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Level 72
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 11:40 AM
Post #1
I was curious, what element of the Proficiency Tree do you prefer and why and what would you do differently in regards to a party build?
Edited By LonelyRyu on 5/28/2017 at 12:01 PM.
Level 68
The Tender
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 1:07 PM
Post #2
Personally, I like the pets in my party to have Air, Water, and Fire.
My pet with Air has the best armor and therefore most health of the three. He is in the middle position, which gets the most damage, and because of his strength & health, he can withstand it.
My pet with the Water tree (I like to call him my strongman) is typically on the top, (2nd most amount of damage). Sometimes, I put him in the middle if Air gets low on health. He has a lot of strength and does good damage.
The third pet is Fire, which is helpful when fighting multiple enemies. He isn't good at sustaining health though, so I keep him at the bottom, with the least damage.
Level 72
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:06 PM
Post #3
Hmm..on my original party I tried to follow a guide and had one tank, one fighter and one magic user.
It wouldn't be so bad but the Fire Tree, while nice (also 'cause I like fire) did not let me choose between hitting one enemy and a whole bunch. Shadow was okay but just did not seem to do much. The Light Tree was nice but after awhile I noticed that the healing aspect was really not what I needed it to be.
The tank was good but I needed something to help with the battles instead of just letting my fighter do all the dirty work. The Earth Tree is a good choice but I do not like having an attack that makes my tank an even more appealing target. I should have opted for another tree.
My fighter is the Air Tree which is pretty decent but its attacks have no benefit for the user.
SO..what I am doing right now is training a new party and they are all of the Water Tree, I am doing this because the attacks cause "Frost" which absorbs damage from attacks, this is really great especially for a tank as it does not have to rely solely on agility to avoid attacks and still be able to get a few licks in as well.
If the Fire Tree had a option for singular or multiple target hits then I would choose it but because not all battles do well by hitting everything at once I would have to choose something else.
Also I want to train up a arena party but since my party has to be 25 or less to battle Fire Eyes I may either have all be Water Tree so the "Frost" can help absorb attacks or just rely on equipment. I don't know yet.
Level 70
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 12:31 PM
Post #4
I empathize with your initial thoughts on light and shadow. Each pet's mends are more effective than the health-restoring abilities in the shadow and light trees (especially since they depend on the damage dealt, since the amount of health restored is a % of the damage in an attack).
I only use shadow/light because they're magical single attacks.
I'm not sure if the fire attack does as much damage to a single targeted enemy compared to a light/shadow attack (I always forget if it does, I assume that the periphery attacked by Fireball is hit for less damage than the intended target but I don't pay attention), so I'd like to try that.
Right now I'm trying an Earth tank. The taunt debuff doesn't really stick a lot, so maybe I should switch off to ice and see if it's any effective. Though, my tank doesn't really have an issue with durability.
If the ice water absorb thing is actually worth it, I'd like to try a tank with 2 HP/1 agi to see if having agility makes a difference.
I'd also like to know if there's a difference between having attackers that have 2 str/int and 1 dex, versus 3 str/int. I don't know if I'll be able to tell a difference, so maybe I should ask people in the battle/arena discussion how those compare.
For the arena, I have a bunch of lvl25 mythical from the Bandit dungeon. I can lend them to you if you'd like. o:
Level 72
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 12:47 PM
Post #5
Right now I am training up a level 0 pet (it is level 14 now) and right away I put it at Water Tree because of the Frost attack.
Had I known more precisely what it did I would have had my pets, at least my tank, at Water Proficiency so it can absorb attacks better.
But then again when the Proficiency System was revamped then the frequency in which attributes like Frost occurred was increased too.
As for my Arena party, I think they may be ready for their first fight especially since they're all Water Tree so Frost might come in handy for them. Can't hurt to try, right?
Level 70
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 2:23 PM
Post #6
So frost triggers often enough, do you think? I might just change my tank's tree today lol.
I suppose not. If you think you'll need mythical items from me, just lemme know and I can see what I have. ^^
Level 72
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 4:10 PM
Post #7
Well..I just tried fighting Fire Eyes with the Water Tree but that ornery bear is pretty hard.
I wonder what level I need to be, my arena pets were level 25, just like Fire Eyes and I got pummeled; they were Water Tree but I guess that is not good enough. Someone mentioned the Shadow Tree for Fire Eyes so I need to train up some Shadow pets and see what happens.
My first set of arena pets had Mythical equipment but...I got my butt handed to me in a basket. :)
Level 70
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 4:15 PM
Post #8
oh boy o:
Even when following an arena guide for Fire Eyes?
Level 72
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 4:23 PM
Post #9
Yeah...I did not think the water tree was all that bad but I guess it wasn't good. Since I think level 25 is the tops you can be at for Fire Eyes then I will have to rethink my strategy.
I blocked when Fire Eyes did "Heat of the Moment" but I still got whupped. So I am gonna train up some Shadow pets and see what happens when they are ready.
Level 70
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Posted: 5/29/2017 at 5:30 PM
Post #10
Magyak101, just curious, but aren't air pets supposed to do single target damage?
Earth, and shadow pets take damage,
water and light pets provide buffs(water can also take damage),
fire does multi target damage,
and air does single target damage.
So I think you'd have better luck with someone else taking damage, and air doing damage. Gear also affect their health, damage and other.
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