I'm sorry if this has been posted recently, or if there's some obvious place to discover this, but, where do you get diamonds??
I apologize for how dense I am in advance.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/6/2013 at 7:01 PM
Post #2
Hi! No need to feel dense now!
So, You can either buy diamonds using Real world money by going to Shop>Diamond Shop And then moving that little scroll thingy to how many diamonds you want, and then going to PayPal to purchase them by hitting the "Buy now" button below the scroll thingy. xD
OR, if you have enough gold saved up, you can go to Trade>Exchange and then buy them that way. I believe the general price is 2,000 gold PER diamond.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/6/2013 at 7:04 PM
Post #3
Don't worry, it's kind of hard to find in the beginning! You're not dense in any way.
First, you click on "Shops" in the top bar, And there you see the sign for the Diamond Shop. There you can buy diamonds with paypal. You can also buy diamonds in the Exchange (found under "Trade"), but it's kinda pricey for the beginning!
Hope that helps uwu
Level 55
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Posted: 7/6/2013 at 7:18 PM
Post #4
Both of you are so nice, thank you! >w<;;
The reason I asked was, cause I found an egg. ;^; And since it's the first one I found, I want to be able to purchase a stable spot for it, for when it hatches. >.<;; Now I gotta go'a'gold hunting!
Thank you guys for the help!! <3
Level 60
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Posted: 7/6/2013 at 7:45 PM
Post #5
You only have one pet in your stables though, and two eggs in the hatchery. You still have all those "Empty" Slots to fill!
When you buy a new tab, you're buying an additional 25 slots. You start off with one tab, therefore 25 slots for 25 pets.
Edited By 1398 on 7/6/2013 at 7:46 PM.
Level 55
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Posted: 7/6/2013 at 7:47 PM
Post #6
Oh. God. Thank you. FFFF. I can't believe how dense I am. I apologize. ;-; I have a new medication and I didn't think it'd affect my reading capabillities. Gosh that took a load off of my worries. FFFF. Thanks again, so much. XD;;;
Also, I just started but this game has hit my needs for gaming eue;;; So thank you for being apart of it/making it(?). ouo!
Level 60
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Posted: 7/6/2013 at 7:53 PM
Post #7
Haha, no problem! And I'm just an addicted player!~ The credits all go to Krinadon and Faiona, the most AWESOME people ever!!
Also, if you find yourself having a lot of questions and start getting tired of posting threads, The Newbie mentoring thread! Lot of great mentors sitting on the side lines, waiting for someone to share their wisdom with! ^^
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