Forum Index > General Discussion > Can I please have a run-through of the S...
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Level 75
Ghost Writer
Joined: 3/27/2017
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Posted: 8/21/2017 at 8:24 PM
Post #1
I don't know what the Summer Fest is about, so please give me a run-through. Thanks!
Level 70
The Majestic
Joined: 4/17/2014
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Posted: 8/25/2017 at 5:35 PM
Post #2
When it starts go to explore and go to season festival
There are usually a few things going on with the festival
1) map there will be a summer festival zone map there are two areas to the map
Scavenger hunt - walk around the zone to find themed pets and items
Maze- there may be a maze you walk around the maze and find tolkens and maybe themes.
(usually it is for the spring but I have been gone so long that this is my first updated summer Festival)
2) Leader boards - this is very fierce and if you are not going to be 100% determined in this, then I suggest that you just get the themed pets you can. There are three leader boards for each theme pet
Battle - battle as many of a specific species
Release - Release as many of a specific species
Nurture- love as many eggs and Hatchling of a specific species
3) Grow your pet- this is new to me as was done during the spring festival I am not sure about the summer. You collect items to grow/ bake/ create themed pets these pets usually cost a lot more than regular themes.
4)Contest- there are lots of form games and contest so watch out for them!
Make a 3vis pet
Make a 2 vis pet
Make a themed pet
^ these are usually before the festival starts^
Pick a door
Frankin pet
Word search/ coloring page
Eggling auction
Be creative at home games ( like make a edible flower or Sylestia egg ect)
Indoor/outdoor scavenger hunt
Site scavenger hunt
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