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Level 60
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:08 PM Post #1
You are a Halfling** you can meet up with Hybrids* in the game! Humans can join your team. You must have at least one by the end goal!
A long time ago, people were said to genetically enhance and mix animals with captured humans, turning them into the test subjects. Many villagers said it was a danger and ended the tests in the different areas of the world. They put the subjects under a deep sleeping spell, making sure they would never wake up for their sakes and the villagers. Something went wrong, and all of the test subjects were woken up! And you were one of them. Embark on a journey to travel the world and get other creatures like you!

User ID: 88727
Name: Grae
Gender: male
Age: 18
Village: WolfThorn
Element: Poison, Blood
Pet: Viper
Edited By Galexiadraws on 9/5/2017 at 4:08 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:08 PM Post #2

WolfThorn Village:

The most fierce out of the villages. If someone were to attack an alliance, they went straight into battle.
Enemy: ReefTip
Level 3 attack
You are genetically enhanced with dog or wolf parts (ears and tail). You can either have better hearing or better smell.
-wooden weapon
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-dog tag with your number on it

LionPride Village:

The most loyal out of the villages. They are neutral, but if they have close enough ties to a certain village, they will leave to fight with them.
Enemy: none
Level 3 defense
You are genetically enhanced with cat parts (ears and tail). You can either have better smell or better hunt.
-rusty but durable shield
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-collar with your number engraved on it

HawkRidge Village:

You are genetically enhanced with avian or bat parts (wings). You can either have an ability to fly for 20 minutes or being able to digest most everything.
They are the most strategic out of the villages. Many were scientists or pilots, and knew how to fight without having many casualties.
Enemy: TimberGrove
Level 3 healing
-a makeshift med kit from the things you have found (5 uses)
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-a wing clip with your number on it

ReefTip Village:

You are genetically enhanced with shark or dolphin parts (fin and tail). You can either have an ability to breathe underwater or better hunt.
They are the most sly of the villages, the majority of their population being spies and assassins. They would send them over to learn about battle plans of WolfThorn.
Enemy: WolfThorn
Level 3 cooking
-a makeshift fishing spear (5 uses)
-a refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-a fin clip with your number on it

TimberGrove Village:

You are enhanced with money or fox parts (ears and tail). You can either have the ability to be agile on the ground (fox) or trees (mokey) or enhanced sight.
They are the most resourceful and quick witted of the villages. They built a working empire of the items they found, mushrooms, water and grass.
Enemy: HawkRidge
Level 3 building
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-bracelet with your number on it
Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/10/2017 at 10:11 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
Threads: 31
Posts: 6,334
Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:08 PM Post #3
Skills for you:
1- Can put on tack
2- Can ride semi well
3- Can ride without falling off
4- Can fight with a sword while riding
5- Can shoot targets while riding
6- Can ride bareback without falling off
7- Can fly on a dragon

1- You know how to put your arms up
2- You can defend against small attacks
3- You can defend against small attacks and not get hurt
4- You can defend against medium attacks
5- You can defend against medium attacks and not get hurt
6- You can defend against large attacks
7- You can defend against large attacks and not get hurt

1- You know how to hold a sword
2- You can attack a tree
3- You can kill small creatures
4- You can wound medium creatures
5- You can kill medium creatures
6- You can wound large creatures
7- You can kill large creatures

1- You can use bandaids
2- You can use herbs
3- You know how to make medicine
4- You can heal sprains
5- You can heal cuts
6- You can heal concussions
7- You can heal broken bones

1- You can set up a tent correctly
2- You can build up a fire
3- You can build weapons (of sticks)
4- You can build weapons (of stone)
5- You can build weapons (of iron)
6- You can make a small hut
7- You can make a house, beds, stables (ect)

1- You can tell which fruits are rotted
2- You can skin creatures
3- You can hunt small creatures
4- You can set snares
5- You can hunt medium creatures
6- You can hunt large creatures
7- You can make stronger traps and tell poisonous berries appart

