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Forum Index > General Discussion > Spring Festival Themed Pets 2016
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Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
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Posted: 5/20/2016 at 12:35 PM Post #1
Welcome to the
Spring Festival Themed Pet Guide

Trying to work out what your seed will grow into?
Choose the Flower/Leaderboard Pet Quicklink, the seed is in the theme name.
Alternatively use Ctrl+F (or Mac equivalent) and search for the seed.

Quick Links
Spring Fest Directory
Themed Zone Pets
Flower/Leaderboard Pets
Majestic Flower Pets


Show off your new themed pets! We need males and females for all themes :)
Remember to post an image link so I can link your pets in the main posts, if
there isn't a link I won't be able to post it!

I will be putting pets up as first come first serve.
If the same theme is posted multiple times the
pet with the most visibles with be shown to best
display the theme.

Happy Spring Festival!!


The colour scheme for this thread is from the gorgeous Parrot Tulip Draeyl
A big shout out to Willow who usually runs these threads. We miss you girl!
Edited By Lavelle on 6/1/2016 at 6:16 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 5/20/2016 at 12:35 PM Post #2
Spring Festival Directory

General Links
Spring Festival Overview - Festival Zone - Sylesti Garden
Spring Contests - Festival Shop - Diamond Sale

Admin Games
Sylestia Scavenger Hunt - Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Create a 2 Visible Restricted Trait Pet - Sylestia Crossword
Edible Flowers

Useful Links
Guide to Past Themed Pets - Guide to Festivals

New this year: Majestic Seeds

Dragon Seed - Emperor's Dragon Zolnixi

Druidic Seed - Spring Druid Vulnyx

Fairy Seed - Butterfly Fairy Kelpari

Foo Seed - Foo Dog Luffox

Ghost Seed - Ghost Fire Morkko

Lunar Seed - Spring Moon Aeridini

Nereid Seed - Ocean's Jewel Sylvorpa

Tempest Seed - Tempest Winds Aurleon
Edited By Lavelle on 5/23/2016 at 6:37 AM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 5/20/2016 at 12:35 PM Post #3
Zone Themed

Rain Cloud Aeridini
Original Design by Kristallfisch

Male provided by Zaynah. Female provided by Alicehearts.

Vibrant Plumage Aurleon
Original Design by Lenore

Male provided by Zaynah. Female provided by Wonderfulb2uty.

Spring Dawn Bulbori
Original Design by Zelly

Male provided by Ashleyabstract. Female provided by Cat1990.

Red Wood Draeyl
Original Design by Barcode454

Male provided by Barcode454. Female provided by Silkalivedoll.

Delicate Bouquet Faelora
Original Design by Kalores

Male provided by Dunno. Female provided by Dunno.

Sunset Kelpari
Original Design by Wingeddragon

Male and Female provided by Sciger

Night Flower Luffox
Original Design by Wingeddragon

Male provided by Barcode454. Female provided by Rixva.

Honeybee Lunemara
Original Design by Xavion

Male provided by Cat1990. Female provided by Wonderfulb2uty.

Tree Moss Lupora
Original Design by Barcode454

Male provided by Amarok. Female provided by Mandyhope.

Robin Morkko
Original Design by Fife

Male provided by Seagold. Female provided by Mysevin.
Edited By Lavelle on 6/9/2016 at 8:41 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 5/20/2016 at 12:36 PM Post #4
Zone Themed Continued

Black Swallowtail Nephini
Original Design by Scathreoite

Male provided by Fang. Female provided by AtomicRift.

Mixed Berry Nytekrie
Original Design by Xavion

Male provided by Rixva. Female provided by Rixva.

Enchanted Meadows Qitari
Admin Designed

Male provided by Ashleyabstract. Female provided by Barcode454.

Lilypad Sylvorpa
Original Design by Xavion

Male provided by Barcode454. Female provided by Wonderfulb2uty.

Steel Skies Vulnyx
Original Design by Kalores

Male provided by Kalores. Female provided by Rixva.

Secret Garden Zolnixi
Original Design by Savvyn

Male provided by Cat1990. Female provided by [TEMPLINKREPLACE]Zaynah[/url].
Edited By Lavelle on 6/11/2016 at 6:52 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 5/20/2016 at 12:36 PM Post #5

These themed pets can be won via the Spring Contests or by finding seed pouches and growing the eggs in your Sylesti Garden.

Camellia Night Rider Aeridini

Male provided by Vulpie. Female provided by ShadowKitten.

Hydrangea Bouquet Aurleon

Male provided by Cian. Female provided by Toxxicangel.

Hot Tamale Rose Bulbori

Male provided by Silkalivedoll. Female provided by Typhlosion.

Parrot Tulip Draeyl

Male provided by Jessc. Female provided by Mysevin.

Fun Time Gladiolus Faelora

Male provided by Mysevin. Female provided by Keychain.

