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Level 64
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 6:55 PM
Post #1
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Not my idea and plot, but someone let me borrow this idea. All credit goes to them, not me.
Tainted (closed):
1. Lynn Norra (Leader)
2. Rain Crimson (Healer)
3. Aislinn McLaughlin (Second In Command)
4. Myles Ahad (Warrior)
5. Kai Amarina (Gaurdian of the Hidden)
Gifted (closed):
1. Steven Millard
2. Saorise Vanora
3. Serenity Aurum
4. Sapphire Star
To be marked with the crescent moon on your forehead is to be marked with a life full of mockery and ridicule.
But to be marked with a star is a life full of honor, respect, and riches.
The Tainted are a group of people who were born with a black crescent moon on their forehead, having always lived inside the confined walls of Kardain but never fully welcomed, they have lived their lives in the shadows.
The Gifted are a group of people born with a white star on their forehead, who born with incredible abilities, have been seen as heroes even from the very first Gifted. A special school has been made for them to attend, allowing them to practice their abilities and be trained into soldiers for the King.
The legend goes that the Moon Goddess was upset at the Kardanian people, thus she cursed the city with the Tainted children. The mark of the crescent moon upon your forehead means you are one of the abominations. Horror and misfortunes only follow you.The Tainted are allowed to live among the city walls but are not welcomed. A Tainted child can be born from normal parents but must be given away, forced to be taken in by the Tainted Orphanage and raised to do the hard laborious work until they turn fourteen and were killed by the king.
The killing of blood moon takes place as the Kardanian people believe that if they kill enough Tainted, the moon Goddess will be pleased and get rid of all the Tainted as well as all the bad misfortunes that have befallen upon the town because of them.
After five years of the Blood Moon, they believed their prayers were answered when the first Gifted was born. Manifested by the Star Goddess, the Gifted children are always beautiful. They were born with a white star upon their forehead and with amazing abilities, abilities that could only do good. Unlike the Tainted, the Gifted were allowed to stay with their family. And if a mother bore a gifted child, she was favored by the town and the king, seen a blessed woman.
But the Tainted are a very special group of people, too.
You see, the Moon Goddess did not mean to give the Tainted to the people as a curse, but rather as a blessing. The Tainted have powers that are well beyond what is considered normal but they have yet to access it. They are to be unlocked on their fourteenth birthday, which is why the king had them massacred before they are able to.
Seeing this, The Gifted were given to Kardain by the Star Goddess, in hopes that the Tainted and the Gifted would live amongst each other in peace and harmony. The Goddess's hopes were for them to teach the Kardain people to accept that which they did not understand. But the Gifted, born with their abilities, quickly shunned the Tainted and saw them as garbage. Neither the people of Kardain, The Gifted, or the Tainted knew of Tainted abilities, and thus the killings kept going.
Fast forward to the year 3195, on the 167th killing of the blood moon, a small group of Tainted teenagers rebelled against the system. Having grown up together all their lives, dealt with the mockery, the abuse and the inability to ever amount to anything other than freaks in their town, they had grown together as a small little family and decided to rebel against the king. The rebelling caused chaos but they were able to complete the mission -- Kill the King.
Within a matter of time the King's Son came into rule, and this group of Tainted teenagers was put to trial. The King's Son was a kind man, and although the rebel Tainted were sent to death, the King struck a deal with them.
The Tainted would be allowed to go to the Gifted Academy, study and train by their side, and allowed to choose a career once their training was complete. Although "they had no special abilities", nor anything good ever befell them, the King's Son agreed -- to the anger of both the people of Kardain and the Gifted. Soon after the first Tainted broke out, revealing her abilities and paving the path for the rest of her people.
This is where you come in! As a new (or existing) student of William's Academy for Gifted Students, you're coming back from a long summer to the first class of Tainted barging into your school and raising hell. Whether you hate them, love them, or legitimately don't care, you're stuck with them so try to make friends and have a great high school experience!
