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Level 61
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 6:34 PM
Post #1
temporarily closing this due to some irl issues.
hopefully will be back some time!
all the current orders will be finished asap.
hallo there~
I am Lokiarti, and in this thread, I'll run a service of training for your pets. OwO
all the information is in this post; please read if completely. thanks a lot.
- if you're making an order, I assume you have read my terms!
- if you ask a question already answered in this post, no pet training for you~ ^w^
(jk, but I really don't like to repeat myself; please show some respect and don't make me waste my time) ------------------------------------------ meet our trainers!
art by Shiraishi___________________________________________________ Reisei_______________________________________Kaji main trainer_________________________________________
I also would like to thank Kalores for breeding those amazing ryori.
------------------------------------------ now, to your pets!
/!\ hatchlings can not be trained.
/!\ if you want to be able to add a pet to your party, please keep in mind:
a pet can't have a higher lvl than your user lvl, otherwise it won't agree to fight on your side.
pricelist of leveling:
> any level to level 25: free
> any level to level 26-50: 5,000 gold
> any level to level 51-60: 10,000 gold
in order to send your pet for training, please set it for sale to my ID (which is 53487),
and fill in this form:
1) Pet link
2) Desired level
3) Proficiency Points setup - if not set, which stats should your pet get on level 0 and 30?
__/!\ if unspecified, I will put the points in main stat (int/str)
__/!\ if your pet does not have an element, I will attune it to Light
don't forget to ping me! (this button in the lower right of the post)
I'll train two pets at one time, and it might take a couple of days to finish. please be patient.
I will also switch the order of pets when it fits me (e.g. not enough time for long training sessions), say I will train a pet to level 25 before I train another to 50, even if the second one's training was requested first.
you're free to contact me any time to ask how things are going or to take your pet back now.
all the pets I am leveling are here: Stable 1 - Tab 5
/!\ if you don't pick up your pets in a month after I've finished their training,
I reserve the right to:
___- release them;
___- sell them;
___- breed them;
___- keep them as my own.
------------------------------------------ and here's some kind of FAQ/instructions:
- how to set a pet for sale to the user: 1. on your pet's profile page, click "manage"
2. fill in two forms:
___sale price = 1 (not 0, it won't work this way);
___sell to user ID = copy user's ID here (mine is 53487)
3. click "set prices"
- how to remove your pet's gear: 1. open your inventory
2. switch to equipment (link under "your inventory" text)
3. choose a pet below (if the pet is not in the first stable, choose a stable first)
4. click on its equipment piece (under the pet's picture)
5. click on any free space in the equipment
6. repeat steps 3-5 until all the needed pets have no gear on them
- how to make a clickable link: to make a link clickable, you shall put the URL tag around it. like this:
___[url] [/url]
it will look like:
------------------------------------------ current orders:
1) Pet link
2) Desired level 50 please (would have asked last time but i didnt have enough money)
3) Proficiency Points setup at level 30 what ever stat is highest (not including health)
btw he is all set up and you are very quick at leveling sylestis up so well done and thank you
;-; Sorry to request more but I just got a new pet and I wanted to get her to 33 as well ^^; Trying to form a decent party so I stop dying in the nightfall dungeon >.>;;
Oh, and stats, Intellegence please. :3
Edited By Lokiarti on 7/12/2017 at 12:35 AM.
Level 61
Joined: 2/21/2016
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 6:37 PM
Post #2
pinging people who posted in my thread in general discussion. thanks for your support and, well, we're open now :D you can make an order.
also, for those who offered help - thank you! I will keep you in mind. ^^
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 7:13 PM
Post #3
Aww thanks so much for dong this Loki!
1) Pet links
2) Desired level, 60 that is the Max I think :P They are pretty high already.
3) Tip What would be a good amount? I could do maybe 10k?
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 7:36 PM
Post #4
1) Pet link:
2) Desired level:27 plz :D
3) Tip: ill probably give you a tip later on(im not sure how much)
thanks ^^
Edited By Ivyfrost on 4/29/2017 at 7:38 PM.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 8:23 PM
Post #5
took both; will ping you when I finish - or, you can contact me if you decide that you would like to take them back earlier. thanks~
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 8:37 PM
Post #6
Thanks so much!!
Level 33
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 9:40 PM
Post #7
So it says I need to take off all my equipment, but I can't fight the out how to do that :)
Edited By Dabmaster1502 on 4/29/2017 at 9:41 PM.
Level 33
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Posted: 4/29/2017 at 9:42 PM
Post #8
Here's a ping. I forgot to on my previous post.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/30/2017 at 2:37 AM
Post #9
your pets are ready >w< you can pick them up.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/30/2017 at 2:56 AM
Post #10
your pet is ready.~
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