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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Find-and-rescue the ENDANGERED ANIMALS!
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Level 70
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Posted: 5/23/2017 at 4:31 PM Post #1

Hello everyone, this is my second one of these threads, and if you like you can check out my warrior cat one, but this one is about endangered animals.

It is very sad that so many species are going extinct, and there are far to many to be in this thread, but I will do a few. Along with each animal will be a fact about them, and although not all the facts have to do with being endangered, they are all terribly threatened nonetheless.

Also all credit for the game style goes to Pegacorn8, as most (if not all) of you know. It was a totally great idea!


1. When your health reaches 0 a animal will die, no complaining. If your health is still 0 by morning another animal will die. I will always give you time to buy a health kit however at end of day if health is 0.

2. NO CUSS WORDS! This is a very important rule to me, so please think before you post if someone might be offended by your words.

3. Please quote the post you are responding to.

4. This has been asked a few times, but you can't call for a vet. You are the vet to a certain extent.

5. No force playing. Example:

Me: you find a rhino.

Player: I pet it and he loves me.


Player: I hug him and he joins my shelter.

This game also has home time, unlike the others, in which you care for all your shelter pets. If they are not happy, they can die.
Edited By Shimmerstrike on 5/27/2017 at 10:35 PM.
Level 70
Joined: 4/8/2017
Threads: 73
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Posted: 5/23/2017 at 4:32 PM Post #2
Why catch them and what to do with them?

Because they need our help! And if they are healthy you can give them to the zoo, who will give you a donation to help your progress in helping them. With this gold you can buy gear. If they are injured you can keep them in your own rescue shelter, keeping them safe until they can be given to the zoo or released into the wild.

The zoo will accept animals from you, then give a donation, amount varying on the creature.

You can find:

White rhinos (FACT: It is believed there are only 3 Northern white rhinos left in the world.

African elephants (FACT: African elephants are the world's largest land animal.

Cheetahs (FACT: Cheetahs only drink water every 3 to 4 days because they absorb some of their water from food.

Red wolves (FACT: once extinct in the wild, and raised in captivity, then reintroduced to the wild, the total wild population is about 150 wolves.

Bald eagles (FACT: The name actually comes from an old English word piebald which meant white headed" rather than hairless.

Siberian tigers (FACT: this is the largest cat in the world, and it is critically endangered due to poaching for their fur.

Blue macaws (FACT: With a length of about 100 cm it is longer than any other species of parrot.

Philippine crocodiles (FACT: One of the most critically endangered crocodiles in the world, it is estimated that there are only between 100 and 250 adults left in the wild.

green sea turtles (FACT: Coastal development has reduced the area where they can successfully nest, dogs and other animals often destroy their nests, and people harvest their eggs for food.

Sea otters (FACT: Sea otters have been known to wrap themselves up in kelp to keep from drifting out to sea.


Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: male
Needs: exercise, play, food
Health: 95/100

Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: male
Needs: bed(rest)
Health: 85/100

Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: female
Needs: exercise, play, food
Health: 80/100

Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: male
Needs: bed(rest)
Health: 60/100


Name: Rio
Age: adult
Gender: female
Needs: exercise, food, bed(rest)
Health: 80/100

Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: male
Needs: exercise, play, food

Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: female
Needs: food, rest, play

Name: none
Age: adolescent
Gender: female
Needs: play, love, food

Name: none
Age: baby
Gender: male
Needs: food, love, exercise
Health: 50/100


Name: Flower
Age: baby
Gender: female
Needs: bed(rest), bed(rest)
Health: 55/100

Name: Charlie
Age: adult
Gender: male
Needs: rest(bed)
Health: 60/100

Name: Red
Age: adult
Gender: female
Needs: bed(rest), bed(rest)
Health: 45/100

Name: Sand
Age: adolescent
Gender: male
Needs: love, bed(rest), bed(rest)
Health: 45/100

Name: Sasha
Age: adolescent
Gender: female
Needs: love, bed(rest), bed(rest)
Health: 45/100


Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: female
Needs: play, love, food
Health: 65/100


