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Forum Index > General Discussion > What's your avatar's origin
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/21/2013
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Posted: 7/8/2013 at 11:43 PM Post #1
This is a thread for making an origin for your avatar basically so have fun.

The Black Blaze Rogue Z

Zeo (Z for short) started out a rambunctious trouble making orphan in the kingdom of Ethernia. He was always causing problems for others and getting into trouble that his kind and loving sister Valena often had to get him out of. Valena and Zeo were two usual twins they looked exactly like except for the fave that they were both born with two different type of wings, eyes, and that there hair color was different. However other than those differences they were the same except that they had opposite personalities. While Zeo was wild, crazy, and according to the citizens of Ethernia out of control Valena was calm, polite, and a perfect little angel. Even though they had there differences the loved cared for one another and were never apart. Well at least not until that faithful day that Ethernia King and Queen Krinadon, and Faiona Sabre sent for the two.

You see then King and Queen had no children of their own and need a heir some who was loved by the people as well as well some who could bring honor to the Sabre family name. In other words they need Valena, and want to adopt her. Now the King and queen were well aware that she wouldn't agree to become their daughter unless the were willing to take her brother as well. So when to the children came the King and Queen asked the both to become there heirs. Both Zeo, and his sister where over come with joy however that didn't last long. The King and Queen planning to send Zeo to a special boarding school to help correct his behavior. However when Zeo found out about this and ran away from the castle not want to sent away to stay in a place where he wasn't wanted. He traveled around the world as wanderer and surviving by pick pocketing, and using the power hidden in his wings working as hired hand who knows "How to get things." This originally led him to Flute and Rethelen the boss, and second in command of one of Sylestia's more well known gangs which he became an associates with. Gaining his Star Chameleon Staff that has the power to help him change his form (Still humanoid form) and obtain new powers with each new form. Starting his new life as The Black Blaze explorer A.k.a The Black Rogue

This is his sister Valena A.k.a the Sky Paladin

This is the gangs airship base

Edited By 1420 on 7/21/2013 at 7:32 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 8:07 PM Post #2
Well, since I'm in there. c:
My avatar never changes her skin color, eye color/style, and hair color. She's based around a character template (of being a gold-eyed, purple haired girl) for various games I play. I used to use that template on my old Mabinogi character, and now it transferred here to Sylestia. c:

She made her alias the last thing she could remember from her past life, a flute that she played so often to entertain those who were close to her.
Her origins are quite humble as far has her life on Sylestia went. As she came to grow in this world, to come to capture her own set of various Sylesti, and make friends that did likewise, she realized she was quite different from everyone else. But what she wanted most was to be competent and wanted among this world.
To do so, she tries to be as nice as possible, but being a young lady of maturity and experience from her past lives of love and loss, she quietly keeps in mind to keep fair and sane with those around her.
She honestly feels like a calm cat in a wild world of foxes, but she strides to make her mark in Sylestia.

Flute, in her endeavors to have a life that was superior to quite a few, became a trainer and protector of Sylesti and their world. She gives sylesti that look beautiful but have no place in others' stables a home, and trains them to be skilled to help out the various towns as she makes her way across the continent. She believes in quality instead of quantity, and fairness to all pets if possible, pained to see any stable cast out cubs and kits.
However, she also believes in how she trains her pets, as they are her champions that can, one by one, change the lives of other Sylestians.

By day, she lives her own humble way as a Sylesti tamer and trainer. By night...she is a head of a mafia, virtuosos and veterans of Sylestian life. After all, why be one when you can be many?
Want to know more about her? You should ask around. She's quite famous.

All in all, she plays trainer-tamer by day, and mafia godfather at night.
...Oh, and on the side, she raids a certain someone's kingdom of stables to bring justice on his unfed and starving pets. coughcoughdracocoughcough
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 8:11 PM Post #3
...STAH DOESN'T HAVE AN ORIGIN D: Oh derp ;U I guess I'll make up a story then...

So basically, I made up this damn origin about my character now. ;a; It's about a girl in her mid-teens, whom was raised by the native villagers of the west. The people didn't know why, but the girl had an extraordinary color of fuchsia hair. They didn't mind it though, it made it easier for them to tell it was her :U. Time passed, and the girl soon found an ancient sword. She changed, and began to kill people who dared the threaten her family. The sword, you see, was an ancient artifact of which controlled the mind and soul of it's user.

