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Level 45
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 1:08 PM
Post #1
Hello and I need some advice on pricing for selling and pricing for breeding. Most of my males have one trait if not more so do you base breeding pricing on that or what?
How do you determine selling markings or traits?
Advice please as I really want to put my males up for breeding at least.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 1:27 PM
Post #2
Mostly with the number and combinaison of the trait, restricted trait usualy comming from event pets, fabled or not. That depend of the people realy, if your pet themmed/ tagged it may worth more depending on the themme.
usualy it's 500 to 1000 g by vis, the breeding fee is generaly cheeper then the sale price. ^-^
Edited By Cian on 5/18/2017 at 1:31 PM.
Level 45
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 2:37 PM
Post #3
Do you mean the general price of 500-1000 is general for breeding depending on traits or for sales? Just clarifying.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 2:43 PM
Post #4
500 to 1000g by visible is a ''basic''price, it can also work with pet for sale ^-^
Edited By Cian on 5/18/2017 at 2:44 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 6:34 PM
Post #5
Actually, Since the discussion was opened, I'll throw my two cents into the ring.
Personally, 500-1000g for breeding or selling is Far too low, and not going to be profitable for you in the long run. You're only going to lose money, and if you're okay with basically giving your pets away, then by all means set them at these low prices.
For breeding I tend to not be too specific on Per Trait anymore, as the only pets I really set for breeding are either pets with really muddy or awful colouring I'm planning on getting rid of soon anyway or themed pets I'm more than willing to set for a general audience to help with breeding projects. My base price for all breedings are 5000g for males and 7500g for females. The females tend to be set higher because they have a cooldown phase and if I ever want to use them I have to deal with waiting as well if another user ends up breeding with them.
As for sales fees, I tend to not go below 10,000g per visible trait on average pets. And that's just to be sure that if I'm selling a captured pet, I'm at least getting what I probably paid in traps to catch it. I've easily had pets eat through ten or so traps just to flee, so charging for anything less is purely a waste. For reference, here's what traps go for.
The blue one, the Standard Snare Trap, catches pets with a minimum 2 traits points. that can either just be 2 carries or a vis, and if the pet eats through 3 of them that's 7500k spent on one pet. The purple, the Strong Snare Trap, is 4 points. Possible 2 vis, but it only takes it to fail once for it to have eaten 15k in gold.
None of this is even taking into account themed pets, fabled pets, 6vis and max stat projects [which may take literal months to complete], fertile vis infertile, ect. There's a ton of variables into pricing pets, which I can happily go into for you if you want. But I highly recommend taking into account what the game will actually charge you for to get a new pet when you price your own.
Level 45
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 7:26 PM
Post #6
Question on traps...the max trap, the highest lvl one, is that reusable or only a once use trap, the one thatnever breaks.
Wow! will have to go change my prices on my males because I've several with 5-vis and 6-vis traits and didn't put the females up at all, but might rethink that one.
On the hatchery, what happens if you fill all of the first 25 slots, do you buy another or does it just add another page?
And, I'm blind so probably won't be doing any actual designing except using the pet essences to make a pet like the first pet, but want to get one of those essence that allows you to have the most trait points to use, not sure what this is.
Level 70
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 8:09 PM
Post #7
The masterful snare trap is a one-use trap, and is only really effective for use in catching legendary pets in the wild - pets with orange stars above them instead of blue or purple. They're the only traps that can catch them. I've never had to use one myself, and I've only really thought about using them hypothetically if I ever came across a legendary themed pet.
The hatchery is infinite - You can breed as many pets as you want and the hatchery will grow to suit. You just have to watch that your stable has enough room to take in all the pets when all the hatchery pets grow into adults - if it doesn't, all the pets in the hatchery will be automatically released.
There's only two amounts of points essences allow - 2 and 4. A regular essence allows 2 points total - which can mean either one visible or two carries. It also has a large amount of colour swing compared to what you put into the generator. Enhanced and Mystical essences both allow 4 - so two visibles, a visible and two carries, or four carries. The difference between the Enhanced and Mystical essences is colour generation - enhanced will be fairly accurate to the generator, but will still have a bit of colour swing, while Mystical will be largely accurate to what you put into the generator.
Level 45
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 9:21 PM
Post #8
Do people pay 5K plus for breedings if t I did buy another stable just in case so that part's good. Where do you find enhanced or mythical essences? Is the amnesia sthing for the pet renaming?
How do people get 5 or 6 of the trait boxes full then if the highest point value essence is only 4?
Thanks for all the help.he pet has 5 or 6 of the traits?
Level 70
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 9:46 PM
Post #9
Yes, I've had people pay my prices for breedings. It's a little dependent on things such as what traits they have, if other users need those traits, if there is a pet revamp coming up and people are mass-breeding them, ect, but if you have patience people will pay the higher prices.
Enhanced essences can rarely be dropped in battles, from nurturing eggs/hachlings, from mission satchels, or from Jinxie's Jamboree if we remember right. But you're more likely to get a regular essence than an enhanced one from these. Mythical essences can only be bought from the diamond shop. You can also buy either one off other players.
The Philter of Amnesia is, indeed, so you can rename your pet.
People get 5 or 6vis pets from breeding projects using pets with maybe only 2 or 4 trait points. It takes months of work to get them to that point - especially if people are working towards projects with only certain traits or colours or are working with purebred themed pets. That's why 5 or 6 vis pets should really be more expensive than say a 1 or 2 vis - it takes a fair amount of work to get them to that point and it's highly unfair to not value the work put into getting them that way.
Level 68
The Tender
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Posted: 5/19/2017 at 9:19 AM
Post #10
It really depends. Some people price it 100g per visible gene/mutationa dn 50 per carried; some price it higher, some lower. Personally, I price it based on how much I like the sylesti or how much I think it is worth. If it is a gorgeous sylesti, I will probably mark it higher. If it is just so-so, has clashing genes/mutations, or clashing colors, I will probably mark it lower. Again, it is totally up to the pet's owner, and it really depends on the sylesti. Hopefully this helps!
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