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Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:22 AM
Post #1
This is the dawn of a new, eleven day festival of my own creation known as the Creative Extravaganza! The starting day of this is March 4th, my four-year anniversary on Sylestia, and the ending day is March 14th, my birthday.
This Extravaganza will include *five* different games, and will be giving out over 170 "small" prizes and 25 "big" prizes! Big prizes include themed fabled, GPDs, enhanced/mystical essences, 3v themed, and regen themed! Small prizes are offspring, nonfabled themed, avatar items, most philters, regular essences... I can't breathe, I'm so excited! As I'm sure most of you are ;).
This is an exciting thing, guys. First, though, we're going to have to cover some rules, however much I don't like it, and I know you don't like it.
1. Do NOT be rude/aggressive towards *anyone*. If I see this, you will be banished from the Extravaganza.
2. Any questions and comments MUST be posted on the Discussion Thread. Any questions/comments posted here will be gently reminded to be moved to there.
3. Do NOT be a sore loser if you do not win. If I see this, you will be banished from the giveaway. This is a fun thing, and if you can't be a good sport, we don't need you bringing people down.
4. It would be appreciated, if you've won several things already, that you don't enter *everything*. This is so other people can have a chance to win. Of course, I cannot stop you from doing so, though.
5. If any of you get that smart idea to get me something for my birthday, DON'T. This is about me giving back. I have gotten ahold of a lot of pets that I've wanted for a long time recently, so let me do my giving turn cx.
That's it I believe, but it's subject to change if I think of anything else.
Story Time with Crea!
I've decided to add an element of story/sort-of-roleplay to this giveaway. That is, I will be having story time each day. There is a plot/background that you will discover over the days. I will have six pets posing as "hosts" to this, and on this thread, the games and such will be posted by them. They will each have their own main posts, and those will be changed each day with a new "chapter" to the story.
Small hints will be dropped as to the background, which is what you are really trying to uncover. You can discuss it with others in the discussion thread. In the thread, you are a character named Charlie. You decide whether this is short for Charles or Charlotte, its up to you. It really wont affect the story.
If you do NOT want this element of story, you do NOT have to read it. Simple as that. Information about the games they host will be bolded, so if you wish, you can only read that.
Reading the story will *not* affect your chances. Nor will it slow you down. The "speed" games will have a designated time they will be started, and the contests will be all day, so you can post your entries to those any time as long as it's before the deadline.
At the end of each day, that days chapter will be archived on the discussion thread for you to revisit anytime.
The Games
I will give a brief summary of each game here. The games will also be summarized on the posts for them.
Raffle- The raffle is....exactly what it sounds like. It's a raffle lol. 1-2 prizes will be raffled off each day, and they will mostly be big prizes. Not all big prizes are from the raffle, though. For the raffle, on the post for it, the pet/pets that will be raffled off will be posted. This is the ONLY game where you know what the prize is. To enter, you just post which one/ones you'd wish to enter. At approximately 10 p.m. Sylestia time, the deadline will set. The winners will be posted sometime after that.
Pick a box- Everyone knows pick a box, right? On its post, I will put when the round will take place, if one will take place that day at all. The pick a box gives away more prizes than any other game, totaling at 10 prizes each pick a box.
Design contest- Again, exactly what it sounds like. On its main post, there will be criteria as to what pet you must design. Sometimes, the pet will have a name. Sometimes, you will be given a species, gender, and two traits, and will be asked to find colors and add another trait. These will have their deadline at approximately 10 p.m. Sylestia time, and the winners will be posted sometime after that.
Post after host- ...This is one you guys may not have heard about yet. Suggested by a dear friend of mine, post after host is where, at a designated time, I will make a post with the picture of the pet who hosts this. The first 1-5 people (whatever is designated in the main post for it) to post afterwards will get a prize.
Name game- The final game is called the Name Game. In this game, you will have to name pets. On its main posts, the pets' imaged will be posted. You simply tell me the name you suggest and for which one you suggest it. The deadline for this is at approximately 10 p.m. Sylestia time, and winners will be posted sometime after that.
Then, she whispered to the ground, as she had done yesterday. "If I forgot you in this, please do let me know. I am not perfect," she murmured, and then turned to you. "I hope you enjoy today's fun," she told you with a smile.
Edited By Creativity on 3/6/2017 at 6:45 AM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 254
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:23 AM
Post #3
"A two-vis Patriotic Nephini with Faded Stripes and Spectral Wings. If you'd like to enter the raffle, please let me know," she told you.
1. Kalores
2. Absoluteinsanity
3. AliceHearts
Edited By Creativity on 3/6/2017 at 7:09 AM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 254
Posts: 5,887
Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:23 AM
Post #4
There will be a round of pick-a-box at seven pm Sylestia time.
Edited By Creativity on 3/6/2017 at 6:47 AM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 254
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:23 AM
Post #5
There is no design contest today.
Edited By Creativity on 3/6/2017 at 6:48 AM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 254
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:24 AM
Post #6
There will be a round at 8 pm Sylestia time.
Edited By Creativity on 3/6/2017 at 4:16 PM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 254
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:24 AM
Post #7
You must create/find names for the two sylestis below.
Edited By Creativity on 3/6/2017 at 6:54 AM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 254
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:32 AM
Post #8
The thread is now open for posting! (Though there may be grammatical errors that I am working out due to word-to-sylestia posting)
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 254
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:32 AM
Post #9
More pings, see above!
Level 71
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 7/14/2014
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:55 AM
Post #10
I would like to enter today's raffle for the pink noodle creature please~
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