Forum Index > General Discussion > Released Pets Stigma and Concerns
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Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 10:38 AM
Post #1
I'm sure this topic has been a conversation piece before but I was wondering how the community here feels about released pets. Also, how do you guys feel about released Un-named pets?
I, personally, feel horrible every time I release a pet and it has my name on it that I was the last owner. I don't care if someone else releases a pet they buy from me, though. (Speaking of which, feel free to check out my 1g pets in my sales stable >.>)
Releasing pets without being named on Flight Rising is like.. taboo. So I'm curious if you guys feel the same way on here. I feel like serious breeders that have hundreds of hatchlings wouldn't have the time to name each one that they had to release due to space issues.
So, do you care if someone has released a lot of pets?
Does it matter to you if the released pets are Un-named?
Anyways! Give me your opinions, please~ There are no wrong answers ^-^
Edit: Also, does it bother you if pets are dyed?
Themed? Unthemed? At the end of a project?
Edited By Kyokai on 1/13/2017 at 9:41 PM.
Level 61
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 11:17 AM
Post #2
I release a lot of pets - ones with unwanted traits, unsuccessful project offspring, species I'm no longer interested in. sometimes when I see one of those annoying "BUY MY PETS OR I RELEASE THEM" threads (I mean it - the annoying ones, not just pet selling threads), I go and buy all the pets and release them so the seller gets their desired money and won't start the second (third, fourth) similar thread.
most of the released pets are left unnamed, especially if they were mine - if I don't like a pet for some reason, I release it right after it hatches, I don't see why should I name it; also my browser has an auto-fill for those pet release forms so I don't have to type "Un-named" every time I release a pet without a name.
how many pets did I release? 8,186. 8 times more than I own at the moment. I don't feel bad about releasing pets; I prefer to think that they're fine on their own in the wild. and if I have some doubts, I can always go and check. like this:
here she is, my released fluffy princess. alive and well. looking at my diamonds - no, you're not getting any, sweetheart. sorry, not gonna reclaim you.
well, I did reclaim pets though; I'm also thinking about reclaiming some more, like my abandoned themed project for example. giving a pet some diamonds to get it back - how does that sound? what do the pets do with those diamonds anyway?
so, that's it. I release pets. I don't name the pets I release. I don't see anything wrong with it.
would like to be pinged for new answers if possible! I'd love to hear some other opinions.
edit: apparently I can't spell
Edited By Lokiarti on 1/13/2017 at 11:19 AM.
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 4:32 PM
Post #3
I release un-named pets because the name drops down in the bar, and its easy to just get ride of them. So, for me, its just convenience of getting rid of the pet. So it doesn't really matter to me, specially releasing on a big scale.
I also don't care how many pets a person releases. I just think of it as "the little pets are now free where they should be". Plus people who breed on a big scale, don't have all the room to keep the pets, so by releasing the useless it limits them. Plus they don't worry about selling them, or once they are sold someone using it to jump start their own project.
Level 75
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 4:57 PM
Post #4
I do a lot of breeding, so I release a lot of pets. So many in fact that when I searched to see how many, it gives me a too many need to narrow parameters error. :-)
The only pets I name and then release are those I'm using for a breeding project. I use them for breeding until I get a better pet to replace them and then they go off into the sunset to party with all of the other ones I've released. If a baby hatches with undesirable traits or fewer than desired, I release them un-named. I have a hard enough time coming up with names for the pets I'm keeping so I'm certainly not going to waste time naming those I'm just going to release.
Tagged pets are the only pets I absolutely will not release. I know someone out there would really like them, so if I no longer want them I'll make the effort to find them a new home.
Level 71
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 6:39 PM
Post #5
I can't speak for everyone here, but I'd say the vast majority of people don't care if pets are named before release.. I know I certainly don't. In my time here I've released just short of 3k pets, most of which are un-named. Even if people did care, I'd probably still do it because it'd be a pain in the but to name and release them all haha.
I stopped playing FR and that was one of the reasons.. too many community created "rules" that people are just magically supposed to know. In the short time I played there I was contacted by about a half dozen people who didn't like the way I was doing things.
Level 64
The Tender
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 8:26 PM
Post #6
I don't really care if someone has released a lot of pets. If you aren't emotionally attached to it, and you don't need it, why not release it? I just get kind of angry when people confront people or say they can't join groups if they release pets. Releasing pets can be a quicker alternative to selling them. It actually helps me better if pets are un-named so that I don't feel attached to them. That's just my opinion though.
