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Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 9:11 AM
Post #1
Some people and I would like to map out the number of battles required in order to find a Pyromaniac that are roaming about the Astryl's Vale zones.
In order to do this we need a lot of data to find the parameters (or how many battles it takes for the Pyromaniac encounter chance to reach 99%). So I would like to ask the community to add their data here, if they have been collecting it, or to start collecting data.
How to collect the data:
It is very easy! After you have defeated a pyromaniac boss, go to your profile, and write down the number of battles. Then, find the the next pyromaniac, defeat it, and record the new amount of battles on your profile page.
Note that: logging out, or leaving the zone does not reset the counter. ~ Image provided by Theafy
You don't need to write out your calculations, i've just provided mine as an example. If you have a (good) approximation of the amount of battles, that is also fine. Here's the example:
Amarok: 41,790 -> 41,959. (41,959 - 41,790 = 169). 169 battles
Old parameter was between 25 - 922 battles
Old x2 Parameter was between 3 - 686 battles.
Current Parameter is between 4 and 623 battles (or 923 including the insane * outlier).
Instead of pinging you every time I'll probably just re-edit this post if that's okay.
- 694 battles
These next ones are after the spawn rate adjustment:
- 418
- 194
- 3
- 113
Edited By Absoluteinsanity on 7/1/2017 at 1:09 PM.
Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 12:22 PM
Post #5
Old Data:
Encountered my second Pyro after approximately 200 battles, but take that with a grain of salt.
I'm writing my current total here, so I can find it easily when I locate the next Pyro.
Also, are you certain that logging out doesn't re-set the counter? It used to do that.
Edit: Currently up to 88,472 and still no Pyro.
Edit #2: Moments after entering Astryl's Tranquillity this afternoon--Pyro! The exact same one I encountered as my second Pyro (I checked). Battles now = 88,629
88,629 - 88,472 = 157 battles between Pyros
Drops: A Pyromaniac's Cap (Patriotic), which I already had, and a Blazing Fireworks Sylvorpa egg!
"Free" Pyro:
Edit #3 (July 3rd around 1:30 am): Exact same Pyro as before. However, this is the first Pyro I found after Krin announced, "I went ahead and increased the base encounter rate for the Maniacal Pyromancer and then also adjusted it so for everyone's first attempt at an encounter of the named, they will start at the max bonus.
Since I couldn't really differentiate for already existing bonuses, I also just maxed everyone's current encounter bonus."
88,703 - 88,629 = 74 battles between Pyros.
You have found an item: [Pyromaniac's Hair Band (Smoldering)]! But no egg.
New Data:
Edit #4: July 3rd around 8 pm. Yet another Pyromaniac's Cap (Patriotic) and no egg. Battles total 88,933.
88,933 - 88,703 = 230 battles between Pyros.
Edit #5: July 5th at about ten minutes until 2 am. "You have found an item: [Pyromaniac's Hair Band (Smoldering)]!" No egg. Battles now stand at 89,260.
89,260 - 88,933 = 327 battles between Pyros. That was a long dry spell.
Edit #6: July 6th at about 3:25 am. "You have found an item: [Pyromaniac's Kobold Assistant (Dax)]!" No egg. Battles now stand at 89,466.
89,466 - 89,260 =206 battles between Pyros.
Edit #7: July 7th at 2:32 pm. "You have found an item: [Pyromaniac's Sparkler Torch (Patriotic)]!" No egg. Battles now stand at 89,753.
89,753 - 89,466 = 287 battles between Pyros.
Edit #8: July 7th at about 8:45 pm. Got a BF Faelora egg and a hat. Battles now stand at 89,875.
89,875 - 89,753 = 122 battles between Pyros.
Edit #9: July 8th, 5 pm. Got a Qitari egg and a hat. Battles now stand at 90,211.
90,211 - 89,875 = 336 battles between Pyros.
Edit #10: July 9th, 5:58 pm Got a Zolnixi egg and Goggles. Battles now stand at 90,446.
90,446 - 90,211 = 235 battles between Pyros.
Edited By SpaceElf1 on 7/9/2017 at 6:04 PM.
Level 70
The Hallowed
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 1:20 PM
Post #6
Going to edit this post as I encounter Pyros c: And also putting my battle numbers here so I don't forget xD (All battles after encounter rate adjustment)
Before the adjustment, I encountered 6 pyros within a span of around 9 hours.
130,752-131,274= 522 (Hair Band)
*note: I was at 506 battles until Krin changed up the encounters again; everything after this point is with the changes
Alrighty, I shall record her all of my encounter data.
This number is partially affected by Krin maxing the encounter rate. Part of it was after the first change, and then I fought around 5 times once he maxed the encounter rate for the first encounter.
-270 battles (in between changes)
All encounters after final change:
Edited By Kalores on 7/9/2017 at 3:40 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 2:06 PM
Post #9
19 more battles/encounters with battle peoples (I wuz too lazy to fight some really ugly pets so)
Level 75
Majestic Brewmistress
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 3:19 PM
Post #10
650 for my first Pyro, with about 450 before Krin's change.
2nd pyro after change, 396 battles
Edited By Luxa on 7/1/2017 at 9:48 PM.
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