HOWEVER, this particular young girl was already known to be crazy, and she had this damn awesome crazy powers ;U and then began to regain her will and sucked all of the sword's powers into her own, so she's basically twice as strong now. She now uses this weapon to her commands and is an almighty overlord now.

In the future, she was a female king who ruled the world, and if you ever read One punch man, then yes, she's like that bald super hero, only with hair XD. She now hops around having fun with her friends, and likes to have crazy adventures and does random things most of the time.

Edited By 2877 on 7/21/2013 at 8:22 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 8:34 PM Post #4
@Starfall2466, the person in One Punch Man wasn't a king, he just wanted to be famous! :C

buuut...I digress. FD;;
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 8:36 PM Post #5
@Flute, I'm talking about being so almighty and powerful XD
Level 70
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 8:41 PM Post #6
He didn't show off his "powerfulness" >:c He wasn't almighty in public!

/orz the kind of hero One Punch Man was doesn't describe you >:C

orz I just pinged myself to say this LOL.
Edited By 1127 on 7/21/2013 at 8:42 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 8:42 PM Post #7
@Flute, ;3c Well I made it up~? XD
Level 70
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 8:43 PM Post #8
Riiiiight. FD;
You're unique, at the very least lol.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/21/2013 at 10:25 PM Post #9

hrm an origin... Kinuna the tigress is a priestess-in-training of her village. Her village is very tribal and lives in the jungle. They practice mainly archery, and very few know how to use magic. Being one of the few it is her job, to continue to grow stronger in both magic and physical combat. Shes is very quick, but her one weakness is up-close and personal combat. Occasional she can do quick sneak attacks like a ninja, but if she dares fight like a warrior she would have some difficulties fighting them off, but thanks to her agility she usually doesn't see that as an issue. She is very good at magic and archery.

This is also Kinuna, like Flute she is based of my elf character in mabinogi ^^; I absolutely loved the elves and the ears on her is similar to one of my fav ear styles. She doesn't parade around though like a 4rth of july fairy, this outfit was just temporary for the event. Since this is the world of sylestia though this Kinuna is a fairy. In battle she is usually a healer, occasionally using elemental magic to protect herself and her team. She lives with the other fairies in fungus grove and has met the other Kinuna. They re good friends and find good humor in their matching names.
better look at the ears:
Edited By 1221 on 7/21/2013 at 10:29 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/27/2013
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Posted: 7/23/2013 at 5:07 PM Post #10
Bella is a young magic user (only 1,434 cycles!) from another dimension (her people call it Dimension 0). In her world, magic has become another form as science and those who use it are technically called "para-energy manipulators", but are termed "shockheads" in the vernacular, due to their sometimes electrically charged hair. If a child displays an aptitude for para-energy manipulation (or using magic), they normally specialize into a field. Some will specialize in air currents, or water manipulation, while others will specialize to oxygen or barium. Rarely, a child will exhibit proficiency in more than one field.

Bella was born to a large, loving family and from a young age exhibited an instinctual grasp of para-energy. Thus, she was enrolled in a school for those gifted in para-energy manipulation. However, soon after enrollment, Bella would disappear for hours at a time. Her parents, worried about her erratic behavior, brought her to a para-energy specialist, who told them that Bella seemed to be specializing her para-energy as a teleporter. However, the doctor was only partially correct. While Bella's para-energy abilities did include teleportation, they were more refined to dimensional shifts, a fact which was only realized when Bella shifted her theoretical para-energy class to Dimension 3ZS5 to prove a point to her instructor. While dimensional shifting had previously been discovered, it was usually accomplished by 2-7 specialists (though it should be noted that other dimensions had quite large numbers of dimension shifters capable of shifting 2-3 people on their own). Never before had a shift occurred under the direction of a single individual from Dimension 0. Bella later discovered that she also had affinities for fauna and energia para-energies along with her previous dimensional para-energy.

As part of a manipulator's transition into adulthood and recognition as a specialist, they have to complete a project of their own design that utilizes their affinity(s). So, Bella chose to come to the world of Sylestia (or Dimension 63WQF7) to complete her personal project. Of course she can't tell you what that is .

Edited By 1680 on 7/23/2013 at 5:50 PM.
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