umm, what exactly do you mean by that? also, trait points can't be earned
How can i get more trait points so i can make more pets. because the generator wont let me make any more and i only have one
Level 61
Joined: 1/8/2017
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Posted: 5/14/2017 at 5:20 PM
Post #4
so you need to have an essence first, which will allow you to make more pets. regular essences allow you to use 2 points and are not very accurate with colors. enhanced ones allow 4 points but the colors aren't very accurate either. mystical ones still allow 4 points but are very accurate with colors. all can be purchased from the diamond shop, trade broker, won from jinxie's jamboree, collected by battling, and from what i heard, nuturing
so you need to have an essence first, which will allow you to make more pets. regular essences allow you to use 2 points and are not very accurate with colors. enhanced ones allow 4 points but the colors aren't very accurate either. mystical ones still allow 4 points but are very accurate with colors. all can be purchased from the diamond shop, trade broker, won from jinxie's jamboree, collected by battling, and from what i heard, nuturing
ok. thanks!
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