Carnival Iris Griffi

Male provided by Thundress. Female provided by Vulpie.

Luminous Lotus Kelpari

Male provided by Typhlosion. Female provided by Rixva.

Burgundy Petunia Lighira

Male provided by Rixva. Female provided by Rixva.

White Feather Hosta Luffox

Male provided by Rixva. Female provided by Silkalivedoll.

Canna Annjee Lunemara

Male provided by Junco. Female provided by Keychain.
Edited By Lavelle on 6/11/2016 at 6:51 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 5/20/2016 at 12:37 PM Post #6
Flower/Leaderboard Continued

Autumn Chrysanthemum Lupora

Male provided by Cian. Female provided by Phantomforce.

Black Orchid Morkko

Male provided by Seagold. Female provided by Mysevin.

White Flame Gazania Nephini

Male provided by Kalores. Female provided by Pirate.

Widow's Tears Spiderwort Ny'vene

Male provided by Barcode454. Female provided by Vulpie.

Forever Susan Lily Nytekrie

Male provided by No one Yet. Female provided by Percypjopiper.

Delphinium Pink Punch Puffadore

Male provided by Barcode454. Female provided by Foxypuff.

Passiflora Incarnata Qitari

Male provided by Zaynah. Female provided by Olooriel.

Musk Rainbow Plumeria Ryori

Male provided by Rixva. Female provided by Celuwen.

Bird of Paradise Strelitzia Sylvorpa

Male provided by Celuwen. Female provided by Rixva.

Red Poppy Vulnyx

Male provided by Silkalivedoll. Female provided by Jessc.

Watermelon Coleus Zolnixi

Male provided by Seagold. Female provided by Rixva.
Edited By Lavelle on 6/27/2016 at 2:21 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 5/20/2016 at 12:37 PM Post #7
Majestic Flower/Maze Pets

"We have released 1 Gene and 3 Mutations for each of the following eight species ... As a special addition to the Spring Festival, these new Traits are restricted and can only be obtained by growing the species' 8 Majestic Themed Pets in your Garden! Additionally, you can obtain Eggling versions of these Themed Pets directly from the Maze of Amazements." - Krinadon

Spring Moon Aeridini
New Traits: G2 Lunar Spots, M1 Lunar Tail, M2 Lunar Wings, M3 Lunar Jewelry

Male provided by Zaynah. Female provided by Lavelle.

Tempest Winds Aurleon
New Traits: G3 Tempest Runes, M1 Tempest Wings, M2 Tempest Wrappings, M3 Tempest Ibis Beak

Male provided by Thunderess. Female provided by Thundress.

Foo Dog Luffox
New Traits: G1 Foo Dog, M1 Foo Dog Tail, M2 Foo Dog Ears, M3 Foo Dog Armor

Male provided by Lavelle. Female provided by No one Yet.

Ghost Fire Morkko
New Traits: G1 Mystic Witch Flames, M1 Mystic Witch Flowers, M2 Mystic Witch Cloak, M3 Mystic Witch Tiara

Male provided by Lavelle. Female provided by Lavelle.

Butterfly Fairy Kelpari
New Traits: G1 Butterfly Fairy Stripes, M1 Butterfly Fairy Tassels, M2 Butterfly Fairy Wings, M3 Butterfly Fairy Mane

Male provided by No one Yet. Female provided by Zaynah.

Ocean's Jewel Sylvorpa
New Traits: G1 Nereid Spots, M1 Nereid Jewelry, M2 Nereid Wings, M3 Nereid Crown
Male provided by Goldshinx. Female provided by Goldshinx.

Spring Druid Vulnyx
New Traits: G3 Ethereal Runes, M1 Ethereal Wings, M2 Etheral Armor, M3 Ethereal Horns

Male provided by Rixva. Female provided by Lavelle.

Emperor's Dragon Zolnixi
New Traits: G1 Dragon Wisp, M1 Dragon Wisp Tail, M2 Dragon Wisp Armor, M3 MDragon Wisp Wings

Male provided by Zaynah. Female provided by Jessc.
Edited By Lavelle on 6/27/2016 at 2:30 PM.
Level 61
Mojo Master
Joined: 8/10/2014
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Posted: 5/20/2016 at 1:22 PM Post #8
Found these so far:

And I have this eggy:
Edited By Barcode454 on 5/20/2016 at 2:08 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 142
Posts: 16,053
Posted: 5/20/2016 at 1:28 PM Post #9
i get lucky and foud 3 egg :

Enchanted Meadows Qitari

Vibrant Plumage Aurleon

Mixed Berry Nytekrie

and this boy with no visible

Robin Morkko

Edit :

i catch this girl in the maze

Delicate Bouquet Faelora
Edited By Cian on 5/22/2016 at 12:22 PM.
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
Joined: 4/17/2015
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Posted: 5/20/2016 at 2:10 PM Post #10
Male Steel Skies Vulnyx

Male Tree Moss Lupora

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