Name: none
Age: baby
Gender: male
Needs: food, love, food
Health: 30/100


Name: none
Age: adult
Gender: male
Needs: exercise, food, food
Health: 65/100


Edited By Shimmerstrike on 6/2/2017 at 5:16 PM.
Level 70
Joined: 4/8/2017
Threads: 73
Posts: 2,662
Posted: 5/23/2017 at 4:32 PM Post #3
Everyone starts with: health 100/100
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4 animals

Has for sale:

Bag (holds 20. COST 50
Tent (space 4 (holds 4. COST 300
Food (space 1 per. COST 5
Filled water bottle (space 1. COST 5
Med kit (space 1 (can heal yourself or pet 20. COST 100
Flashlight (space 1. COST 20
Transportation gear (space 1. COST 50
Carnivore treats (space 1. COST 1
Herbivore treats (space 1. COST 1
Jeep (can hold 2 animals. COST 800
Large Jeep (can hold 4 animals. COST 1,600
Dogs* (storage 3 per. COST 500

* Can hunt, guard and find things.

HUNTING GEAR: (these will only catch you things like rabbits and deer. No endangered animals!)

Small traps (space 1. COST 50
Medium traps (space 2. COST 100
Knife (space 1. COST 100
Gun (space 2 (uses 10. COST 200
Gun refill (uses 10. COST 50
Net trap (space 2. COST 100

Storage upgrade (+1 storage in shelter. COST 500
Outdoor enrichment (a place for animals to get exercise, play and other without getting hurt. COST 100
Outdoor bird enrichment (same as Outdoor enrichment, but for with netting over top. COST 100
Ocean enrichment (same as outdoor enrichment, but for made for sea creatures. COST 100
Edited By Shimmerstrike on 5/30/2017 at 4:47 PM.
Level 70
Joined: 4/8/2017
Threads: 73
Posts: 2,662
Posted: 5/23/2017 at 4:32 PM Post #4

Shelter: here you can care for the pets you have found.

Savannah: here you can find rhinos elephants and cheetahs.

Mountains: wolves and bald eagles love it here.

Jungle: Tigers, blue macaws and crocodiles roam the jungle. Cannot hunt here.

Ocean: If you want to find sea otters and sea turtles look here.

Zoo: any animals not fit to return to the wild, or whom you decide would make a good addition can be sold to the zoo.
Edited By Shimmerstrike on 5/31/2017 at 2:31 AM.
Level 70
Joined: 4/8/2017
Threads: 73
Posts: 2,662
Posted: 5/23/2017 at 4:32 PM Post #5

Spinosaurus: health 100/100. Storage 8/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4
5 animals
Outdoor enrichment
Outdoor bird enrichment

Evilowlcastcast: health 95/100. Storage 8/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4 animals

Honeygaze: health 100/100. Storage 8/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4 animals

Namenotfound: health 100/100. Storage 8/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4 animals

Jade07: health 100/100. Storage 12/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Gun 1 (space 2 (uses left 10
Gun refill 1 (10 uses left
Small trap 1 (storage 2
Rescue shelter (can hold 5 animals
Gold 150

Monto: health 100/100. Storage 8/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4 animals

Aloebreeze: health 100/100. Storage 8/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4 animals

Foreverlydetermined: health 100/100. Storage 8/15
Bag1 (holds 15
Tent1 (space 4 (holds 4
Food2 (space 1 per
Filled water bottle1 (space 1
Small knife1 (space 1
Rescue shelter (can hold 4 animals
Edited By Shimmerstrike on 6/1/2017 at 10:17 PM.
Level 70
Joined: 4/8/2017
Threads: 73
Posts: 2,662
Posted: 5/23/2017 at 4:33 PM Post #6

Name: Tobi
Age: adolescent
Gender: male
Rescued by: Jade07
Edited By Shimmerstrike on 5/30/2017 at 9:05 AM.
Level 70
Joined: 4/8/2017
Threads: 73
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Posted: 5/23/2017 at 4:33 PM Post #7
Edited By Shimmerstrike on 5/25/2017 at 8:05 AM.
Level 70
Joined: 4/8/2017
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Posted: 5/25/2017 at 8:08 AM Post #8
Level 31
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Posted: 5/25/2017 at 2:27 PM Post #9
CAn I play?
Level 14
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Posted: 5/25/2017 at 4:24 PM Post #10
Can I play!
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