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Forum Index > General Discussion > POST YOUR FUNNY CHAT HISTORIES HERE!!!!!
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Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 2/23/2015
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Posted: 9/3/2017 at 4:47 PM Post #1
Do it. Now

Sc0ut:good morning
Wolfiesparks: bye XD
how were your waffles?
Sc0ut: Great
Wolfiesparks: XD waffles are the best
Sc0ut: Yep
Wolfiesparks: now i want waffles...
Sc0ut: *protects waffles* >:3 Nu
Wolfiesparks: gezz, i have my own waffle maker, if i really wanted some...
Sc0ut: *steals waffle maker* MINE
Wolfiesparks: NOT THE WAFFLES!!! * uses wizardry to levitate over waffle maker*
Sc0ut: *makes a hundred waffles and gives them to u* Here :3
Now let me die in peace
Wolfiesparks: *Takes waffles greedily, noticing they have no chocolate chips* WHERE ARE MY CHOCOLATE CHIPS???
Sc0ut: *puts chocolate chips in waffles and runs away*
Wolfiesparks: *stuffs mouth with waffles, happy they now have chocolate chips, spreading nutella and strawberries on them*
Sc0ut: o.o
Wolfiesparks: NUTELLA
Sc0ut: *steals nutella*
Wolfiesparks: REALLY??? *hot waffle irons appear and surround you with the heat*
Wolfiesparks: *explodes with sadness and then remembers is wizard and summons a vat of nutella with two spoons to share*
Sc0ut: *o*
Wolfiesparks: *hands over spoon and starts eating*
Sc0ut: *eats le nutella*
Wolfiesparks: *sits in beach chair rubbing full stomach* ahhhhhhhhhh...
Sc0ut: Hey sorry to bug you, but is Amberfoot a warrior?
Wolfiesparks: yes
it's fine if you bug me tho
Sc0ut: * spamS * hAve i bugged youu yet
Wolfiesparks: XD no
Sc0ut: dang it
Wolfiesparks: lo0l
Edited By Sc0ut on 9/3/2017 at 4:51 PM.
Level 61
Joined: 1/16/2016
Threads: 52
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Posted: 9/3/2017 at 4:54 PM Post #2
Sc0ut: XD I found an egg, and it says 'species unknown' but then it says Grapevine Faelora. XD(16:33)
Me: Lol, did you get any Solar Eclipse's?(16:33)
Sc0ut: Yes, i now have six in total.(16:35)
Sc0ut: You?(16:36)
Me: I only have one(16:36)
Me: I was only able to get on this one time for the event though(16:36)
Sc0ut: The luff?(16:36)
Me: Yup(16:37)
Sc0ut: Hey you can have one of my luporas, if you want.(16:37)
Me: How much for it?(16:37)
Sc0ut: *casually shoves rabid lupora in face* Idk(16:38)
Sc0ut: *sets price for 1,000,000* here ya go! XD(16:38)
Me: *dies* lol *throws the only money has in face, which is 3 coins* IS THIS GOOD?(16:38)
Sc0ut: YES(16:39)
Me: WEEEE(16:39)
Sc0ut: Do you only have three coins, though?(16:39)
Sc0ut: e.e(16:39)
Me: *grabs lupora and stuffs in overcrowded stables*(16:39)
Sc0ut: Hmm?(16:39)
Sc0ut: HMM?(16:39)
Me: no, I have 375,000 or so(16:39)
Sc0ut: WHAT?!?(16:40)
Me: lol, I thought everyone had like 5,000,000(16:40)
Sc0ut: The only time I ever had any money was when Rixva gave me 100k that I spent on traps.
Me: oh wow.(16:40)
Me: everyone is always selling things for like 1,000,000 gold so I though everyone had that money.(16:40)
Sc0ut: Yeah i always figured people had millions of gold.(16:41)
Me: Poor people squad(16:41)
Sc0ut: Nope!(16:41)
Me: *throws on rags*(16:41)
Sc0ut: this history is amazing lol(16:42)
Me: lol, so, how has u been(16:43)
Sc0ut: *casually wears rags like a poor potato*(16:43)
Sc0ut: Good.(16:43)
Me: im in a battle and eveything I type is becoming an attack(16:43)
Sc0ut: *trying to keep straight face*(16:43)
Sc0ut: Im staring at your luff.(16:43)
Me: *licks lupora like a boss* MINE(16:44)
Sc0ut: e.e(16:44)
Sc0ut: e.e'(16:44)
Me: XD(16:44)
Sc0ut: *slowly backs away*(16:44)
Me: *growls at Sc0ut*(16:44)
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 2/23/2015
Threads: 81
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Posted: 9/3/2017 at 4:58 PM Post #3
XD we have issues.
Level 61
Joined: 1/16/2016
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Posted: 9/3/2017 at 5:08 PM Post #4
True, True. *Slowly becomes NightBaneWolf*
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 2/23/2015
Threads: 81
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Posted: 9/3/2017 at 5:08 PM Post #5
This is bad. XD
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
Threads: 291
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Posted: 9/3/2017 at 5:16 PM Post #6
there is a forum thread for this already:

use it
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