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Forum Index > General Discussion > What in the World Happened to this Full...
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Level 63
Maniacal Pyromaniac
Joined: 3/29/2013
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Posted: 4/22/2017 at 9:52 AM Post #1
So i was going through the "search bar" to find some lovely Full Moon Lupora's to breed with when i came across THIS:

I thought "maybe someone recoloured their Lupora just to troll". So i humored the sight and took a closer look:


Full Moon Luporas are supposed to look like this:

And somehow This gal: is the same!

How does this happen?? Surely it's an error as you can Clearly see that she has Not been mutated/recoloured.

Now this has happened before in the wild naturally:

But THIS lupora i cannot beleive that someone caught her as she is. ;w;

Does anyone have any ideas how this poor Lupora's colours changed so Drastically?? ;w;
Level 75
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 4/22/2017 at 12:11 PM Post #2
I seem to recall that the first time tags were implemented there were a few "oopsies" with pets that looked nothing like the theme they were supposed to be but were still tagged.

The pet could also have been dyed before the dyed icon was implemented so it wouldn't show (I have a few pets like that). However, I used to be friends with the owner of the Lupora before she stopped playing and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have done that.
Edited By Elleshie on 4/22/2017 at 1:07 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/15/2013
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Posted: 4/23/2017 at 11:25 AM Post #3
Just like Elleshie mentioned, several of the 'first' captures of those themed pets were actually regular pets that just happened to acquire the tag once tags were implemented. I posted the full list in the bug forums a few years back once the Advanced Search came out and could track themed pets, but Krin decided to just leave it be as an interesting old glitch.

There were dozens like it, 11 that were supposedly the first Ryori theme (Spooky) since everyone wanted to catch whatever Ryori passed by. I know this because I happened to catch the very first Spooky Ryori before there were tags on the pets at all. Themed pets just popped up with the theme name, but the profiles showed nothing. As soon as Krin announced that the new Ryori theme was added in, we all raced off to find the first one and I just happened to be the lucky one. (Took like, 20 minutes I think?) Then a few festivals later themed pet tags came out and suddenly, there were 11 other 'spookies' captured prior to the theme even being released, and none of them looked anything like a Spook.

There was also one player who had dyed a regular pet to look like a Spook and claimed it to be a genuine one. Color swings were way worse back then so there was no way to know for certain, but some of the colors were a lot brighter than most Spooks which had added to the appeal of using it for projects. Once the tags were implemented I wanted to check and looked back through my project pets' parents (like 20 tabs since the pet lineage wasn't a thing either XD) and finally found it. Not surprising, it was a fake. Stirred up a lot of controversy on scamming...

There were also a few themes where all genes and mutations were glitched as straight black. these two for example: Glitched Harvest Embers Lune; regular Harvest Embers Lune. Neat, huh? A lot of players wanted to collect these so the few that were captured with the wrong colors were highly prized.

So there you have it! A bit of Sylestia history that explains the bright pink Full Moon Lupora and a few other notes of interest from the same Fest that spawned it. :D

Edit: On a side-note. If you're still looking for Full Moon Lupes I do have a few 6-vis. :)
Edited By Xavion on 4/23/2017 at 11:28 AM.
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