Edited By Shayni on 9/30/2017 at 1:23 PM.
Level 64
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 6:55 PM
Post #2
PING ME! Press this symbol to do so
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Age (15 to 17):
Tainted or Gifted:
Powers (only one):
Personality (do not just say 'meet him' or 'meet her'):
Edited By Shayni on 8/26/2017 at 10:49 PM.
Level 64
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 6:56 PM
Post #3
Name: Lynn Norra
Age (15 to 17): 16
Tainted or Gifted: Tainted
Sexuality: Heterosexual
(pic not mine)
Powers (one each): Can make illusions.
Personality (do not just say 'meet him' or 'meet her'): Rebellious, brave, impulsive. She calls the Rebels her family, and will do anything to protect them.
Background: Her mother was Gifted, her father was not. She was thrown out by her parents as a little girl, but hid from the soldiers until she was thirteen, and when she manifested at age fourteen, she still couldn't be captured.
Other: She's known the rebels for most of her life, and where they are is where her home is. She was part of the group that killed the first King. Also open for a crush.
Her outfit mostly consists of a black tank top and black jeans, and a plain black choker.
Edited By Shayni on 8/27/2017 at 9:57 AM.
Level 64
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 7:49 PM
Post #4
Sign ups are now open! :)
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 8:15 PM
Post #5
Name: Rain Crimson
Age: 17
Tainted or Gifted: tainted
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: short dirty blond hair and greenish blue eyes. She wears a plain blue shirt, jeans, and socks with flip flops (just because she can)
Sorry for not giving a picture.
Powers: dream walking
Personality: fairly nice and helpful. She hates violence.
Background: her mom didn't want to give her up, but her father forced her mom to. When the rebels decided to kill the king she refused to help kill him but did come to help heal their wounded.
Other: she has a pet hummingbird she caught herself, when she decided to release it because she knew it was wrong to keep it caged up, the hummingbird chose to stay with her.
Edited By Bluepearl13 on 8/26/2017 at 10:55 PM.
Level 64
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 8:17 PM
Post #6
She has to be part of the rebels, as the others were killed. :( If you can change that she's accepted. You can say that she's their healer and didn't help with the murder.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 8:26 PM
Post #7
Fixed that, sorry.
Level 64
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 8:26 PM
Post #8
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 8:47 PM
Post #9
Name: Steven Millard
Age (15 to 17): 16 years almost 17
Tainted or Gifted: Gifted
Sexuality: as long as it true love he can go both ways so I guess Bisexual
Powers: he can summon a spirit animal to aid him in a fight
Personality: Steven is sweet and caring about all of his friends and family. He can be a bit on the childish at times and loves a good adventure. Isn't too big on skipping class though lives making new friend no matter whom they are animal or people. Loyalty is high on his priority list, thus he will never leave a friends side in a fight.
Background: He was born to a family whom had nothing. His mother was a bar maid and his father a hard working farm hand each never really having the time or money to marry. When his mother found she was expecting the two quickly tied the knot though with no home they were forced to live in the inn. The day he was born though that changed. With the white star upon the infants forehead the couple soon found themselves in a home of their own and a bit of money to sit upon. The two overjoyed that their prayers were answered made good use of the gold and built a farm for their son. Around his first birthday though his mother fell sick during a storm and his father was forced to take her to the medic for treatment. It was then that his nanny tried to kidnap him. She almost got away with it as well if it hadn't been for the dog whom he managed to summon then. The spirit animal stayed by his side until his parents returned thus showing his ability and power. For years he wasn't able to summon the animals again until he really needed them such as when he fell from a tree, or when he nearly drowned in the pond behind the house. Now he is in the school and able to have a spirit follower nearly all the time though it's limited to a falcon, a wolf, or horse.
Other: His wolf is named Kim, the falcon Sight, and the horse Hoarce
Level 64
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Posted: 8/26/2017 at 8:55 PM
Post #10
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