1- You can make friends
2- You can make alliances
3- You can attract small creatures
4- You can make stronger friendships
5- You can attract medium creatures
6- You can make stronger alliances
7- You can attract large creatures

Creature Skills:
1- Will wear tack
2- Can travel for 1 hour at a time
3- Can travel 4 hours at a time
4- Can travel thirty minutes at a time in a small storm
5- Can travel 3 Hours in a medium storm
6- Can travel 4 hours in a large storm
7- Will ride bare back

1- (10-30) Can take down opposite elements
2- (40-70) Can damage stronger elements
3- (80-110) Can take down stronger elements
4- (120-150) Can take on two creatures at a time
5- (160-170) Can take on three creatures at a time
6- (180-200) Can teach you or other creatures to fight *UNCOMMON*
7- (210-220) Special attack *RARE*

1- (10-30) Can sneak around
2- (40-70) Can catch mice and small fish
3- (80-110) Can catch rabbits and medium fish
4- (120-150) Can catch birds and large fish
5- (160-170) Can catch baby fawn
6- (180-200) Can catch deer *UNCOMMON*
7- (210-220) Can catch bears *RARE*

1- (10-30) Can summon small elements
2- (40-70) Learns new moves
3- (80-110) Can summon medium elements
4- (120-150) Learns new moves
5- (160-170) Can summon large elements
6- (180-200) Summons an element protecter *UNCOMMON*
7- (210-220) Learns a new element *RARE*

1- (10-30) Rides with tack
2- (40-70) Can fly 2 hours at a time
3- (80-110) Can fly 1 hour in a storm
4- (120-150) Can carry 5 items or two eggs
5- (160-170) Can fly past barriers (once every week)
6- (180-200) Can carry an injured animal and 5 items or two eggs *UNCOMMON*
7- (210-220) Can fly through a hurricane *RARE*

1- (10-30) Can defend against small attacks
2- (40-70) Can defend you and itself against small attacks
3- (80-110) Can defend against medium attacks
4- (120-150) Can defend you and itself against medium attacks
5- (160-170) Can defend against large attacks
6- (180-200) Can defend you and itself against large attacks *UNCOMMON*
7- (210-220) Can defend one sick animal, two eggs, and a home *RARE*
Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/10/2017 at 11:00 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:09 PM Post #4
Characters and Stables:
Page 2:
User ID:63884
Status: Online
IGN: Livinginmyownreality
Name: GeSella (Sella)

Page 2:
User ID: 68601
Status: Online
IGN: IvyCat
Name: Kiki
Task: Find the Truth
Quest: Night Walkers

Page 8:
User ID: 89064
Status: Online
IGN: Wolfiesparks
Name: Flamesky

Page 23:
User ID: 92250
Status: Online
IGN: UnidentifiedRose
Name: Margo

Page 29:
User ID: 49921
Status: Online
IGN: iiPurePoison
Name: Kerah

Page 32:
User ID:35456
Status: Online
IGN: Katelynn4545
Name: Kate

Page 43:
User ID: 88605
Status: Online
IGN: Ebonyflicker
Name: Ebony


Status: Online

Status: Online
Edited By Galexiadraws on 9/24/2017 at 7:18 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
Threads: 31
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:09 PM Post #5
Small Backpack- 15 items
Medium Backpack- 25 items
Large Backpack- 45 items

Player 1:
Small Backpack: 13 spaces left
-a makeshift med kit from the things you have found (5 uses)
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-a wing clip with your number on it (worn)

Player 2:
Name: IvyCat
Small Backpack: 10 spaces left
-rusty but durable shield
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-collar with your number engraved on it (worn)
-empty Vial
-Speech potion (x2)
-Pouch with card and coins
Small bag: space left, none
-jam (x4)
-peanut butter (x3)
-apples (x6)
-oranges (x3)
-bag of sugar