Level 36
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 8:27 PM
Post #7
I haven't done any major breeding projects and am not a seriously experienced player. I have been a member for awhile(my profile says I joined 7/4/16), and I still know so little about this site and how things work.
My perspective on this matter is the same as the others. I really don't care when others mass release pets. It your pets and you can do what you want with them. There is only one time I feel sad when coming across released pets. Sometimes when I find a beautiful pet belonging to another player, I will look through their offspring to see if there are any potentially available. When I find a pet that I view as beautiful has been released, I wish I could get it back and claim it as my own. But I also understand the side of the previous owner. I know that there is a reason, whether it is a need for space or a breeding project. I especially understand this now that I'm getting to the point where my own stable space is very small.
I admit that at first I felt quite bad and become very attached to all of my pets...I am now coming to the point where I am going to have to do my own purge, even of I really don't want to. My likes have changed on the site, and I think I may even begin a breeding project at some point! Basically, Im at the point where I'm going to have to purge most of my zolinxi, despite loving them. They were my favorite species at first, but now my favorite is faelora. I will be sad to see most of the go, but the fact of the matter is that I can't hold on to them. They just sit there in the stable and I hardly look at them anymore. At this point, if you asked my to tell you about the zolinxi in my stable I can only think of a few and most of them are from my fighting teams.
Usually when getting rid of various sylesti, I will put them up for a gold for about a week then get rid of them. When breeding, I will put them on sale for the length of the hatchery stay, then get rid of them before they move over.
I hope my opinion was okay?...
Level 46
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 9:27 PM
Post #8
It doesn't really bother me whether or not a pet is released unnamed, but it does bug me when I see a stable full of unnamed pets. If you're gonna keep them, at least give the poor baby factories a name :P
I have seen some utterly gorgeous pets marked as released, which seems odd because a lot of those would have probably sold quick, but there's nothing to be done for that I guess.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 9:36 PM
Post #9
Ah, thank you all for responding! This is really interesting, actually.
Haha, I like your way of thinking! I'm glad that it says "Un-named was released to the Wild!" because it makes me think that they're running over to help (or more likely, hinder) the progress of the MegaZone. I can just see them frolicking about and maybe I'll run into their great-great-grandkids when I get there.
That's a good point about the jump-start breeding projects. I definitely release my early breeding project pets, too. I could buy / use an infertility philter but.. not many people would want to buy a 2 carry pet that can't breed lol. Releasing is definitely the better option!
That first part made me chuckle: "it gives me a too many need to narrow parameters error." And I'm totally there with you about naming! Man, some of my favorite pets are still Un-named because they haven't yet told me what they want to be called. Also, I agree about the tagged pets. They're special critters and at the least, could be given to new players or used in forum swaps.
Aw, that's sad that you stopped playing FR because of that, but I understand. A while back on here, people were policing and doing the "I won't sell to you if you released one of my pets you bought" thing. I'm very grateful that Krin and Fai stepped in and said that everyone's pets are theirs to do with as they pleased. When playing a game, it's no fun to feel attacked >.<
Ah yes, I can agree with that! It sounds like people are more tolerant on here now. I hope so, anyways. Sometimes you realize that pet you thought was so cool when you started isn't as cool now. And with SO many pets, so many themes, so many traits, so many projects.... sometimes ya gotta be picky.
Yes, I know what you mean about likes changing! When looking through my older pets, I've had a lot of "...what was I thinking?" moments. Don't get me wrong, I love all my pets. But freeing older ones that no one wants to buy frees up room for new family members >.> And yes, your opinion is great ^-^ Like I said, no wrong answers. Even if you said you don't like when people release pets, that's okay too. I'm just a curious one and typically shy, but I really have been curious about this topic so I thought I'd ask.
All of this made me think of another query if anyone is interested. Does it bother you if pets are dyed? Feel free to expand on that. ^-^ It's been really interesting hearing all these responses! I really appreciate it. Thank you all!
If you didn't want to be pinged, my apologies. Let me know and I won't ping you :)
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 1/13/2017 at 9:40 PM
Post #10
Ahh! I am totally guilty of that.. Having stables of Un-named pets. I promise one day they shall all have names... I just have a really difficult time coming up with names. Geez, it takes me DAYS to come up with character names for myself for games.
Now I feel really bad lol: "give the poor baby factories a name" *whispers* I promise I'll work harder on that >.<;
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