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Level 70
The Artistic
Joined: 12/21/2016
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 7:47 PM
Post #1
While there is already a guide to posting pictures, it's a much more complex way, and it's also ment for PCs, so I'm hoping this guide will be more helpful for those of you like me who do Sylestia on a mobile device.
This guide will both explain the process, and has step by step pictures to help you understand what to do. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask!
Make sure to check out the FAQ for any questions you have! Over you can also post here or even pm me! I'd be glad to help any way I can!
Also please note, this will not work on Puffin Browser, as that browser will not let you open images in a new tab. If you are on a brower that like that, you will have to save the image to you device (or Google Drive might work too) and upload it with a site like ImgBB or Imgur (see Step 1)
Forum pictures kindly authorized by Remotecitadel! Make sure to check out their Honey Bee Lune Project here!
Step 1. Finding the Picture
First things first, you need to find/yet the picture you want to show. If it is Sylestian, (such as avatar items, pets, or avatars), you can find the pictures in your Wardrobe, Stables, Advanced Search, The Generator, Forums, etc. If the picture is on your device (such as a screenshot or a photo), you will first need to uplaod it on a site such as Imgur or ImgBB. (personally I prefer Imgbb)
Caption: A forum with Lunemara pictures
Caption: My Designs in the Generator
Step 2. Opening the Picture
Great, now that you know what picture you want to use, you need to get its URL. To do this, we need to "seperate" the picture from everything else. It's simple, tap and hold on the picture you want, a mini screen with options will show, select the option Open Image in New Tab. Please note, this option may be titled differently on different devises.
Caption: The screen showing options after holding on the picture
Step 3. Getting the URL
Now that you have the picture opened in a new tab, all you have to do is copy the URL. The URL is address of the page. For example, Google's URL is and if you were to search that, you would end up on Google's homepage. The URL is found in the search bar at the top of the page. Make sure that you copy the whole URL! Even just leaving out the https: can cause the picture to not work!
Caption: The URL of Remote's Honey Bee design
Step 4. Pasteing the URL
The last step is to paste the now copied URL! If you know your bb coding, you should know how to do this, but for those who don't, the way to put up an image with bbcode is to put the image's URL into two img brackets. If you were to post a reply, you will see lots of blue button on the top (see picture below). In this case, all we need in the IMG button. Once you press it, it will put in this -> [imgr][r/img] (but without the spaces) to make a picture show, all you have to do is put the URL inbetween them, like this -> [imgr]URL goes here[r/img] (again, the spaces shouldn't be there, they are only there so it knows not to post a picture).
Because mobile is "finger based" unlike "mouse based" PCs, I always have to put hhh inbetween the IMG brackets. That way I can paste the URL over the hhh, thus snug inbetween the brackets.
Please see the pictures below if you don't understand, I tried to label it out clearly in them.
Caption: My hhh technique and the IMG button
Caption: The final product, the URL inside the IMG brackets
Step 5. Preview the Picture/Edit the Code
Awesome job! We actually are all done! However, I find it always extreamly wise to always preview your topic or post before making or sending it, just to make sure that everything looks great! Another thing is that Sylestian is so awesome, you can take the URL of Lune #1 here, and slightly edit it to make Lune #2! However, I will not be going over pet coding in this, but I do plan on making a guide for it, so keep an eye out for that!
Lune #1
Lune #2
Great job getting through this guide for Posting pictures! If you have any comment or questions, please feel free to post! I would be glad to help you, answer any questions you have, and hear any comment on the guide! Thank you, and I hope this guide helped! :)
Edited By Lavenderrain on 8/26/2017 at 11:55 AM.
Level 70
The Artistic
Joined: 12/21/2016
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 7:48 PM
Post #2
Q. Will this work on a PC?
A. Actually yes! On a PC, you will still open the picture in a new tab, copy the URL, and post it in the IMG brackets! Please note! I know this is how Windows 7 and 10 work, but it might be different on a mac.
Q. Do I have to do the hhh technique?
A. Yes and No. While you might be able to on mobile devices, Samsung at least has a hard time pasting stuff inbetween letters. It will try to highlight the words instead, which will swap them out if you paste. You don't have to do the letters hhh, you could just do h if you want. I just do hhh because it's easiest for me.
Q. Does this work the same for images on my mobile device (or PC)?
A. Yes! But as mentioned earlier, you will have to uplaod them first. All upload sites I have used like ImgBB or Tinypic will give you the URL apon upload, sometimes with the IMG brackets already with it.
Edited By Lavenderrain on 8/15/2017 at 7:56 PM.
Level 61
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 8/23/2017 at 1:54 PM
Post #3
'Mobile' is too general of a term. I think 'tablet' works as a better description.
Because I access Sylestia on my mobile device meaning my Phone.
(I use a special browser called Puffin Broweser if anyone wanted that info)
Anyways I thought it would be good if everone was aware that this method doesn't actually work on a cellular device.
Edited By Bookie on 8/23/2017 at 1:54 PM.
Level 70
The Artistic
Joined: 12/21/2016
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 11:36 AM
Post #4
Hmm, I have never used Puffin Browser, so I'm not sure if it is just that that is keep this way from working, or if maybe you have an apple phone, and just the phone works differently. Because I have a Samsung Galaxy J3 phone, and this still works for me on Chrome.
But now that you mention other browsers, I think I'll try to test a few other than Chrome, and see if I can find any that won't work with this system.
Could you possibly explain to me why with doesn't work for you? Does it just not alway you to open images in new tabs?
Edit: Ok, so I downloaded Puffin Browser on my phone to see if I could find the problem. And yes you're right, Puffin Browser will not let someone open an image in a tab. (Which seems kind of bad on their part, since it forces the person to have to save the image to be able to upload it, a long boring process.) However the good news is, you should still be able to save the image you want, and simply upload it thougn ImgBB or Tinypic, and get it work like that! It will just take a bit more work.
Edited By Lavenderrain on 8/26/2017 at 11:51 AM.
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