Player 3:
Village: LionPride
Name: Wolfiesparks
Small Backpack: 9 spaces left
-rusty but durable shield
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-collar with your number engraved on it (worn)
-purple glowing thorns (x10)
-moth eaten clothes
-worn down quilt
-jam jars (x2)

Player 4:
Id: 92250
Village: TimberGrove
Name: UnidentifiedRose
Small Backpack: 13 spaces left
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-bracelet with your number on it (worn)

Player 5:
Id: 49921
Village: HawkRidge
Small Backpack: 13 spaces left
-a makeshift med kit from the things you have found (5 uses)
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-a wing clip with your number on it (worn)

Player 6:
Id: 35456
Village: TimberGrove
Name: Katelynn4545
Small Backpack: 13 spaces left
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-bracelet with your number on it (worn)

Player 7:
Id:User ID: 88605
Village: HawkRidge
Small Backpack: 13 spaces left
-a makeshift med kit from the things you have found (5 uses)
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-a wing clip with your number on it (worn)

Player 8:
Id: 49188
Village: WolfThorn
Name: Grapejuice
Small Backpack: 13 spaces left
-wooden weapon
-refillable water canteen (5 uses)
-dog tag with your number on it (worn)

Player 9:

Player 10:
Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/12/2017 at 8:19 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
Threads: 31
Posts: 6,334
Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:09 PM Post #6
Available places and locked places

Abandoned lab:

Lost River:


Sky City:

NewLife Village:

Thornes Library:

Air Docks:

CliffSide Village:

Tiki Town:

Center Residence:

Worn Down Ruins:

Wisdom Tree:

End Portal:
Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/10/2017 at 11:48 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
Threads: 31
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:09 PM Post #7
Congratulations Wolfiesparks!

1306, the year of the successful projects.
The first successful project was named 88727. It was very violent however, which wasn't surprising as it came from WolfThorn. It was sealed away in chains and in a secure area, Sector B
Each sector was closed off to the public. No one knew about what was going on. The most successful of the experiments were ---------, ------------, ------------, ------------, -----------, ---------, ---------, --------, ------- and -----.
The others had to be put down. It pained us to let them go, as they were humans one had escaped. 88727 had somehow escaped and-
The rest of the page is torn
Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/10/2017 at 6:28 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
Threads: 31
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:09 PM Post #8
Available quests and Hybrids:






Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/20/2017 at 12:27 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
Threads: 31
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:11 PM Post #9
Bold means taken.

Destruction Class:
These shards of ice can impale yourself if you don't know how to use the magic enough
-Blood (can't choose)
Can't be out during the day, but you can control blood to form weapons
Burn badly in the day, but you can melt into shadows to sneak around
Slowly kills victims, but you need more food
You can control storms, but you can hurt your companions
You can ward of enemies and make a fire, but you need more sleep
You can move mountains, but it requires time and focus
You are haunted by lost souls, and you can see and hear them
-Explosion (can't choose)
You can cause explosions, but you might end up loosing limbs from not being far enough away

Angel Class:
-Unknown (can't choose)
You can mix magic together, but the consequences are unknown
-Mechanic (can't choose)
Can move time back by a few hours, but you get a headache
The night weakens you, but you can grow plants quickly
You can freshen water and control tides, but you can call nasty storms
The dark scares you, but you can see in the dark
You get injured quicker, but you can boost your attack or defense
You can bring creatures back to life, but you loose a part of your memory when you do
You can do parlor tricks
Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/12/2017 at 1:17 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/30/2017
Threads: 31
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Posted: 8/9/2017 at 5:11 PM Post #10
homes, upgrades and currency
Do you feel like you need more supplies? Is that Backpack running low on space? Well, for a small fee of 2k gold, you can upgrade your bag to level two! 3k for level three and 5k for level three! You can also upgrade your other supplies.
2k for level two, 3k for level three and 5k for level four
Edited By Galexiadraws on 8/20/2017 at 11:46 AM.
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