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Forum Index > General Discussion > Trying so hard not to be salty right now...
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Level 63
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 11:11 PM Post #1
Author: Krinadon
Time Posted: 4/28/2017 at 9:37 PM

Here are the winners for this year's Sylestia Easter Egg Design Contest!

We were really blown away by how many amazing entries there were this year, especially with the limited amount of time available. It was really hard to distinguish 'winners' so we ended up with a lot of selected entries lol. Thank you to everyone who participated. The submissions just get better and better every year!

1st Place Winners

Prizes: 1,000 Diamonds, Free Stable, [Amulet of Youthful Illusions] x1, [Philter of Trait Disruption] x3, [Oopsie Egg 1-9] x3


2nd Place Winners

Prizes: 500 Diamonds, Free Stable, [Amulet of Youthful Illusions] x1, [Philter of Trait Disruption] x2, [Oopsie Egg 1-9] x2





3rd Place Winners

Prizes: 250 Diamonds, Free Stable, [Amulet of Youthful Illusions] x1, [Philter of Trait Disruption] x1, [Oopsie Egg 1-9] x1





Honorable Mentions

Prizes: [Amulet of Youthful Illusions] x1, [Oopsie Egg 1-9] x1






All Participants

Prizes: [Easter Egg 1-9] x1, [Oopsie Egg 1-9] x1

Again, thank you to everyone who participated. I hope these prizes are worthy of your efforts!

No... totally worth it... goodbye $25 dollar Michels card and six hours of my life... I was at least hoping to get a stable out of this.

But in all seriousness, I'm actually very curious as to whether the inclusion of labeled packaging in my final photo influenced this at all. Many of the third place entries are nearly identical to mine in most ways, decorate a few eggs, arrange them all nice, snap photo.

Now, I really do feel like a huge buttface for complaining like this. As an artist I would love for some constructive feedback on what I might be able to improve next time and what I may have done wrong.
The things I feel may have done the most damage to me are probably that I used a store bought mould for the bulbori and... Maybe my camera being bad quality? In all honesty, I put less effort into my valentines entry and that one got third place!

Feel free to tell me off for complaining, just try to keep it constructive.
Edited By Deidriel on 4/28/2017 at 11:16 PM.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 11:13 PM Post #2
In other news, is anyone intrested is buying an amulet of youthful illusion?
Lol... so much salt... I think I'm getting sodium poisoning...
Level 61
The Tender
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 12:10 AM Post #3
The eggs that you fashioned looked really good, but the overall picture was a bit crowded. The rabbit in the basket took a lot from the eggs you seemed to have worked really hard on. Sometimes, simple is better. Perhaps next time, showcase the eggs without so many side decorations and such. I don't know who was judging, so their taste could factor in as well.

Your camera quality was quite fine, though. In my eyes, that was not the problem at all. I think you did a good job. It looks like you need to pull more of the focus onto the eggs themselves.

I hope that was some help. ^^'
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 5:43 AM Post #4
The first thing my eye was drawn to in your photo was the packet of "eggies"... and then the shiny Cadbury's wrapper... and then the bunny... and then eventually the eggs you painted. All the things that were store-bought were the most eyecatching in this photo. I think this is the biggest issue with your project. You didn't need any of those items - they don't add to the photo, they detract from it.

Personally, I'd say remove all the store-bought items (especially the branded choccies) and zoom the camera in on the eggs you made so that they are the main subject and centre of the photo. Too many store-bought items and too much background space! I can't really even see your eggs!

I'd rather see something 100% handmade and maybe slightly less aesthetically pleasing than something half-made-half-bought. Overall I don't disagree with the placings in this contest and I think your design does fit with the other Honorable Mentions.

I hope this is constructive feedback and I hope it doesn't come across as rude or negative in any way - that's not my intention! I promise I'm only trying to give my opinions and advice for next time :)
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 9:08 AM Post #5
I see what you guys are saying. In retrospect the final photo is way too crowded. I guess the lesson to learn here is that less is more.

I really do appreciate the input from you guys. I'm sort of a perfectionist so when somthing goes wrong I get really frustrated untill I can understand what it is. I wasn't happy with the final result, hence why I added links to the photos of the individual eggs and rabbit afterwards. Sometimes all it takes is for someone else to take a look for you to really understand why some things don't work.

So in other words, I am no longer at risk of sodium poisoning. LOL. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go nom on ms. Bulboris head.
Edited By Deidriel on 4/29/2017 at 9:17 AM.
Level 70
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 9:51 AM Post #6
Yes, your eggs are great and, very well made, but the cadburry egg and the eggies are distracting and so your eggs are not the first thing we see on the picture. I think you shouldn't have put those isn the basket.
I like the bulbory though!
I also think that you should try to find a uniform backround next time. the pattern on the back doesn't help to highlight your work. I personally would have put the basket in the grass, if it was possible. It would have look nice for easter.

Also, all the other entries I see here are very good. (that's why I don't participate in the art and craft context... I could do great things, but that takes a lot of time, and they're soooo many nice entries that I'm not sure at all I could win something!)
It's probably hard for the admins to decide who should win!

But yes, on the good side, now you can eat your chocolates! Yum! :)
Edited By Enyo on 4/29/2017 at 9:52 AM.
Level 63
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 10:16 AM Post #7
That is somthing to think about for next time. I tend to focus too much on the item itself. Even when I draw I am still lacking in experience when it comes to choosing a suitable background.

And yes, I held out on eating her untill now for some reason, but I assure you she is delicious!

(It's also worth noting that I am in no way discrediting the other entries, though I may have put Dragoil and Dryad's entries up a little higher respectively were I to have judged.)
Edited By Deidriel on 4/29/2017 at 10:20 AM.
Level 70
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 1:47 PM Post #8
I think chosing a good backround is really important when you take a photography (or when you draw or paint), a good backround can really highlight the subject, As well as a bad backround can disserve you.
A good backround either is linked with subject and helps to emphase, or either is very neutral so that all the attention is given to the subject and nothing is there to disturb attention.
A quick exemple with very famous portraits of Leonardo Da Vinci: The Mona Lisa, La Belle Ferroniere and The Lady with an Ermine. On the Mona Lisa, there is a real work on the backround, it's very detailed, this backround is contributing it to make it a great painting and to its celebrity. I personnaly prefer as portraits La Belle Ferroniere and The Lady with an Ermine (it's a ferret not a stoat, change the tittle please), because the intense dark backround really highlight the women on the portraits, and enhance all the details given to their faces, clothes, etc...
Those are the two options you have when you want to show a subject
(I'm not saying you should become as good as Da Vinci, I'm only using his art because he's a famous artists all over the world, if I used the art of one of my neigbhours nobody would know what paintings i would be talking about :p)

(I was not saying that you was discrediting the other entries, only that it should be really hard for the admins to choose the winners! ;) )
Edited By Enyo on 4/29/2017 at 2:09 PM.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 2:01 PM Post #9
You make some good points!

Also, I was in no means suggesting that you intended to say anything about discrediting the other entries. In fact, I would have had a very difficult time deciding on winners this time around and I think everyone is very deserving of their prizes. (Though I haven't received mine yet >w<)
Level 70
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 2:15 PM Post #10
Those are just some tips I have from doing a lot of photography and some painting. :)
(And I should not give those, what if I want to participe to a contest one day and loose because everyone uses my tips? :p)

And I was in no means suggesting that you suggested that I intended to say that ;) (we could continue during hours!) Let's just say none of us intended to say anything! ^^
Edited By Enyo on 4/29/2017 at 2:16 PM.
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