Forum Index > General Discussion > Making themed pets?
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Level 65
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Posted: 6/5/2017 at 9:20 PM
Post #1
Hi, I was wondering if I need to be special to make a themed pet. I have had many vulnyxs babies, and some look the same. I would call them Coral Vulnyx or anything cool that would fit there looks. Go to my stable, Vulnyx couples, and look at Opal. She was the latest one.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 6/5/2017 at 9:35 PM
Post #2
Hi there!
When people talk about themed pets, they're usually talking about special pets that you can catch in the exploration zone, or make using special features during festivals.
For example, my luffox Happy is a themed pet caught in the Festival zone. If you look at his page, he has a special purple tag in the "Genetics" box on the bottom. (I'm sorry if you knew all this already - I just wanted to give you a thorough explanation just in case you didn't!)
What you're talking about is usually called a "breeding project" - pets that are designed by individual players and bred to make the offspring you want. Anyone and everyone can make a breeding project - if you look in the Breeding Discussion forum you can find a ton of people creating their own projects and selling them to others. If you have a project you want to start, that would be a good place to post to see if people are interested in offspring!
If you have any questions about breeding projects or anything like that, feel free to ask! :)
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 6/5/2017 at 9:36 PM
Post #3
Themed pets are special pets that are released during festivals, or other special events. The tamed themed pets are called 'tagged' themed because they have a special nametag on their profiles giving the name of their theme. They also have the name of their theme on the screen when they are encountered in battle and caught. Any offspring of a specific pair of tagged themed pets are called 'purebred' (PB) themed. These purebred themed can also be the offspring of other purebreds. The way to tell for sure if they are purebred is by looking back through their lineage to find the tamed, 'tagged' ancestors. If every line goes back to a tagged ancestor of that theme, then it is a purebred, if not, it is not.
As to whether you can 'create' a theme.... not at the moment. Before most festivals, one of the admins will create a thread for players to submit colour palettes for the different sylesti types, and if the admins like that particular colour palette the best for that species, then that palette (usually named something by the designer) becomes a theme in that festival and can be caught by everyone in the festival zone. You can see the thread that was created for the current Spring Festival right over here.
However, people on sylestia also create their own projects that often include a set colour palette of their choosing, and can also include a certain set of traits. These projects are usually named by their creators/breeders. They are not considered themed, but they are considered personal project pets, and if other people like those project pets, they can also sell for quite a bit.
I hope this wasn't too confusing and that it answered your question! Let me know if you need any clarification ^.^
Level 65
Joined: 2/13/2017
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Posted: 6/5/2017 at 9:38 PM
Post #4
Okay, thank you both! If you interested I'm always free. I just bred Opal so it might be a while.
Level 65
Joined: 2/13/2017
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Posted: 6/11/2017 at 9:50 PM
Post #5
Opal is free for breeding now. If any of you want an egg just tell me. I will sell it to you immediately.
(( The cost is 1,500. ))
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