once you manage to get through the main story line ...
You're going to unlock the 3rd area.
This area features a test run of the new Explore System.
(Which will also be featured in the up-coming Mega-Zone ???)

You're also going to unlock stuff for your "Task Log".
Basically other quests.

Here are some screen shots I thought I'd share of the new area!
(Drag them to a new tab for full size.)

Alright, pay attention to this one below ...
I want you to notice some things!

First off, your avatar actually moves around the map like a grid.
You'll actually find random spawning chests, boxes, and etc to interact with.

Notice that bag icon to the side?
"Open Inventory" - Access all your stuff right on the screen, even the items you can't use in battle. No more having to click over to the inventory tab.

The icon next to it? "Manage Party" move your pets around as needed.

Alright now onto the next set ...
Battling and using your items in battle has been simplified quite a bit.
A lot less clicking now!

Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:43 PM Post #9
New + Extra Info

From Draumrkopa

Pet Costume: You have to have the same breed of pet as the costume said.

Go to your inventory - Under "Account" Tab.
Switch over to the Equipment Section of your inventory.
Under the equipment box you can see your pet and two drop down bars.
Scroll through the left bar until you find the pet you want!
Then click on the Costume in your equipment tab box - It will highlight green.
Scroll down under your pet - There are 5 boxes.
The last box says "Costume" under it and "Empty" inside of it.
Click on the box, your costume icon will now appear inside that box.

You can do this same process to equip a relic (looks like a shield), a set of armor (looks like human clothes), and two accessories (looks like brackets or gauntlets).

To take the items off - You click on the items under the pet and then click them to a box on the equipment tab.

- - - - -

Avatar Costumes

Go to your Inventory, click on the item you want and click the "Use Item" button.
Don't worry, the item will disappear, you will find it later.

Go to wardrobe under the account tab.
A screen loads with your avatars color hex boxes on the right and the avatar in a picture frame on the left.
Scroll down you will see a slide that has four blue buttons that say "Base", "Style", "Clothing" and "Items".
Clicking on the "Base" button will pop up a bar underneath tat says Base, Eyes, Ears, Mouths and Noses.
Click on the bottom pop up bar to look through the items, use the blue arrow on the left or right to scroll through everything.
Clicking on Style will have a pop up bar with Eyebrows, Hair, Beards, Facial Features and Make up.
Clicking on the Clothing Button will pop up a bar with Tops, Bottoms, Feet, and Arms.

All the above items can be purchased with AP.
Everything under this can be earned as gifts or bought in game.

Clicking on the Items Buttom will pop up a bar with the choises Helds, Outfits, Heads, Wings, and Backs.
There are a lot of items so have fun scrolling!
Edited By Fartasy on 12/21/2017 at 10:38 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/16/2016 at 9:43 PM Post #10
Others Tips + Tricks

Info Provided By Flute

- - - - - - - -

Info Provided By Scathreoite

A lot of stuff you'll see on statting/levelling pets is now irrelevant, if it's older than a few months, due to the system being revamped and rearranged just this year.

Previously level up points and proficiency points were separate things, with four level-up points being obtained for a level up and a proficiency point every five.

Now the two systems are merged into a new setup:
- you get one point at level 0, one at level 30, and one at 60 (Once the Megazone releases and the level cap is raised, we'll be getting these at much more frequent intervals, but for now, only three.)

- Strength and Intelligence are the same slot, and which gets boosted depends on the element

- Rank of a stat depends on how many points you've put into it (3 max for each of the four types), and the amount you gain from that raises with the pets level.
: Example in that your Luella at level 24 would get 68 points if she was given a Str-Int/Dex/Agi point.
: Meanwhile, our Munir, who is level 60, would get +191 for a rank one in those stats.

- Rank of abilities, such as Bolt or Leeching Strike, will gain experience with use, but at this time that function is disabled. Currently it is expected it will be released alongside the Megazone.

- - - - - - - -

City Badges

Info Provided By Flute

You can get badges by doing the quests from the quest board in the middle of Saerielle.
You can also get them from participating in Umbra Forest raids (at 3/6/9/12 pm or am in game time, there's an orange bar at the top of the menu on pages of the site that says a raid is taking place at some area of the game, and if you fight in those, you get points for the enemies you defeat, which get you satchels that have badges).

- - - - - - - -

1. What is essence?
2. How do you obtain trait points?
3. How can the colors be inaccurate?

Info Provided By Scathreoite

Generator Essence Answers

Trait Points - Outside of breeding for traits, can only really be 'obtained' if you're using a Mutator on a Tamed pet.

Edited By Fartasy on 12/21/2017 at 11:01 AM.
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